Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Rochlitz.R

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as clrs
from custEM.misc import pyhed_calculations as phc
from import plot_utils as pu
from import PlotBase
import custEM.misc
import sys
import os
from matplotlib import cm
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
from matplotlib import rcParams

[docs] class PlotFD(PlotBase): """ Plot class for visualization of custEM results. class internal functions: ------------------------- - import_line_data() load data interpolated on lines. - import_slice_data() load data interpolated on slices. - load_default_line_data() import all data interpolated on default coordinate-axes. - load_default_slice_data() import all data interpolated on default slices orthogonal to the coordinate axes. - plot_line_data() plot either total or secondary **E** or **H** fields component-wise with real and imaginary parts on an observation line. - plot_line_errors() plot mismatches between two datasets interpolated on the same line or between data and reference solutions component-wise or magnitude with real and imaginary parts on an observation line. - plot_slice_data() plot either total or secondary **E** or **H** fields component-wise with real and imaginary parts on an observation slice. - plot_slice_errors() plot mismatches between two datasets interpolated on the same slice or between data and reference solutions component-wise or magnitude with real and imaginary parts on an observation slice. - add_to_slice_plot() plot 2D data in an existing (sub)figure for custom illustrations. - add_errors_to_slice_plot() plot mismatches of components or field magnitudes of 2D data in an existing (sub)figure for custom illustrations. - add_3D_slice_plot() adds visulaization of 2D data (e.g., with topography) to an existing (sub)figure as 3D plot. class internal utility functions: --------------------------------- - init_main_parameters() utility function for the import-functions. - init_component_integers() utility function for evaulating the correct coordinate directions. - calc_pyhed_reference() deprecated, might not work anymore, might be re-implemented soon. - eval_properties() evaluate plot-properties. - reduce_slice_data() if slice data very interpolated on a grid that is too fine, one could apply a stride (default *1*) to reduce the amount of data, otherwise, 2D visualization can become very slow or even crash. - print_import_error() print warning, if specified data could not be imported - get_coords() evaluate correct coordinates for 1D or 2D visualization - get_coord_names() utility function for **get_coords()** - init_cmap() initalize colormap (adjust colormap type and range) - add_cbar() add a proper colorbar to a figure - rel_errors(), abs_errors(), ratio() calculate relative, absolute errors or ratio between two datasets using the absolute ('abs') values of the latter - mean_errors(), median_errors() calculate **mean* or *median* of an error distribution using the absolute ('abs') values of the latter - save_plot() save a plot in the save-directory - further class-external utility functions are defined at the bottom! see description at the bottom """ def __init__(self, mod, mesh, approach, **plot_kwargs): """ Class for importing, comparing and illustrating interpolated FEM results obtained with custEM in 1D, 2D and 3D. So far, lines and slices parallel or orthogonal to the coordinate-system axes are supported, even with topography. However, support for arbitrary directed interpolation paths or planes still needs to be implemented. Note: ----- - Field quantities are referred to as **E_t**, **H_t**, **E_s** or **H_s**. Potential illustration is not supported yet. Required arguments: ------------------- - mod_name, type str name of the model - mesh_name, type str name of input mesh without suffix - approach, type str either **E_t**, **H_t**, **Am_t**, **An_t** or **E_s**, **H_s**, **Am_s**, **An_s**. Note that **H_t** and **An_t** are theoretically considered but not working yet. Keyword arguments: ------------------ - r_dir = '../results/', type str specify custom modeling results directory if required. - s_dir = '.', type str specify custom save-directory for figures if required. - fig_size = None, type list with len = 2 global adjustment of figure sizes [inch]. - dpi = 300, type int dpi value for saving figures in "png" format - label_color = '#000000', type str string of hexahedral color code to define axis and label colors for plots - fs = 12, type int default font size for tick-labels, legends etc. - dg_space = None, type bool set *True* if data are loaded from discontinuous interpolation to automatically remove multiple values at the same positions and sort the data. Please note, this approach is experimental and should be used with caution """ super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self.mod = mod self.mesh = mesh self.approach = approach self.load_parameters = True for key in plot_kwargs: if key not in self.__dict__: print('!!! Warning: Unknown Plot class argument set:', key) self.__dict__.update(**plot_kwargs) rcParams['axes.edgecolor'] = self.label_color rcParams['xtick.color'] = self.label_color rcParams['ytick.color'] = self.label_color rcParams['axes.labelcolor'] = self.label_color rcParams['text.color'] = self.label_color rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False if not os.path.isdir(self.s_dir): os.makedirs(self.s_dir) rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False if self.fig_size is not None: rcParams['figure.figsize'] = self.fig_size[0], self.fig_size[1] if self.load_parameters: self.load_model_parameters() ########################################################################### # # # import section # # # ###########################################################################
[docs] def import_line_data(self, linE, mod=None, mesh=None, approach=None, EH='EH', sf=None, path=None, key=None, stride=1, tx=None, freq=None): """ import line data from regular line (line-name must end with either "_x", "_y" or "_z" for x-, y-, z-directed lines, respectively). Required arguments: ------------------- - linE, type str name of the line-mesh on which the required data were interpolated - mod = None, type str specify if a different model than the overall defined **self.mod** (input when initiallizing Plot instance) should be imported - mesh = None, type str specify if a different mesh than the overall defined **self.mesh** (Plot instance) should be imported - approach = None, type str specify if a different approach than the overall defined **self.approach** (Plot instance) should be imported - EH='EH', type str Alternatively **E** or **H**, of solely electric or magentic fields should be imported - sf=False, type bool Set **True**, if secondary fields should be imported instead of total fields - path = None, type str if non-default interpolation directorys were chosen, specify the path in which the interpolation results are located - key = None, type str specify a **key** which can be used all over the **Plot** class functions to identify the imported data with this name; Otherwise, the name will generated by default *(mod + '_E_t_on_' + linE)* - stride = 1, type int downsample observation points; return only every *stride*-th point - tx = None, type int if multiple Tx have been computed in the same model, specify which one to import - freq = None, type int if multiple frequencies have been computed in the same model, specify which one to import """ mod, mesh, approach, path = self.init_main_parameters( mod, mesh, approach, path) comp = self.init_component_integers(linE[-1]) if freq is not None: path += 'f_' + str(freq) + '_' if tx is not None: path += 'tx_' + str(tx) + '_' if 'E' in EH: self.general_import(path, 'E_t', linE, key, comp, stride) if 'H' in EH: self.general_import(path, 'H_t', linE, key, comp, stride) if '_s' in approach and sf is None: sf = True if sf: if 'E' in EH: self.general_import(path, 'E_s', linE, key, comp, stride) if 'H' in EH: self.general_import(path, 'H_s', linE, key, comp, stride)
