Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Rochlitz.R

import dolfin as df
import os
import numpy as np
from custEM.misc import logger_print as lp
import xml.etree.ElementTree

[docs] def build_line_mesh(IB, axis, start, stop, n_segs, line_name, on_topo): """ Generate a 1D line-mesh for interpolation. Required arguments ------------------ see *create_line_mesh* docs """ if line_name is None: if axis == 'x': out_name = 'x0_' + str(start) + '_x1_' + str(stop) +\ '_y_' + str(IB.y) + '_z_' + str(IB.z) + \ '_n_' + str(n_segs) if axis == 'y': out_name = 'y0_' + str(start) + '_y1_' + str(stop) +\ '_x_' + str(IB.x) + '_z_' + str(IB.z) + \ '_n_' + str(n_segs) if axis == 'z': out_name = 'z0_' + str(start) + '_z1_' + str(stop) +\ '_x_' + str(IB.x) + '_y_' + str(IB.y) + \ '_n_' + str(n_segs) if on_topo: out_name += '_on_topo' else: out_name = line_name out_name = IB.MP.m_dir + '/lines/' + out_name + '_line_' + axis + '.xml' if os.path.isfile(out_name) and not IB.force_create: lp(IB.MP.logger, 10, '... re-using existing "' + axis + '_line_mesh" ...', barrier=False, pre_dash=False) else: lp(IB.MP.logger, 20, '... building ' + axis + '-directed line_mesh ...', barrier=False, pre_dash=False) # generate coordinates points = np.zeros((n_segs + 1, 3)) if axis == 'x': points[:, 0] = np.linspace(start, stop, n_segs + 1) points[:, 1] = IB.y points[:, 2] = IB.z if axis == 'y': points[:, 0] = IB.x points[:, 1] = np.linspace(start, stop, n_segs + 1) points[:, 2] = IB.z if axis == 'z': points[:, 0] = IB.x points[:, 1] = IB.y points[:, 2] = np.linspace(start, stop, n_segs + 1) # apply topography to horizontal lines if specified if (axis == 'x' or axis == 'y') and on_topo: points = np.array(points) if os.path.isfile(IB.t_dir + '/' + IB.MP.mesh_name + ''): from custEM.meshgen.dem_interpolator import DEM dem = DEM(IB.t_dir + '/' + IB.MP.mesh_name + '', centering=False, easting_shift=None, northing_shift=None) points[:, 2] = dem(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], rotation=None) else: import custEM.misc.synthetic_definitions as sd topo_func = getattr(sd, str(IB.MP.topo)) points[:, 2] = topo_func(points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) if IB.on_water_surface: points[:, 2][points[:, 2] < 0.] = 0. if IB.z != 0.: points[:, 2] += IB.z # add vertices and pseudo-elements to an empty mesh instance mesh = df.Mesh(IB.MP.mpi_cs) editor = df.MeshEditor(), 'tetrahedron', 3, 3) editor.init_vertices(n_segs + 1) editor.init_cells(n_segs) for pi, point in enumerate(points): editor.add_vertex(pi, point) if pi != 0: editor.add_cell(pi - 1, [pi - 1, pi]) editor.close() df.File(IB.MP.mpi_cs, out_name) << mesh # hack some values in the xml file for a conformal view with Paraview tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(out_name) for elem in tree.iter(): if elem.tag == 'mesh': elem.attrib['celltype'] = 'interval' if elem.tag == 'tetrahedron': elem.tag = 'interval' elem.attrib['v0'] = elem.attrib['v2'] elem.attrib['v1'] = elem.attrib['v3'] elem.attrib.pop('v2') elem.attrib.pop('v3') tree.write(out_name)
[docs] def build_slice_mesh(IB, axis, dim, n_segs, slice_name, on_topo): """ Generate a 2D slice-mesh for interpolation. Required arguments ------------------ see *create_slice_mesh* docs """ # reshape dim and n_segs if required if type(dim) is not list: dim = [dim, dim] if type(n_segs) is not list: n_segs = [n_segs, n_segs] if slice_name is None: out_name = 'dim_' + str(dim) +\ '_x_' + str(IB.x) + '_y_' + str(IB.y) +\ '_z_' + str(IB.z) + '_n_' + str(n_segs) if on_topo: out_name += '_on_topo' else: out_name = slice_name out_name = IB.MP.m_dir + '/slices/' + out_name + '_slice_' + axis + '.xml' if os.path.isfile(out_name) and not IB.force_create: lp(IB.MP.logger, 10, '... re-using existing "' + axis + '_slice_mesh" ...', barrier=False, pre_dash=False) else: lp(IB.MP.logger, 20, '... building ' + axis + '-normal slice_mesh ...', barrier=False, pre_dash=False) # generate coordinates points = np.zeros(((n_segs[0] + 1) * (n_segs[1] + 1), 3)) vec_i = np.linspace(-dim[0]/2., dim[0]/2., n_segs[0] + 1) vec_j = np.linspace(-dim[1]/2., dim[1]/2., n_segs[1] + 1) counter = 0 for vi in vec_i: for vj in vec_j: if axis == 'x': points[counter, 0] = IB.x points[counter, 1] = vi points[counter, 2] = vj if axis == 'y': points[counter, 0] = vi points[counter, 1] = IB.y points[counter, 2] = vj if axis == 'z': points[counter, 0] = vi points[counter, 1] = vj points[counter, 2] = IB.z counter += 1 # apply topography