[docs] def import_point_data(self, points, mod=None, mesh=None, approach=None, EH='EH', sf=None, path=None, key=None, tx=None, freq=None): """ import line data from regular line (line-name must end with either "_x", "_y" or "_z" for x-, y-, z-directed lines, respectively). Required arguments: ------------------- - points, type str name of the path-mesh on which the required data were interpolated - mod = None, type str specify if a different model than the overall defined **self.mod** (input when initiallizing Plot instance) should be imported - mesh = None, type str specify if a different mesh than the overall defined **self.mesh** (Plot instance) should be imported - approach = None, type str specify if a different approach than the overall defined **self.approach** (Plot instance) should be imported - EH='EH', type str Alternatively **E** or **H**, of solely electric or magentic fields should be imported - sf=False, type bool Set **True**, if secondary fields should be imported instead of total fields - path = None, type str if non-default interpolation directorys were chosen, specify the path in which the interpolation results are located - key = None, type str specify a **key** which can be used all over the **Plot** class functions to identify the imported data with this name; Otherwise, the name will generated by default *(mod + '_E_t_on_' + linE)* - tx = None, type int if multiple Tx have been computed in the same model, specify which one to import - freq = None, type int if multiple frequencies have been computed in the same model, specify which one to import """ mod, mesh, approach, path = self.init_main_parameters( mod, mesh, approach, path) if freq is not None: path += 'f_' + str(freq) + '_' if tx is not None: path += 'tx_' + str(tx) + '_' if 'E' in EH: self.general_import(path, 'E_t', points, key, None, stride) if 'H' in EH: self.general_import(path, 'H_t', points, key, None, stride) if '_s' in approach and sf is None: sf = True if sf: if 'E' in EH: self.general_import(path, 'E_s', points, key, None, stride) if 'H' in EH: self.general_import(path, 'H_s', points, key, None, stride)
[docs] def import_slice_data(self, slicE, mod=None, mesh=None, approach=None, EH='EH', sf=None, path=None, key=None, coord_key=None, stride=1, tx=None, freq=None): """ import slice data from regular slices (slice-name must end with either "_x", "_y" or "_z" for x-, y-, z-directed slice-normals, respectively). Required arguments: ------------------- - slicE, type str name of the slice-mesh on which required data were interpolated - mod = None, type str specify if a different model than the overall defined **self.mod** (input when initiallizing Plot instance) should be imported - mesh = None, type str specify if a different mesh than the overall defined **self.mesh** (Plot instance) should be imported - approach = None, type str specify if a different approach than the overall defined **self.approach** (Plot instance) should be imported - EH='EH', type str Alternatively **E** or **H**, of solely electric or magentic fields should be imported - sf=False, type bool Set **True**, if secondary fields should be imported instead of total fields - path = None, type str if non-default interpolation directorys were chosen, specify the path in which the interpolation results are located - key = None, type str specify a **key** which can be used all over the **Plot** class functions to identify the imported data with this name; Otherwise, the name will generated by default: *(mod + '_E_t_on_' + linE)* - coord_key = None, type str specify a **coord_key**, if interpolated data are imported several times with a different **stride**, e.g. for 'contour' and 'vector- arorow '(plt.contourf and plt.quiver) visualization at the same time. Later on, the underlying data coordinates can be referenced for plotting by these **coord_key**s - stride = 1, type int specify, if only every *stride*th (e.g., 10th) data point from a dense slice-interpolation mesh should be imported (stride equal in x- and y- direction). Too large 2D datasets make visualization VERY slow and even lead to crashes - tx = None, type int if multiple Tx have been computed in the same model, specify which one to import - freq = None, type int if multiple frequencies have been computed in the same model, specify which one to import """ mod, mesh, approach, path = self.init_main_parameters( mod, mesh, approach, path) comp1, comp2 = self.init_component_integers(slicE[-1], line=False) if freq is not None: path += 'f_' + str(freq) + '_' if tx is not None: path += 'tx_' + str(tx) + '_' if coord_key is None: coord_key = slicE if 'E' in EH: self.general_import(path, 'E_t', slicE, key, [comp1, comp2], stride, coord_key) if 'H' in EH: self.general_import(path, 'H_t', slicE, key, [comp1, comp2], stride, coord_key) if '_s' in approach and sf is None: sf = True if sf: if 'E' in EH: self.general_import(path, 'E_s', slicE, key, [comp1, comp2], stride, coord_key) if 'H' in EH: self.general_import(path, 'H_s', slicE, key, [comp1, comp2], stride, coord_key)
[docs] def load_default_line_data(self, interp_meshes='small', **kwargs): """ laod all or specific line data from a default set of line-interpolation meshes. Keyword arguments: ------------------ - interp_meshes = 'small', type str name of the default set of line-interpolation meshes - further keyword arguments listed in the **import_line_data()** docs """ if interp_meshes == 'small': self.import_line_data('default_small_line_x', **kwargs) self.import_line_data('default_small_line_y', **kwargs) self.import_line_data('default_small_line_z', **kwargs) elif interp_meshes == 'large': self.import_line_data('default_large_line_x', **kwargs) self.import_line_data('default_large_line_y', **kwargs) self.import_line_data('default_large_line_z', **kwargs) else: print('Error!, Invalid interpolation mesh type!') raise SystemExit if '_s' in self.approach: if interp_meshes == 'small': self.import_line_data('default_small_line_x', **kwargs) self.import_line_data('default_small_line_y', **kwargs) self.import_line_data('default_small_line_z', **kwargs) elif interp_meshes == 'large': self.import_line_data('default_large_line_x', **kwargs) self.import_line_data('default_large_line_y', **kwargs) self.import_line_data('default_large_line_z', **kwargs)
[docs] def load_default_slice_data(self, interp_meshes='small', **kwargs): """ laod all or specific line data from a default set of slice-interpolation meshes. Keyword arguments: ------------------ - interp_meshes = 'small', type str name of the default set of slice-interpolation meshes - further keyword arguments listed in the **import_slice_data()** docs """ if interp_meshes == 'small': self.import_slice_data('default_small_slice_x', **kwargs) self.import_slice_data('default_small_slice_y', **kwargs) self.import_slice_data('default_small_slice_z', **kwargs) elif interp_meshes == 'large': self.import_slice_data('default_large_slice_x', **kwargs) self.import_slice_data('default_large_slice_y', **kwargs) self.import_slice_data('default_large_slice_z', **kwargs) else: print('Error!, Invalid interpolation mesh type!') raise SystemExit if '_s' in self.approach: if interp_meshes == 'small': self.import_slice_data('default_small_slice_x', **kwargs) self.import_slice_data('default_small_slice_y', **kwargs) self.import_slice_data('default_small_slice_z', **kwargs) elif interp_meshes == 'large': self.import_slice_data('default_large_slice_x', **kwargs) self.import_slice_data('default_large_slice_y', **kwargs) self.import_slice_data('default_large_slice_z', **kwargs)
########################################################################### # # # line plot section # # # ###########################################################################
[docs] def plot_point_data(self, mesh=None, EH='EH', mod=None, s_name=None, ylim=None, grid=True, ap=False, sf=False, new=True, label=None, legend=True, title=None, sharey=False, key=None, stations=None, fs=12, save=True, **kwargs): """ work in priogress, see also *plot_line_data* docs """ keys, label, EH, coords, cc = self.eval_properties( mod, key, label, EH, sf, mesh, points=True) if stations is None: stations = coords xlim = [0 - 0.2, len(stations) - 0.8] for k, key in enumerate(keys): if new: setattr(self, EH[k] + '_Lax', pu.make_subfigure_box( var=EH[k], fs=fs, ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, sf=sf, grid=grid, cc=cc, ap=ap, sharey=sharey, add_km=False, clr=self.label_color)[1]) if ap: d1, d2 = self.amp_phase_comp(self.point_data[key]) print(d1.shape, d2.shape) else: d1 = np.abs(self.point_data[key].real) d2 = np.abs(self.point_data[key].imag) for j in range(3): getattr(self, EH[k] + '_Lax')[j, 0].plot( coords[:len(stations)], d1[:, j][stations], **kwargs) tmp, = getattr(self, EH[k] + '_Lax')[j, 1].plot( coords[:len(stations)], d2[:, j][stations], **kwargs) if j == 2: tmp.set_label(label) if legend: getattr(self, EH[k] + '_Lax')[2, 1].legend(loc='best') self.save_plot(EH[k], title, save, s_name, fs, mesh)
[docs] def plot_point_errors(self, mod=None, mod2=None, mesh=None, EH='EH', err_type='rel', key=None, key2=None, ylim=[-1e2, 1e2], new=True, sf=False, sf2=False, log_scale=False, pyhed_ref=False, stations=None, label=None, xlim=[-5., 5.], legend=True, fs=12, title=None, save=True, s_name=None, **kwargs): """ Plot mismatch between two EM datasets, separated by real and imaginary parts as well as the three vector components. Keyword arguments: ------------------ - Most keyword arguments are identical to the ones documented in the **plot_line_data()** function. Therefore, only differing arguments are listed here. - mod2 = None, type str specify the 2nd model for mismatch calculation. - key2 = None, type str access the second model via the **key** if required. This overwrites the **mod2** argument. - err_type = 'rel', type str specify which type of errors between both datasets should be used: Either **'rel'** or **'abs'** or **'ratio'**. - log_scale = False, type bool set **True** for logarithmic error representation. """ if label is None: label = err_type + ' [%]' keys, label, EH, coords, cc = self.eval_properties( mod, key, label, EH, sf, mesh, points=True) keys2, label, EH, coords, cc = self.eval_properties( mod2, key2, label, EH, sf2, mesh, points=True) if stations is None: stations = coords xlim = [0 - 0.2, len(stations) - 0.8] for k, key in enumerate(keys): key2 = [kk for kk in keys2][k] if pyhed_ref: self.line_data[key2] = self.calc_pyhed_reference( key2, EH=EH[k]) if err_type == 'rel': diff, mag = self.rel_errors(self.point_data[key], self.point_data[key2], store=False) elif err_type == 'abs': diff, mag = self.abs_errors(self.point_data[key], self.point_data[key2], store=False) elif err_type == 'ratio': diff, mag = self.ratio(self.point_data[key], self.point_data[key2], store=False) else: print('Error! "err_type" mus be "rel", "abs", or "ratio"!') raise SystemExit if new: setattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax', pu.make_subfigure_box( sf=sf, height=4, var=EH[k], ylim=ylim, fs=fs, xlim=xlim, log_scale=log_scale, err_plot='diff', cc=cc, add_km=False, clr=self.label_color)[1]) if log_scale: for j in range(3): getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[j, 0].plot( coords[:len(stations)], np.log(np.abs( diff[:, j].real))[:len(stations)], **kwargs) getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[j, 1].plot( coords[:len(stations)], np.log(np.abs( diff[:, j].imag))[:len(stations)], **kwargs) getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[3, 0].plot( coords[:len(stations)], np.log( np.abs(mag.real))[:len(stations)], **kwargs) tmp, = getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[3, 1].plot( coords[:len(stations)], np.log(np.abs( mag.imag))[:len(stations)], label=label, **kwargs) else: for j in range(3): getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[j, 0].plot( coords[:len(stations)], np.abs( diff[:, j].real)[:len(stations)], **kwargs) getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[j, 1].plot( coords[:len(stations)], np.abs( diff[:, j].imag)[:len(stations)], **kwargs) getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[3, 0].plot( coords[:len(stations)], np.abs( mag.real)[:len(stations)], **kwargs) tmp, = getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[3, 1].plot( coords[:len(stations)], np.abs( mag.imag)[:len(stations)], label=label, **kwargs) tmp.set_label(label) if legend is not False: getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[3, 1].legend(loc='best') self.save_plot(EH[k], title, save, s_name, fs, mesh)
[docs] def plot_line_data(self, mesh=None, EH='EH', mod=None, s_name=None, km=1e3, ylim=None, xlim=[-5., 5.], grid=True, sf=False, label=None, legend=True, title=None, sharey=False, ap=False, key=None, new=True, fs=12, save=True, **kwargs): """ Plot EM-data (if topo: projected) on 1D straight lines, separated by real and imaginary parts as well as the three vector components. The y-axis is always scaled logarithmically. Keyword arguments: ------------------ - mesh = None, type str specify if data are not based on the same coordinates as the ones of the first dataset imported. - EH = 'EH', type str specify if either both (default) or only **E** or **H** fields should be plotted. - mod = None, type str model name to access data from another model that **self.mod** which was imported in the same **Plot** instance for comparison. - s_name = None, type str specify a custom name for saving plot(s) in **self.s_dir**. default is **title + '_' + mesh + '.pdf'** - km = 1e3, type float Automatically convert coordinates from 'm' to km', set to **1.** if 'm' should be kept or something else. - ylim = None, type list with two arguments 'y_min' and 'y_max' specify custom amplitude limits if required. - xlim = [-5., 5.], type list with two arguments 'x_min' and 'x_max' specify custom coordinate limits if required. - grid = True, type bool switch on grid lines or not. - sf = False, type bool set **True** If secondary fields and no total fields of the given model should be visualized. - label = None, type str specify custom line label if required. - legend = True, type bool, switch on legend or not. - title = None, type str specify figure title if required. If **s_name** is **None**, title- and mesh-name will be used to autmatically generate a save-name. - key = None, type str access a certain model via the **key** if required. This overwrites the **mod** argument. - new = True, type bool set to False, if the current data should be added to the last line plot, hence, no new figure will be created. - fs = 12, type int font size for legend and ticklabels. - save = True, type bool flag which controls if the figure is saved. - **kwargs, type keyword arguments additional keyword arguments for plots, e.g., 'lw' or 'color'. """ keys, label, EH, coords, cc = self.eval_properties( mod, key, label, EH, sf, mesh) for k, key in enumerate(keys): if new: setattr(self, EH[k] + '_Lax', pu.make_subfigure_box( var=EH[k], fs=fs, ylim=ylim, xlim=xlim, sf=sf, grid=grid, cc=cc, ap=ap, sharey=sharey, clr=self.label_color)[1]) if ap: d1, d2 = self.amp_phase_comp(self.line_data[key]) else: d1 = np.abs(self.line_data[key].real) d2 = np.abs(self.line_data[key].imag) for j in range(3): getattr(self, EH[k] + '_Lax')[j, 0].plot( coords/km, d1[:, j], **kwargs) tmp, = getattr(self, EH[k] + '_Lax')[j, 1].plot( coords/km, d2[:, j], **kwargs) if j == 2: tmp.set_label(label) if legend: getattr(self, EH[k] + '_Lax')[2, 1].legend(loc='best') self.save_plot(EH[k], title, save, s_name, fs, mesh)