to horizontal lines if specified if axis == 'z' and on_topo: points = np.array(points) if os.path.isfile(IB.t_dir + '/' + IB.MP.mesh_name + ''): from custEM.meshgen.dem_interpolator import DEM dem = DEM(IB.t_dir + '/' + IB.MP.mesh_name + '', centering=False, easting_shift=None, northing_shift=None) points[:, 2] = dem(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], rotation=None) else: import custEM.misc.synthetic_definitions as sd topo_func = getattr(sd, str(IB.MP.topo)) points[:, 2] = topo_func(points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) if IB.on_water_surface: points[:, 2][points[:, 2] < 0.] = 0. if IB.z != 0.: points[:, 2] += IB.z # shift to other origin than [0., 0., 0.] if specified if axis == 'x': points[:, 1] += IB.y points[:, 2] += IB.z if axis == 'y': points[:, 0] += IB.x points[:, 2] += IB.z if axis == 'z': points[:, 0] += IB.x points[:, 1] += IB.y # add vertices and pseudo-elements to an empty mesh instance mesh = df.Mesh(IB.MP.mpi_cs) editor = df.MeshEditor(), 'tetrahedron', 3, 3) editor.init_vertices((n_segs[0] + 1) * (n_segs[1] + 1)) editor.init_cells(n_segs[0] * n_segs[1] * 2) counter = 0 cell_counter = 0 for i in range(len(vec_i)): for j in range(len(vec_j)): editor.add_vertex(counter, points[counter]) if i != 0 and j != 0: editor.add_cell(cell_counter, [counter - n_segs[1] - 2, counter, counter -1]) editor.add_cell(cell_counter + 1, [counter - n_segs[1] - 2, counter - n_segs[1] - 1, counter]) cell_counter += 2 counter += 1 editor.close() df.File(IB.MP.mpi_cs, out_name) << mesh # hack some values in the xml file for a conformal view with Paraview tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(out_name) for elem in tree.iter(): if elem.tag == 'mesh': elem.attrib['celltype'] = 'triangle' if elem.tag == 'tetrahedron': elem.tag = 'triangle' elem.attrib['v0'] = elem.attrib['v1'] elem.attrib['v1'] = elem.attrib['v2'] elem.attrib['v2'] = elem.attrib['v3'] elem.attrib.pop('v3') tree.write(out_name)
[docs] def build_path_mesh(IB, points, path_name, on_topo, suffix): """ Generate an interpolation mesh for interpolation with an arbitrary list of coordinates. Required arguments ------------------ see *create_path_mesh* docs """ if path_name is None: out_name = 'NOT_DEFINED' lp(IB.MP.logger, 30, 'Warning! No export name for path interpolation mesh set.\n' 'Using *NOT_DEFINED* as dummy name. Continuing ...', barrier=False, pre_dash=False, root_only=False) else: out_name = path_name if suffix is None: out_name = IB.MP.m_dir + '/paths/' + out_name + '_path.xml' else: if 'line' in suffix: directory = '/lines/' elif 'slice' in suffix: directory = '/slices/' else: directory = '/paths/' out_name = IB.MP.m_dir + directory + out_name + '_' + suffix + '.xml' if os.path.isfile(out_name) and not IB.force_create: lp(IB.MP.logger, 10, '... re-using existing path mesh ...', barrier=False, pre_dash=False, root_only=False) else: lp(IB.MP.logger, 20, '... building path mesh from specified points ...', barrier=False, pre_dash=False, root_only=False) # apply topography to horizontal lines if specified if on_topo: points = np.array(points) if os.path.isfile(IB.t_dir + '/' + IB.MP.mesh_name + ''): from custEM.meshgen.dem_interpolator import DEM dem = DEM(IB.t_dir + '/' + IB.MP.mesh_name + '', centering=False, easting_shift=None, northing_shift=None) points[:, 2] = dem(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], rotation=None) else: import custEM.misc.synthetic_definitions as sd topo_func = getattr(sd, str(IB.MP.topo)) points[:, 2] = topo_func(points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) if IB.on_water_surface: points[:, 2][points[:, 2] < 0.] = 0. if IB.z != 0.: points[:, 2] += IB.z # add vertices and pseudo-elements to an empty mesh instance mesh = df.Mesh(IB.MP.mpi_cs) editor = df.MeshEditor(), 'tetrahedron', 3, 3) editor.init_vertices(len(points)) editor.init_cells(len(points) - 1) for pi, point in enumerate(points): editor.add_vertex(pi, point) if pi != 0: editor.add_cell(pi - 1, [pi - 1, pi]) editor.close() df.File(IB.MP.mpi_cs, out_name) << mesh # hack some values in the xml file for a conformal view with Paraview tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(out_name) for elem in tree.iter(): if elem.tag == 'mesh': elem.attrib['celltype'] = 'interval' if elem.tag == 'tetrahedron': elem.tag = 'interval' elem.attrib['v0'] = elem.attrib['v2'] elem.attrib['v1'] = elem.attrib['v3'] elem.attrib.pop('v2') elem.attrib.pop('v3') tree.write(out_name)