[docs] def plot_line_errors(self, mod=None, mod2=None, mesh=None, EH='EH', err_type='rel', key=None, key2=None, km=1e3, ylim=[1e-2, 1e2], new=True, sf=False, sf2=None, log_scale=True, pyhed_ref=False, magnitude=False, label=None, xlim=[-5., 5.], legend=True, fs=12, title=None, save=True, s_name=None, **kwargs): """ Plot mismatch between two EM datasets, separated by real and imaginary parts as well as the three vector components. Keyword arguments: ------------------ - Most keyword arguments are identical to the ones documented in the **plot_line_data()** function. Therefore, only differing arguments are listed here. - mod2 = None, type str specify the 2nd model for mismatch calculation. - key2 = None, type str access the second model via the **key** if required. This overwrites the **mod2** argument. - err_type = 'rel', type str specify which type of errors between both datasets should be used: Either **'rel'** or **'abs'** or **'ratio'**. - log_scale = False, type bool set **True** for logarithmic error representation. """ if sf2 is None: sf2 = sf if label is None: label = err_type + ' [%]' keys, label, EH_dummy, coords, cc = self.eval_properties( mod, key, label, EH, sf, mesh) keys2, label, EH, coords, cc = self.eval_properties( mod2, key2, label, EH, sf2, mesh) for k, key in enumerate(keys): key2 = [kk for kk in keys2][k] if pyhed_ref: self.line_data[key2] = self.calc_pyhed_reference( key2, EH=EH[k]) if err_type == 'rel': diff, mag = self.rel_errors(self.line_data[key], self.line_data[key2], store=False) elif err_type == 'abs': diff, mag = self.abs_errors(self.line_data[key], self.line_data[key2], store=False) elif err_type == 'ratio': diff, mag = self.ratio(self.line_data[key], self.line_data[key2], store=False) else: print('Error! "err_type" mus be "rel", "abs", or "ratio"!') raise SystemExit if new: if magnitude: setattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax', pu.make_subfigure_box( sf=sf, height=4, var=EH[k], ylim=ylim, fs=fs, xlim=xlim, log_scale=log_scale, err_plot='diff', cc=cc, clr=self.label_color)[1]) else: setattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax', pu.make_subfigure_box( sf=sf, height=3, var=EH[k], ylim=ylim, fs=fs, xlim=xlim, log_scale=log_scale, err_plot='diff', cc=cc, clr=self.label_color)[1]) if log_scale: for j in range(2): getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[j, 0].plot( coords/km, np.abs(diff[:, j].real), **kwargs) getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[j, 1].plot( coords/km, np.abs(diff[:, j].imag), **kwargs) getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[2, 0].plot( coords/km, np.abs(diff[:, 2].real), **kwargs) tmp, = getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[2, 1].plot( coords/km, np.abs(diff[:, 2].imag), label=label, **kwargs) else: for j in range(2): getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[j, 0].plot( coords/km, np.abs(diff[:, j].real), **kwargs) getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[j, 1].plot( coords/km, np.abs(diff[:, j].imag), **kwargs) getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[2, 0].plot( coords/km, np.abs(mag.real), **kwargs) tmp, = getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[2, 1].plot( coords/km, np.abs(mag.imag), label=label, **kwargs) tmp.set_label(label) if legend is not False: getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Lax')[2, 1].legend(loc='best') self.save_plot(EH[k], title, save, s_name, fs, mesh)
[docs] def add_to_line_plot(self, ax, pos, errors=False, mod=None, mod2=None, comp='x', log_scale=None, tcolor='#002C72', ap=False, key=None, key2=None, sf=False, sf2=False, grid=True, ri='real', EH='H', mesh=None, label=None, km=1e3, llabel=None, fs=12, ylim=[0, 1e2], xlim=[-5., 5.], err_type='rel', **kwargs): """ Add either line data or errors to a specific subplot. Keyword arguments: ------------------ - All keyword arguments are identical to the ones documented in the previous methods. """ if mesh is None: mesh = [key for key in self.line_coords][0] l_hacked_flag = True if label is None: l_hacked_flag = False keys, label, EH_dummy, coords, cc = self.eval_properties( mod, key, label, EH, sf, mesh) keys2, label, EH, coords, cc = self.eval_properties( mod2, key2, label, EH, sf2, mesh) for k, key in enumerate(keys): key2 = [kk for kk in keys2][k] if not errors and ri == 'real': if comp in ['x', 'y', 'z']: d = np.abs(self.line_data[key][:, self.c_idx[comp]].real) elif comp == 'mag': d = np.linalg.norm(self.line_data[key].real, axis=1) elif not errors and ri == 'imag': if comp in ['x', 'y', 'z']: d = np.abs(self.line_data[key][:, self.c_idx[comp]].imag) elif comp == 'mag': d = np.linalg.norm(self.line_data[key].imag, axis=1) elif not errors and ri == 'amp': d, dummy = self.amp_phase_comp(self.line_data[key]) if comp in ['x', 'y', 'z']: d = d[:, self.c_idx[comp]] elif comp == 'mag': d = np.linalg.norm(d, axis=1) elif not errors and ri == 'phase': dummy, d = self.amp_phase_comp(self.line_data[key]) if comp in ['x', 'y', 'z']: d = d[:, self.c_idx[comp]] elif comp == 'mag': d = np.linalg.norm(d, axis=1) ddr = np.linalg.norm(self.line_data[key].real, axis=1) ddi = np.linalg.norm(self.line_data[key].imag, axis=1) dd = np.zeros(len(ddr), dtype=complex) dd.real = ddr dd.imag = ddi ddd = np.angle(dd, deg=True) d = ddd elif errors: if not ap: if err_type == 'rel': diff, mag = self.rel_errors(self.line_data[key], self.line_data[key2], store=False) elif err_type == 'abs': diff, mag = self.abs_errors(self.line_data[key], self.line_data[key2], store=False) elif err_type == 'ratio': diff, mag = self.ratio(self.line_data[key], self.line_data[key2], store=False) if ri == 'real': if comp in ['x', 'y', 'z']: d = np.abs(diff[:, self.c_idx[comp]].real) elif comp == 'mag': d = mag.real elif ri == 'imag': if comp in ['x', 'y', 'z']: d = np.abs(diff[:, self.c_idx[comp]].imag) elif comp == 'mag': d = mag.imag else: if ri == 'amp': d1, dummy = self.amp_phase_comp(self.line_data[key]) d2, dummy = self.amp_phase_comp(self.line_data[key2]) elif ri == 'phase': dummy, d1 = self.amp_phase_comp(self.line_data[key]) dummy, d2 = self.amp_phase_comp(self.line_data[key2]) if err_type == 'ratio': if ri == 'amp': if comp in ['x', 'y', 'z']: d = (d2[:, self.c_idx[comp]] / d1[:, self.c_idx[comp]]) * 100. elif comp == 'mag': d = np.linalg.norm(d2, axis=1) / \ np.linalg.norm(d1, axis=1) * 100 elif ri == 'phase': d = d1 else: print('Not implmeneted yet') raise SystemExit if ri != 'phase': data = np.abs(d) else: data = d if llabel is None: self.tmp_plot, = ax[pos[0], pos[1]].plot(coords/km, data, **kwargs) else: self.tmp_plot, = ax[pos[0], pos[1]].plot( coords/km, data, label=llabel, **kwargs) if l_hacked_flag: ax[pos[0], pos[1]].set_title(label, fontsize=fs, color=tcolor) ax[pos[0], pos[1]].set_ylim(ylim) ax[pos[0], pos[1]].set_xlim(xlim) if grid: ax[pos[0], pos[1]].grid(which='major', color='0.8', ls=':') if log_scale: ax[pos[0], pos[1]].set_yscale('log') elif log_scale is False: ax[pos[0], pos[1]].set_yscale('linear')
########################################################################### # # # slice plot section # # # ###########################################################################
[docs] def plot_slice_data(self, mesh=None, mod=None, sf=False, km=1., ap=False, n_colors=21, EH='EH', label=None, fs=12, c_lim=None, cmap=None, equal_axis=True, xlim=None, ylim=None, key=None, title=None, save=True, s_name=None, shift=0., var=None, dummy=True, kk=0): """ Plot 2D EM-data (if topo: projected) on straight slices, separated by real and imaginary parts as well as the three vector components. The y-axis is always scaled logarithmically. Amplitudes are represented by the color map. Keyword arguments: ------------------ Most keyword arguments are identical to the ones documented in the **plot_line_data()** and **plot_line_errors()** functions. Therefore, only differing arguments are listed here. - n_colors = 101, type int number of different colors for the colormap - cmap = None, type str specify a custom matplotlib colormap via string-name. Currently supported: **'magma'**, **'viridis'** and **'RdBu_r'** by default: is used for *E* fields, is used for *H* fields, is used for error plots - c_lim = None, type list with two arguments 'c_min' and 'c_max' specify custom amplitude limits if required - equal_axis = True, type bool set to **False** for non-equal x- and y-axis aspect ratio """ keys, label, EH, coords, cc = self.eval_properties( mod, key, label, EH, sf, mesh, line=False) coords0 = coords[0] * km coords1 = coords[1] * km for k, key in enumerate(keys): if var is None: var = [EH[k], EH[k], EH[k]] dummy = False kk = k if k == 1 and dummy: pass else: f, ax = pu.make_subfigure_box( var=var, log_scale=False, cc=cc, fs=fs, sf=sf, sliceplot=True, clr=self.label_color, ap=ap) setattr(self, EH[k] + '_Sax', ax) minlog, maxlog, colors, c1, c2 = pu.eval_colors( self.slice_data[key], n_colors, c_lim) if ap: phase_colors = np.load(os.path.dirname(custEM.misc.__file__) + '\hpluv_rgb_colors.npy') self.phase_map = clrs.ListedColormap(phase_colors) d1, d2 = self.amp_phase_comp(self.slice_data[key], shift=shift) else: d1 = np.abs(self.slice_data[key].real) d2 = np.abs(self.slice_data[key].imag) if EH[k] == 'E': ll = r'$\mathbf{E}$ $(V/m)$' else: ll = r'$\mathbf{H}$ $(A/m)$' for j in range(3): if var[j] != EH[k]: continue if dummy and k == 1: if var == 'E': continue cm = self.init_cmap(cmap, var[j]) d = [d1[:, j].reshape(len(coords0), len(coords1))] d.append(d2[:, j].reshape(len(coords0), len(coords1))) if ap: self.tmp_plot = getattr( self, EH[kk] + '_Sax')[j, 0].contourf( coords0, coords1, d[0].T, levels=colors, norm=clrs.LogNorm(), cmap=cm) self.tmp_plot.set_clim(c1, c2) if j == 2: self.add_cbar(f, [c1, c2], fs=fs, label=ll, pos=[0.8, 0.12, 0.03, 0.75], additional=1, cmap2=dummy) self.tmp_plot = getattr( self, EH[kk] + '_Sax')[j, 1].pcolormesh( coords0, coords1, d[1].T, cmap=self.phase_map) self.tmp_plot.set_clim(-180, 180) if j == 2: self.add_phase_bar(f, fs=fs, dummy=dummy) else: for jj in range(2): self.tmp_plot = getattr( self, EH[kk] + '_Sax')[j, jj].contourf( coords0, coords1, d[jj].T, levels=colors, norm=clrs.LogNorm(), cmap=cm) self.tmp_plot.set_clim(c1, c2) if j == 2: self.add_cbar(f, [c1, c2], fs=fs, label=ll, additional=1, cmap2=dummy) if var == ['E', 'E', 'E']: var = None pu.adjust_axes(getattr(self, EH[kk] + '_Sax'), equal_axis, xlim, ylim) pu.adjust_ticks_and_labels(ax) self.save_plot(EH[kk], title, save, s_name, fs, mesh, png=True)
[docs] def plot_slice_errors(self, mod=None, mod2=None, mesh=None, EH='EH', err_type='rel', key=None, key2=None, ap=False, n_colors=101, c_lim=[1e-1, 1e2], p_lim=1., sf=False, fs=12, pyhed_ref=False, mask=None, label='err [%]', cmap=None, equal_axis=True, xlim=None, ylim=None, magnitude=False, shift=0., title=None, save=True, s_name=None): """ Plot mismatches between two 2D EM-datasets, separated by real and imaginary parts as well as the three vector components. The y-axis is always scaled logarithmically. Amplitudes are represented by the color map. Keyword arguments: ------------------ - All keyword arguments are identical to the ones documented in the **plot_line_data()**, **plot_line_errors()** and **plot_slice_data()** functions. It is referred to the latter. """ keys, label, EH, coords, cc = self.eval_properties( mod, key, label, EH, sf, mesh, line=False) keys2, label, EH, coords, cc = self.eval_properties( mod2, key2, label, EH, sf, mesh, line=False) for k, key in enumerate(keys): key2 = [kk for kk in keys2][k] if pyhed_ref: self.slice_data[key2] = self.calc_pyhed_reference( key2, EH=EH[k]) if ap: d11, d12 = self.amp_phase_comp(self.slice_data[key], shift=shift) d21, d22 = self.amp_phase_comp(self.slice_data[key2], shift=shift) if err_type == 'rel': diff, mag = self.rel_errors(d11, d21, store=False) diff2, mag2 = self.abs_errors(d12, d22, store=False) diff.imag = diff2.real mag.imag = mag2.real else: print('Error! "err_type" must be "rel" for "ap=True" !') raise SystemExit else: d1 = self.slice_data[key] d2 = self.slice_data[key2] if err_type == 'rel': diff, mag = self.rel_errors(d1, d2, store=False) elif err_type == 'abs': diff, mag = self.abs_errors(d1, d2, store=False) elif err_type == 'ratio': diff, mag = self.ratio(d1, d2, store=False) else: print('Error! "err_type" mus be "rel", "abs", or "ratio"!') raise SystemExit cm = self.init_cmap(cmap=cmap, var='err') if magnitude: h = 4 else: h = 3 f, ax = pu.make_subfigure_box( height=h, var=EH[k], log_scale=False, cc=cc, ap=ap, fs=fs, err_plot='diff', sharey=True, sf=sf, sliceplot=True, clr=self.label_color) setattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Sax', ax) minlog, maxlog, colors, c1, c2 = pu.eval_colors( np.hstack((diff, mag.reshape(-1, 1))), n_colors, c_lim, quant=90, symlog=True) for j in range(h): if j != 3: d = [diff[:, j].real.reshape(len(coords[0]), len(coords[1]))] d.append(diff[:, j].imag.reshape(len(coords[0]), len(coords[1]))) if mask is not None: d[0][mask[0][: , j].reshape(d[0].shape)==False] = 0. d[1][mask[1][: , j].reshape(d[1].shape)==False] = 0. else: d = [mag.real.reshape(len(coords[0]), len(coords[1]))] d.append(mag.imag.reshape(len(coords[0]), len(coords[1]))) for jj in range(2): if ap and jj == 1: d[jj][d[jj] < -p_lim] = -p_lim d[jj][d[jj] > p_lim] = p_lim self.tmp_plot = getattr( self, EH[k] + '_err_Sax')[j, jj].pcolormesh( coords[0], coords[1], d[jj].T, vmin=-p_lim, vmax=p_lim, cmap='PuOr') else: self.tmp_plot = getattr( self, EH[k] + '_err_Sax')[j, jj].pcolormesh( coords[0], coords[1], d[jj].T, norm=clrs.SymLogNorm(linthresh=c1, vmin=-10**maxlog, vmax=10**maxlog), cmap=cm) if ap and j == 2: if jj == 0: self.add_cbar(f, [c1, c2], fs=fs, additional=1, cmap='RdBu_r', symlog=True, pos=[0.8, 0.12, 0.03, 0.75], label=r'$\mathbf{\epsilon}$ $(\%)$') elif jj == 1: self.add_phase_bar(f, fs=fs, delta=True, p_lim=p_lim) else: if j == 2: self.add_cbar(f, [c1, c2], fs=fs, additional=1, cmap='RdBu_r', symlog=True, label=r'$\mathbf{\epsilon}$ $(\%)$') pu.adjust_axes(getattr(self, EH[k] + '_err_Sax'), equal_axis, xlim, ylim, size=h) pu.adjust_ticks_and_labels(ax) if title is not None: plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=fs) self.save_plot(EH[k], title, save, s_name, fs, mesh, png=True)
[docs] def plot_magnitude_angle_misfits(self, mod=None, mod2=None, mesh=None, EH='EH', cmap_width=0.9, err_type='rel', key=None, key2=None, n_colors=101, e_lim=[1e-1, 1e2], p_lim=10., sf=False, fs=12, a_lim=[1e-12, 1e-0], label='err [%]', cmap=None, shift=0., equal_axis=True, xlim=None, ylim=None, title=None, save=True, s_name=None): """ Description! Keyword arguments: ------------------ """ keys, label, EH, coords, cc = self.eval_properties( mod, key, label, EH, sf, mesh, line=False) keys2, label, EH, coords, cc = self.eval_properties( mod2, key2, label, EH, sf, mesh, line=False) for k, key in enumerate(keys): key2 = [kk for kk in keys2][k] if err_type == 'rel': diff, mag = self.rel_errors(self.slice_data[key], self.slice_data[key2], store=False) da, mag_a = self.abs_errors(self.slice_data[key], self.slice_data[key2], store=False) angles = self.abs_angles(self.slice_data[key], self.slice_data[key2], store=False) else: print('Error! "err_type" must be "rel" for "ap=True" !') raise SystemExit cm = self.init_cmap(cmap=cmap, var='err') cm2 = self.init_cmap(cmap=cmap, var=EH[k]) if EH[k] == 'E': ll = r'$\mathbf{E}$ $(V/m)$' else: ll = r'$\mathbf{H}$ $(A/m)$' f, ax = pu.make_subfigure_box( height=3, width=3, var=EH[k], log_scale=False, cc=cc, ap=True, fs=fs, err_plot='diff', sharey=True, sf=sf, sliceplot=True, clr=self.label_color) setattr(self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax', ax) minlog, maxlog, colors, c1, c2 = pu.eval_colors( np.hstack((diff, mag.reshape(-1, 1))), n_colors, e_lim, quant=90, symlog=True) minlog2, maxlog2, colors2, c12, c22 = pu.eval_colors( np.hstack((da, mag_a.reshape(-1, 1))), n_colors, a_lim, quant=90, symlog=False) mag_a2 = np.abs(mag_a) v1, _ = self.amp_phase_mag(self.slice_data[key]) v2, _ = self.amp_phase_mag(self.slice_data[key2]) rel_e = ((v2 - v1) / v1) * 100. cos_a_real = np.sum(np.abs(self.slice_data[key] * self.slice_data[key2]), axis=1) scale_real = (np.linalg.norm(np.abs( self.slice_data[key]), axis=1) * np.linalg.norm(np.abs( self.slice_data[key2]), axis=1)) angles2 = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(cos_a_real / scale_real)) pu.adjust_axes(getattr(self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax'), equal_axis, xlim, ylim, size=3, width=3) p0 = getattr( self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[0, 2].get_position( ).get_points().flatten() p1 = getattr( self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[1, 2].get_position( ).get_points().flatten() p2 = getattr( self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[2, 2].get_position( ).get_points().flatten() # abs misfits self.tmp_plot = getattr( self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[0, 0].contourf( coords[0], coords[1], mag_a.reshape( len(coords[0]), len(coords[1])).real.T, levels=colors2, norm=clrs.LogNorm(), cmap=cm2, vmin=a_lim[0], vmax=a_lim[1]) for c in self.tmp_plot.collections: c.set_edgecolor("face") getattr(self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[0, 0].set_title( r'$\mathbf{\Delta}_{||\Re(\mathbf{' + EH[k] + '})||}$') self.tmp_plot = getattr( self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[0, 1].contourf( coords[0], coords[1], mag_a.reshape( len(coords[0]), len(coords[1])).imag.T, levels=colors2, norm=clrs.LogNorm(), cmap=cm2, vmin=a_lim[0], vmax=a_lim[1]) for c in self.tmp_plot.collections: c.set_edgecolor("face") getattr(self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[0, 1].set_title( r'$\mathbf{\Delta}_{||\Im(\mathbf{' + EH[k] + '})||}$') self.tmp_plot = getattr( self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[0, 2].contourf( coords[0], coords[1], mag_a2.reshape( len(coords[0]), len(coords[1])).T, levels=colors2, norm=clrs.LogNorm(), cmap=cm2, vmin=a_lim[0], vmax=a_lim[1]) for c in self.tmp_plot.collections: c.set_edgecolor("face") getattr(self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[0, 2].set_title( r'$\mathbf{\Delta}_{||\mathbf{' + EH[k] + '}||}$') self.add_cbar(f, [c12, c22], fs=fs, additional=1, pos=[0.9, p0[1], 0.02, (p0[1]-p1[1]) * cmap_width], label=ll, diff=0.05, label_pos=[0.1, p0[1] + 0.4]) # relative misfits self.tmp_plot = getattr( self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[1, 0].pcolormesh( coords[0], coords[1], mag.reshape( len(coords[0]), len(coords[1])).real.T, norm=clrs.SymLogNorm(linthresh=c1, vmin=-10**maxlog, vmax=10**maxlog), cmap=cm, edgecolors='face') getattr(self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[1, 0].set_title( r'$\mathbf{\epsilon}_{||\Re(\mathbf{' + EH[k] + '})||}$') self.tmp_plot = getattr( self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[1, 1].pcolormesh( coords[0], coords[1], mag.reshape( len(coords[0]), len(coords[1])).imag.T, norm=clrs.SymLogNorm(linthresh=c1, vmin=-10**maxlog, vmax=10**maxlog), cmap=cm, edgecolors='face') getattr(self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[1, 1].set_title( r'$\mathbf{\epsilon}_{||\Im(\mathbf{' + EH[k] + '})||}$') self.tmp_plot = getattr( self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[1, 2].pcolormesh( coords[0], coords[1], rel_e.reshape( len(coords[0]), len(coords[1])).T, norm=clrs.SymLogNorm(linthresh=c1, vmin=-10**maxlog, vmax=10**maxlog), cmap=cm, edgecolors='face') getattr(self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[1, 2].set_title( r'$\mathbf{\epsilon}_{||\mathbf{' + EH[k] + '}||}$') self.add_cbar(f, [c1, c2], fs=fs, additional=1, symlog=True, pos=[0.9, p1[1], 0.02, (p0[1]-p1[1]) * cmap_width], label=r'$\mathbf{\epsilon}$ $(\%)$', diff=0.05, label_pos=[1.4, p1[1] + 0.5]) # angles between magnitude vectors self.tmp_plot = getattr( self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[2, 0].pcolormesh( coords[0], coords[1], angles.reshape( len(coords[0]), len(coords[1])).real.T, vmin=0., vmax=p_lim, cmap='Purples', edgecolors='face') getattr(self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[2, 0].set_title( r'$\mathbf{\alpha}_{||\Re(\mathbf{' + EH[k] + '})||}$') self.tmp_plot = getattr( self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[2, 1].pcolormesh( coords[0], coords[1], angles.reshape( len(coords[0]), len(coords[1])).imag.T, vmin=0., vmax=p_lim, cmap='Purples', edgecolors='face') getattr(self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[2, 1].set_title( r'$\mathbf{\alpha}_{||\Im(\mathbf{' + EH[k] + '})||}$') self.tmp_plot = getattr( self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[2, 2].pcolormesh( coords[0], coords[1], angles2.reshape( len(coords[0]), len(coords[1])).T, vmin=0., vmax=p_lim, cmap='Purples', edgecolors='face') getattr(self, EH[k] + '_mag_amp_ax')[2, 2].set_title( r'$\mathbf{\alpha}_{||\mathbf{' + EH[k] + '}||}$') self.add_phase_bar( f, fs=fs, absdelta=True, p_lim=p_lim, pos=[0.9, p2[1], 0.02, (p0[1]-p1[1]) * cmap_width], label=r'$\mathbf{\alpha}$ (°)', label_pos=[1.4, p2[1] + 0.7]) pu.adjust_ticks_and_labels(ax, remove_top_right=True) if title is not None: plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=fs) self.save_plot(EH[k], title, save, s_name, fs, mesh, png=True)
[docs] def add_to_slice_plot(self, ax, pos, comp='mag', ri='real', n_colors=101, mod=None, mesh=None, key=None, EH='E', label=None, fs=12, c_lim=None, sf=False, tcolor='#002C72', horz_only=False, cmap=None, equal_axis=True, quiver=True, title=None, save=True, s_name=None): """ Add a selected dataset, i.e., a specific component, real or imag part, to a subplot specified by a given figure axes object and position. In development (quiver option needs to get variable and no hard coded keyword arguments!) Required arguments: ------------------- ax, type matplotlib figure axes object axes object of a matplotlib figure which might be separated into numerous subplots. pos, type list of two entried specify the subplot position of the **ax** object to plot in. Keyword arguments: ------------------ - Most keyword arguments are identical to the ones documented in the **plot_line_data()**, **plot_line_errors()** and **plot_slice_data()** functions. Therefore, only new keyword arguments are listed below: - comp = 'mag', type str specify if either the **'x'**, **'y'**, **'z'** component or the magnitude (**'mag'**) should be visualized. - ri = 'real', type str plot either **'real'** or **'imag'** parts of the data. - quiver = True, type bool plot vector, this option is not optimized yet and work in progress. """ cmap = self.init_cmap(cmap=cmap, var=EH) keys, dummy, dummy2, coords, cc = self.eval_properties( mod, key, label, EH, sf, mesh, line=False) minlog, maxlog, colors, c1, c2 = pu.eval_colors( self.slice_data[keys[0]], n_colors, c_lim) if ri == 'real': label_ri = r'$\Re$' if comp == 'mag': d = (np.linalg.norm(self.slice_data[keys[0]].real, axis=1). reshape(len(coords[0]), len(coords[1]))) if horz_only: d = np.linalg.norm(self.slice_data[keys[0]][:, :2].real, axis=1).reshape(len(coords[0]), len(coords[1])) else: d = np.abs(self.slice_data[keys[0]][ :, self.c_idx[comp]].real).reshape( len(coords[0]), len(coords[1])) elif ri == 'imag': label_ri = r'$\Im$' if comp == 'mag': d = (np.linalg.norm(self.slice_data[keys[0]].imag, axis=1). reshape(len(coords[0]), len(coords[1]))) if horz_only: d = np.linalg.norm(self.slice_data[keys[0]][:, :2].imag, axis=1).reshape(len(coords[0]), len(coords[1])) else: d = np.abs(self.slice_data[keys[0]][ :, self.c_idx[comp]].imag).reshape( len(coords[0]), len(coords[1])) else: ('Warning! Choose either real or imag for "ri" variable!') raise SystemExit if label is None: label = label_ri + '($\mathbf{' + EH + '}_' + comp + '$) FEM' self.tmp_plot = ax[pos[0], pos[1]].contourf( coords[0], coords[1], d.T, levels=colors, norm=clrs.LogNorm(), cmap=cmap) for c in self.tmp_plot.collections: c.set_edgecolor("face") ax[pos[0], pos[1]].set_title(label, fontsize=fs, color=tcolor) self.tmp_plot.set_clim(10.**minlog, 10.**maxlog) if equal_axis: ax[pos[0], pos[1]].axis('equal') try: ax[pos[0], pos[1]].set_adjustable('box') except exception as e: ax[pos[0], pos[1]].set_adjustable('box-forced')
[docs] def add_errors_to_slice_plot(self, ax, pos, err_key=None, key=None, key2=None, comp='mag', mask=None, ri='real', EH='E', mesh=None, n_colors=101, label=None, fs=12, e_lim=[1e-1, 1e2], tcolor='#002C72', cmap=None, equal_axis=True, err_type='rel'): """ Add a selected dataset, i.e., a specific component, real or imag part, to a subplot specified by a given figure axes object and position. In development (quiver option needs to get variable and no hard coded keyword arguments!) Required arguments: ------------------- ax, type matplotlib figure axes object axes object of a matplotlib figure which might be separated into numerous subplots. pos, type list of two entried specify the subplot position of the **ax** object to plot in. err_key, type str specify error data to plot - valid key for one of the dictionaries: **self.rel_mag_errors**, **self.rel_comp_errors**, **self.abs_mag_errors**, **self.abs_comp_errors**, **self.ratio_mag_errors**, or **self.ratio_comp_errors**. Keyword arguments: ------------------ - All keyword arguments are identical to the ones documented in the **plot_line_data()**, **plot_line_errors()**, **plot_slice_data()** and **add_to_slice_plot()** functions. Therefore, only new keyword arguments are listed below: """ if mesh is None: mesh = [key for key in self.slice_coords][0] coords0, coords1 = self.get_coords(mesh) coords = self.get_coords(mesh) # account for pcolormesh coordinate shift coords0 -= np.diff(coords0[:2])[0] / 2. coords0 = np.append(coords0[:], coords0[-1] + np.diff(coords0[:2])) coords1 -= np.diff(coords1[:2])[0] / 2. coords1 = np.append(coords1, coords1[-1] + np.diff(coords1[:2])) a, b = len(coords[0]), len(coords[1]) if err_type != 'rel' and err_type != 'abs' and err_type != 'ratio': print('Error! "err_type" mus be "rel", "abs", or "ratio"!') raise SystemExit if err_type != 'abs': var = 'err' else: var = EH if comp == 'x': c = 0 elif comp == 'y': c = 1 elif comp == 'z': c = 2 cm = self.init_cmap(cmap=cmap, var=var) if ri == 'real': if comp == 'mag': if err_type == 'rel': d = self.rel_mag_errors[err_key].real.reshape(a, b) elif err_type == 'abs': d = np.abs(self.abs_mag_errors[ err_key].real.reshape(a, b)) elif err_type == 'ratio': d = self.ratio_mag_errors[err_key].real.reshape(a, b) else: if err_type == 'rel': d = self.rel_comp_errors[ err_key][:, self.c_idx[comp]].real.reshape(a, b) elif err_type == 'abs': d = np.abs(self.abs_comp_errors[ err_key][:, self.c_idx[comp]].real.reshape(a, b)) elif err_type == 'ratio': d = self.ratio_comp_errors[ err_key][:, self.c_idx[comp]].real.reshape(a, b) elif ri == 'imag': if comp == 'mag': if err_type == 'rel': d = self.rel_mag_errors[err_key].imag.reshape(a, b) elif err_type == 'abs': d = np.abs(self.abs_mag_errors[ err_key].imag.reshape(a, b)) elif err_type == 'ratio': d = self.ratio_mag_errors[err_key].imag.reshape(a, b) else: if err_type == 'rel': d = self.rel_comp_errors[ err_key][:, self.c_idx[comp]].imag.reshape(a, b) elif err_type == 'abs': d = np.abs(self.abs_comp_errors[ err_key][:, self.c_idx[comp]].imag.reshape(a, b)) elif err_type == 'ratio': d = self.ratio_comp_errors[ err_key][:, self.c_idx[comp]].imag.reshape(a, b) elif ri == 'abs': if comp == 'mag': v1, _ = self.amp_phase_mag(self.slice_data[ key + '_' + EH + '_t']) v2, _ = self.amp_phase_mag(self.slice_data[ key2 + '_' + EH + '_t']) d = (((v2 - v1) / v1) * 100.).reshape(len(coords[0]), len(coords[1])) else: print('Error! Component-wise relative misfits of absolute ' 'parts not implemented yet. Abprting ...') elif ri == 'angles': cos_a_real = np.sum(np.abs( self.slice_data[key + '_' + EH + '_t'] * self.slice_data[key2 + '_' + EH + '_t']), axis=1) scale_real = (np.linalg.norm(np.abs(self.slice_data[ key + '_' + EH + '_t']), axis=1) * np.linalg.norm(np.abs(self.slice_data[ key2 + '_' + EH + '_t']), axis=1)) d = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(cos_a_real / scale_real)).reshape( len(coords[0]), len(coords[1])) else: ('Typing error! "ri" variable must be "real", "imag", "abs" or ' '"angles"!') raise SystemExit if mask is not None: d[mask[:, c].reshape(d.shape)==False] = 0. if err_type != 'abs': minlog, maxlog, colors, c1, c2 = pu.eval_colors( d, n_colors, e_lim, quant=90, symlog=True) norm = clrs.SymLogNorm(linthresh=c1, vmin=-10**maxlog, vmax=10**maxlog) else: minlog, maxlog, colors, c1, c2 = pu.eval_colors( d, n_colors, e_lim, quant=90, symlog=False) norm = clrs.LogNorm() if ri != 'angles': # self.tmp_plot = ax[pos[0], pos[1]].contourf( # coords[0], coords[1], d.T, levels=colors, # norm=norm, cmap=cm) # for c in self.tmp_plot.collections: # c.set_edgecolor("face") self.tmp_plot = ax[pos[0], pos[1]].pcolormesh( coords0, coords1, d.T, edgecolors='face', norm=clrs.SymLogNorm(linthresh=c1, vmin=-10**maxlog, vmax=10**maxlog), cmap=cm) else: self.tmp_plot = ax[pos[0], pos[1]].pcolormesh( coords0, coords1, d.T, vmin=e_lim[0], vmax=e_lim[1], cmap='Purples', edgecolors='face') if err_type == 'abs': self.tmp_plot.set_clim(10.**minlog, 10.**maxlog) ax[pos[0], pos[1]].set_title(label, fontsize=fs, color=tcolor) if equal_axis: ax[pos[0], pos[1]].axis('equal') try: ax[pos[0], pos[1]].set_adjustable('box') except exception as e: ax[pos[0], pos[1]].set_adjustable('box-forced')
[docs] def add_3D_slice_plot(self, fig, full_name, slicE, sp_pos=111, fs=12, q_slicE=None, q_name=None, ri='real', cbar=True, EH='E', mesh=None, n_colors=101, q_length=0.2, label=None, c_lim=None, cmap='magma', equal_axis=True, err_type='rel'): """ Plot 2D EM-data with real 3D geometry (topography) at specified positions in a given figure. In development (there are still some hard coded keyword arguments which need to be made variable!) Required arguments: ------------------- - fig, type matplotlib figure object figure to plot in - full_name, type str full name: a valid key for the dictionary **self.slice_data**, (characterization via **mod** or **key** args. in progress). - sliceE, type str slice name: a valid key for the dictionary **self.slice_coords** Keyword arguments: ------------------ - Most keyword arguments are identical to the ones documented in the **plot_line_data()**, **plot_line_errors()**, **plot_slice_data()** and **add_to_slice_plot()** functions. Therefore, only new keyword arguments are listed below: - q_name = None, type str valid key for the dictionary **self.slice_data**, used to select a dataset for plotting vector arrows with a lower grid/data density than the model specified via **full_name** for the contour plot. - q_sliceE, type str valid key for the dictionary **self.slice_coord**, used to select a dataset for plotting vector arrows with a lower grid/data density than the model specified via **slicE** for the contour plot. - q_length = 0.2, type float specify a custom length for all vector arrows. """ from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d from scipy.interpolate import griddata axes3d.Axes3D ax = fig.add_subplot(sp_pos, projection='3d') X = self.slice_coords[slicE].real[:, 0]/1e3 Y = self.slice_coords[slicE].real[:, 1]/1e3 Z = self.slice_coords[slicE].real[:, 2]/1e3 size = int(np.sqrt(len(X))) if ri == 'real': Zvals = np.linalg.norm(self.slice_data[full_name].real, axis=1 ).reshape(size, size) elif ri == 'imag': Zvals = np.linalg.norm(self.slice_data[full_name].imag, axis=1 ).reshape(size, size) xi = np.linspace(X.min(), X.max(), size) yi = np.linspace(Y.min(), Y.max(), size) zi = griddata((X, Y), Z, (xi[None, :], yi[:, None]), method='cubic') if c_lim is None: origmin = np.min(Zvals) origmax = np.max(Zvals) else: origmin = c_lim[0] origmax = c_lim[1] minlog = np.log(origmin * (1. / origmin)) maxlog = np.log(origmax * (1. / origmin)) colval = np.zeros((len(Zvals), len(Zvals))) plotcol = np.zeros((len(Zvals), len(Zvals), 4)) cmap = self.init_cmap(cmap) for k in range(len(Zvals)): for j in range(len(Zvals)): colval[k, j] = (1 * np.log(Zvals[k, j] * (1 / origmin)) - minlog) / (maxlog - minlog) plotcol[k, j, :] = cmap(colval[k, j]) xig, yig = np.meshgrid(xi, yi) ax.plot_surface(xig, yig, zi, rstride=1, cstride=1, facecolors=plotcol, cmap=cmap, norm=LogNorm(), linewidth=0, antialiased=False, alpha=1.) max_range = np.array([X.max()-X.min(), Y.max()-Y.min(), Z.max()-Z.min()]).max() / 2.0 mid_x = (X.max()+X.min()) * 0.5 mid_y = (Y.max()+Y.min()) * 0.5 mid_z = (Z.max()+Z.min()) * 0.5 ax.set_xlim(mid_x - max_range, mid_x + max_range) ax.set_ylim(mid_y - max_range, mid_y + max_range) ax.set_zlim(mid_z - max_range, mid_z + max_range) ax.set_xlabel('x (km)', fontsize=fs) ax.set_ylabel('y (km)', fontsize=fs) ax.set_zlabel('elevation (km)', fontsize=fs) if q_slicE is not None: X = self.slice_coords[q_slicE].real[:, 0]/1e3 Y = self.slice_coords[q_slicE].real[:, 1]/1e3 Z = self.slice_coords[q_slicE].real[:, 2]/1e3 if ri == 'real': U = self.slice_data[q_name][:, 0].real V = self.slice_data[q_name][:, 1].real W = self.slice_data[q_name][:, 2].real elif ri == 'imag': U = self.slice_data[q_name][:, 0].imag V = self.slice_data[q_name][:, 1].imag W = self.slice_data[q_name][:, 2].imag ax.quiver(X, Y, Z, U, V, W, pivot='tail', color='k', normalize=True, length=q_length) ax.view_init(elev=40.0, azim=125.) ax.set_xlim3d((mid_x - max_range)*0.95, (mid_x + max_range)*0.95) ax.set_ylim3d((mid_x - max_range)*0.95, (mid_x + max_range)*0.95) ax.set_zlim3d((mid_x - max_range)*0.95, (mid_x + max_range)*0.95) if cbar: m = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap, norm=LogNorm(vmin=c_lim[0], vmax=c_lim[1])) m.set_array(np.array(c_lim)) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.88) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.9, 0.12, 0.03, 0.75]) cb = fig.colorbar(m, cax=cbar_ax, label=label) pu.adjust_log_ticks(cb, np.log10(origmin), np.log10(origmax), additional=1)
[docs] def add_cbar(self, fig, c_lim, cmap='magma', cmap2=False, pos=[0.9, 0.12, 0.03, 0.75], horizontal=False, pos2=[0.05, 0.12, 0.03, 0.75], diff=0.05, n_colors=101, fs=12, symlog=False, label=None, label_pos=[0., 1.02], additional=0, where='left'): """ Add colorbar to a 2D / 3D data plot at a custom position with custom style options. """ cmap = self.init_cmap(cmap) if cmap == 'RdBu_r': symlog = True minlog, maxlog, colors, c1, c2 = pu.eval_colors(None, n_colors, c_lim) if where == 'left' or where == 'both': fig.subplots_adjust(right=pos[0] - diff) if cmap2: pos[1] -= 0.02 pos[2] *= 0.5 cbar_ax = fig.add_axes(pos) pos[0] += pos[2] cbar_ax2 = fig.add_axes(pos) else: cbar_ax = fig.add_axes(pos) elif where == 'right' or where == 'both': fig.subplots_adjust(left=pos2[0] + diff) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes(pos2) elif where == 'top': fig.subplots_adjust(top=pos[1] - diff) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes(pos) elif where == 'bottom': fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=pos[1] + diff) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes(pos) if cmap2: tmp_f, bx = plt.subplots(1) bla = bx.contourf(np.linspace(0., 1., 3), np.linspace(0., 1., 3), np.linspace(c1, c2, 9).reshape(3, 3), levels=np.logspace(minlog, maxlog, n_colors), cmap='viridis', norm=clrs.LogNorm()) bla.set_clim(c1, c2) cb = tmp_f.colorbar(bla, cax=cbar_ax2) plt.close(tmp_f) tmp_f, bx = plt.subplots(1) bla = bx.contourf(np.linspace(0., 1., 3), np.linspace(0., 1., 3), np.linspace(c1, c2, 9).reshape(3, 3), levels=np.logspace(minlog, maxlog, n_colors), cmap='magma', norm=clrs.LogNorm()) bla.set_clim(c1, c2) cb2 = tmp_f.colorbar(bla, cax=cbar_ax)[]) plt.close(tmp_f) ll = r'$\mathbf{E}$ $(V/m)$ /' + '\n' + r'$\mathbf{H}$ $(A/m)$' if label is not None: cbar_ax.text(label_pos[0], label_pos[1], ll, fontsize=fs, color=self.label_color) else: if label is not None: cbar_ax.text(label_pos[0], label_pos[1], label, fontsize=fs, color=self.label_color) if horizontal: cb = fig.colorbar(self.tmp_plot, cax=cbar_ax, cmap=cmap, orientation='horizontal') else: cb = fig.colorbar(self.tmp_plot, cax=cbar_ax) pu.adjust_log_ticks(cb, minlog, maxlog, symlog=symlog, additional=additional)
[docs] def add_phase_bar(self, fig, pos=[0.9, 0.12, 0.03, 0.75], dummy=False, n_colors=3, fs=12, label='$\phi$ (°)', p_lim=1., horizontal=False, where='left', diff=0.05, label_pos=[0., 1.02], delta=False, absdelta=False): """ Add colorbar to a 2D / 3D data plot at a custom position with custom style options. """ if delta: label = '$\Delta\phi$ (°)' if dummy: pos[1] -= 0.02 if where == 'left' or where == 'both': fig.subplots_adjust(right=pos[0] - diff) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes(pos) if label is not None: cbar_ax.text(label_pos[0], label_pos[1], label, fontsize=fs, color=self.label_color) if horizontal: cb = fig.colorbar(self.tmp_plot, cax=cbar_ax, orientation='horizontal') else: cb = fig.colorbar(self.tmp_plot, cax=cbar_ax) if delta: tickrange = np.linspace(-p_lim, p_lim, n_colors) elif absdelta: tickrange = np.linspace(0., p_lim, n_colors) else: tickrange = np.linspace(-180., 180., 9, dtype=int) cb.set_ticks(tickrange) tlabels = [str(tlabel) for tlabel in tickrange] cb.set_ticklabels(tlabels)
[docs] def amp_phase_comp(self, data, name=None, store=True, shift=0.): """ Calculate component-wise amplitudes and phases. """ amp, phase = np.zeros((len(data), 3)), np.zeros((len(data), 3)) amp[:, 0] = np.absolute(data[:, 0]) amp[:, 1] = np.absolute(data[:, 1]) amp[:, 2] = np.absolute(data[:, 2]) phase[:, 0] = np.angle(data[:, 0], deg=True) + shift phase[:, 1] = np.angle(data[:, 1], deg=True) + shift phase[:, 2] = np.angle(data[:, 2], deg=True) + shift if shift != 0.: phase[phase > 180.] -= 360. return(amp, phase)
[docs] def amp_phase_mag(self, data, name=None, store=True): """ Calculate amplitude and phase of vector magnitudes. """ vec = np.zeros((len(data)), dtype=complex) vec.real = np.linalg.norm(data.real, axis=1) vec.imag = np.linalg.norm(data.imag, axis=1) return(np.abs(vec), np.angle(vec, deg=True))
[docs] def rel_errors(self, data1, data2, name=None, store=True): """ Calculate relative errors / mismatch between two datasets. """ rel_comp_diff = np.zeros((len(data1), 3), dtype=complex) rel_magnitude_diff = np.zeros(len(data1), dtype=complex) rel_magnitude_diff.real = \ 100. * ((np.linalg.norm(data2.real, axis=1) - np.linalg.norm(data1.real, axis=1)) / np.linalg.norm(data1.real, axis=1)) rel_magnitude_diff.imag = \ 100. * ((np.linalg.norm(data2.imag, axis=1) - np.linalg.norm(data1.imag, axis=1)) / np.linalg.norm(data1.imag, axis=1)) rel_comp_diff.real = 100. * ((data2.real - data1.real) / np.abs(data1.real)) rel_comp_diff.imag = 100. * ((data2.imag - data1.imag) / np.abs(data1.imag)) if name is None: name = str(len(self.rel_comp_errors)) if store: self.rel_comp_errors[name] = rel_comp_diff self.rel_mag_errors[name] = rel_magnitude_diff else: return(rel_comp_diff, rel_magnitude_diff)
[docs] def abs_angles(self, data1, data2, name=None, store=True): """ Calculate angles between vectors """ angles = np.zeros((len(data1)), dtype=complex) cos_a_real = np.sum(data1.real * data2.real, axis=1) cos_a_imag = np.sum(data1.imag * data2.imag, axis=1) scale_real = (np.linalg.norm(data1.real, axis=1) * np.linalg.norm(data2.real, axis=1)) scale_imag = (np.linalg.norm(data1.imag, axis=1) * np.linalg.norm(data2.imag, axis=1)) angles.real = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(cos_a_real / scale_real)) angles.imag = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(cos_a_imag / scale_imag)) if np.mean(angles.real) > 90.: angles.real = 180. - angles.real if np.mean(angles.imag) > 90.: angles.imag = 180. - angles.imag if name is None: name = 'None' if store: print('Warning, storing angles not implemented so far!') else: return(angles)
[docs] def abs_errors(self, data1, data2, name=None, store=True): """ Calculate absolute errors / mismatch between two datasets. """ abs_comp_diff = data2 - data1 abs_magnitude_diff = np.zeros((len(data1)), dtype=complex) abs_magnitude_diff.real = np.linalg.norm(abs_comp_diff.real, axis=1) abs_magnitude_diff.imag = np.linalg.norm(abs_comp_diff.imag, axis=1) # abs_comp_diff.real /= abs_magnitude_diff.real.reshape(-1, 1) # abs_comp_diff.imag /= abs_magnitude_diff.imag.reshape(-1, 1) if name is None: name = str(len(self.abs_comp_errors)) if store: self.abs_comp_errors[name] = abs_comp_diff self.abs_mag_errors[name] = abs_magnitude_diff else: return(abs_comp_diff, abs_magnitude_diff)
[docs] def median_errors(self, key, comp='mag', err_type='rel'): """ Calculate Median of abs(relative errors between two datasets). """ if err_type == 'rel': data = self.rel_mag_errors real = np.median(np.abs(data[key].real)) imag = np.median(np.abs(data[key].imag)) return(real, imag)
[docs] def mean_errors(self, key, comp='mag', err_type='rel'): """ Calculate Mean of abs(relative errors between two datasets). """ if err_type == 'rel': data = self.rel_mag_errors real = np.mean(np.abs(data[key].real)) imag = np.mean(np.abs(data[key].imag)) return(real, imag)
[docs] def ratio(self, data1, data2, name=None, store=True): """ Calculate ratio between two datasets, e.g., primary field magnitudes / secondary field magnitudes. """ ratio_comp_diff = np.zeros((len(data1), 3), dtype=complex) ratio_magnitude_diff = np.zeros(len(data1), dtype=complex) ratio_comp_diff.real = data2.real / data1.real ratio_comp_diff.imag = data2.imag / data1.imag ratio_magnitude_diff.real = (np.linalg.norm(data2.real, axis=1) / np.linalg.norm(data1.real, axis=1)) ratio_magnitude_diff.imag = (np.linalg.norm(data2.imag, axis=1) / np.linalg.norm(data1.imag, axis=1)) if name is None: name = str(len(self.ratio_comp_errors)) if store: self.ratio_comp_errors[name] = 100 * ratio_comp_diff self.ratio_mag_errors[name] = 100 * ratio_magnitude_diff else: return(100 * ratio_comp_diff, 100. * ratio_magnitude_diff)
[docs] def save_plot(self, EH, title, save, s_name, fs=10, mesh=None, png=False): if mesh is None: mesh = '' if title is not None and save: plt.suptitle(title, fontsize=fs) if png: plt.savefig(self.s_dir + '/' + EH + '_' + title + '_' + mesh + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=self.dpi, transparent=True) else: plt.savefig(self.s_dir + '/' + EH + '_' + title + '_' + mesh + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') if s_name is not None and save: if png: plt.savefig(self.s_dir + '/' + EH + '_' + s_name + '.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=self.dpi, transparent=True) else: plt.savefig(self.s_dir + '/' + EH + '_' + s_name + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') if title is None and s_name is None and save: print('Warning!, specify either a *title* or *s_name* to save ' 'figures!')