Source code for custEM.meshgen.meshgen_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Rochlitz.R

import numpy as np
import os

Auxiliary functions for meshgen_tools.

[docs] def pointset(pointset): """ Return a given set of 3D points, either list or array, as numpy array. Required arguments ------------------ - pointset, type list list of coordinates to be converted to an array of shape (:, 3) """ return(np.array(pointset))
[docs] def line(start=[0., 0., 0.], stop=[0., 0., 0.], n_segs=100, z=0., topo=None, t_dir=None, **topo_kwargs): """ Return 3D coordinates of points on a line in arbitrary direction. Keyword arguments ----------------- - start, stop = [0., 0., 0.], type list or array start and stop points - n_segs = 100, type int number of segments on the line - topo_kwargs listed below - z = 0., type float offset of the line in z-direction - topo = None, type str or python function DEM-topography file or synthetic topography (python) function. - t_dir = None, type str directory of topography (DEM) files - centering = False, type bool set **True**, if the given DEM should be centered relative to the computational domain coordinate frame - easting_shift, northing_shift = None, type float if centering is **False**, a custom offset of a given DEM relaive to the computational domain in x- and y- direction can be set - revert_z = False, type bool revert z-values of the DEM if the original height information was provided in a donward-oriented coorindate system - rotation (RAD) = None, type float rotation of the DEM around the center coordinate (set via the *centering* flag or *easting/northing_shift*) relative to the computational domain, given in rad, not degree """ nodes = np.zeros((int(n_segs) + 1, 3)) nodes[:, 0] = np.linspace(start[0], stop[0], n_segs + 1) nodes[:, 1] = np.linspace(start[1], stop[1], n_segs + 1) nodes[:, 2] = np.linspace(start[2], stop[2], n_segs + 1) return(assign_topography(nodes, z=z, topo=topo, t_dir=t_dir, **topo_kwargs))
[docs] def line_x(start=-1e2, stop=1e2, n_segs=100, y=0., z=0., topo=None, t_dir=None, **topo_kwargs): """ Return 3D coordinates of points on a line in x-direction. Keyword arguments ----------------- - start, stop = +-1e2, type float start and stop values in x-direction - n_segs = 100, type int number of segments on the line - y, z = 0., type float offset of the line in y- and z-direction - topo_kwargs see description of *line* method or *meshgen_tools*/*dem_interpolator* """ nodes = np.zeros((int(n_segs) + 1, 3)) nodes[:, 0] = np.linspace(start, stop, int(n_segs) + 1) nodes[:, 1] = y return(assign_topography(nodes, z=z, topo=topo, t_dir=t_dir, **topo_kwargs))
[docs] def line_y(start=-1e2, stop=1e2, n_segs=100, x=0., z=0., topo=None, t_dir=None, **topo_kwargs): """ Return 3D coordinates of points on a line in y-direction. Keyword arguments ----------------- - start, stop = +-1e2, type float start and stop values in x-direction - n_segs = 100, type int number of segments on the line - x, z = 0., type float offset of the line in x- and z-direction - topo_kwargs see description of *line* method or *meshgen_tools*/*dem_interpolator* """ nodes = np.zeros((int(n_segs) + 1, 3)) nodes[:, 0] = x nodes[:, 1] = np.linspace(start, stop, n_segs + 1) return(assign_topography(nodes, z=z, topo=topo, t_dir=t_dir, **topo_kwargs))
[docs] def line_z(start=-1e2, stop=1e2, n_segs=100, x=0., y=0.): """ Return 3D coordinates of points on a line in z-direction. Keyword arguments ----------------- - start, stop = +-1e2, type float start and stop values in x-direction - n_segs = 100, type int number of segments on the line - x, y = 0., type float offset of the line in x- and y-direction """ nodes = np.zeros((int(n_segs) + 1, 3)) nodes[:, 0] = x nodes[:, 1] = y nodes[:, 2] = np.linspace(start, stop, n_segs + 1) return(nodes)
[docs] def loop_r(start=[-1e2, -1e2], stop=[1e2, 1e2], n_segs=4, nx=None, ny=None, z=0., topo=None, t_dir=None, loop_rotation=None, **topo_kwargs): """ Return 3D coordinates of points on a rectangular loop. Keyword arguments ----------------- - start, stop = +-[1e2, 1e2], type list: [float, float] opposite corner coordinates of rectangular loop - n_segs = 4, type int number of overall segments of the loop, this keyword argument is ignored if *nx* and *ny* are specified - nx, ny = 100, type int number of segments on the x- and y-directed edges of the loop - loop_rotation = None, rotate loop horizontally around angle in (RAD) - topo_kwargs see description of *line* method or *meshgen_tools*/*dem_interpolator* """ if nx is None and ny is None: peri_half = np.abs(start[0] - stop[0]) + np.abs(start[1] - stop[1]) ratio1 = np.abs(start[0] - stop[0]) / peri_half ratio2 = np.abs(start[1] - stop[1]) / peri_half nx_segs = int(np.round((n_segs/2.) * ratio1)) ny_segs = int(np.round((n_segs/2.) * ratio2)) if nx_segs == 0: nx_segs = 1 if ny_segs == 0: ny_segs = 1 else: nx_segs, ny_segs, = nx, ny nodes = line_x(start[0], stop[0], n_segs=nx_segs, y=start[1], topo=topo, t_dir=t_dir)[:-1, :] nodes = np.vstack((nodes, line_y(start[1], stop[1], n_segs=ny_segs, x=stop[0], topo=topo, t_dir=t_dir)[:-1, :])) nodes = np.vstack((nodes, line_x(stop[0], start[0], n_segs=nx_segs, y=stop[1], topo=topo, t_dir=t_dir)[:-1, :])) nodes = np.vstack((nodes, line_y(stop[1], start[1], n_segs=ny_segs, x=start[0], topo=topo, t_dir=t_dir)[:-1, :])) if loop_rotation is not None: shft = [np.mean(nodes[:, 0]), np.mean(nodes[:, 1]), 0.] nodes = rotate_around_point(nodes, shft, [np.deg2rad(loop_rotation)], ['z']) return(assign_topography(nodes, z=z, topo=topo, t_dir=t_dir, **topo_kwargs))
[docs] def loop_c(origin=[0., 0., 0.], r=5e1, n_segs=100, z=0., topo=None, t_dir=None, **topo_kwargs): """ Return 3D coordinates of points on a circular loop. Keyword arguments ----------------- - origin = [0., 0., 0.], type list of floats x-, y-, z- coordinates of the center of the loop - r = 5e1, type float radius of the loop - n_segs = 100, type int number of segments on the loop circumference - topo_kwargs see description of *line* method or *meshgen_tools*/*dem_interpolator* """ nodes = create_circle(r, n_segs, z) for j in range(len(nodes)): nodes[j, :] += origin return(assign_topography(nodes, z=z, topo=topo, t_dir=t_dir, **topo_kwargs))
[docs] def loop_e(origin=[0., 0., 0.], a=5e1, b=5e1, n_segs=100, z=0., topo=None, t_dir=None, **topo_kwargs): """ Return 3D coordinates of points on a ellipsoidal loop. Keyword arguments ----------------- - origin = [0., 0., 0.], type list of floats x-, y-, z- coordinates of the center of the loop - a, b = 5e1, type float radius of the loop - n_segs = 100, type int number of segments on the loop circumference - topo_kwargs see description of *line* method or *meshgen_tools*/*dem_interpolator* """ nodes = create_ellipse(a, b, n_segs, z) for j in range(len(nodes)): nodes[j, :] += origin return(assign_topography(nodes, z=z, topo=topo, t_dir=t_dir, **topo_kwargs))
[docs] def rx_grid(xlinsp, ylinsp, z=0.): """ Build Rx grid from two orthogonal vectors. Required arguments ------------------ - xvec/yvec, type list/array of len 3 start, stop and number of nodes for *linspace* method, building the vectors in x and y direction. """ # define vectors xr = np.linspace(xlinsp[0], xlinsp[1], int(xlinsp[2])) yr = np.linspace(ylinsp[0], ylinsp[1], int(ylinsp[2])) grid = np.zeros((int(xlinsp[2] * ylinsp[2]), 3)) # create grid a = 0 for x in xr: for y in yr: grid[a, 0] = x grid[a, 1] = y a += 1 grid[:, 2] = z return(grid)
[docs] def rotate(array, alpha, axis='z', tensor=False): """ Rotate array about angle alpha(RAD) around given axis Default rotation axis is z, alternatively x or y. Required arguments ------------------ - array, type array of shape (:, 3) array of coordinates to be rotated - alpha, type float angle(RAD) specifying the rotation Keyword arguments ----------------- - axis = 'z', type str rotation axis """ if axis == 'z': rotation_matrix = np.array(([np.cos(-alpha), -np.sin(-alpha), 0], [np.sin(-alpha), np.cos(-alpha), 0], [0, 0, 1]), dtype=np.float64) elif axis == 'x': rotation_matrix = np.array(([1, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(-alpha), -np.sin(-alpha)], [0, np.sin(-alpha), np.cos(-alpha)]), dtype=np.float64) elif axis == 'y': rotation_matrix = np.array(([np.cos(-alpha), 0, np.sin(-alpha)], [0, 1, 0], [-np.sin(-alpha), 0, np.cos(-alpha)]), dtype=np.float64) if not tensor: for i in range(array.shape[0]): array[i] = array[i].dot(rotation_matrix) else: array = return(array)
[docs] def translate(array, shift, back=False): """ Translate array about given shift Required arguments ------------------ - array, type array with shape (:, 3) array of coordinates to ne translated - shift, type list or array of length 3 x-, y-, and z- values defining the shift Keyword arguments ----------------- - back = False, type bool set "True" is shift in opposite direction is required """ if not back: return(array - np.array(shift).reshape(1, 3)) else: return(array + np.array(shift).reshape(1, 3))
[docs] def rotate_around_point(array, shift, angles, axes, pre_rotate=False): """ Rotate array around arbitrary point defined by shift, not around centroid. Required arguments ------------------ - array, type array of shape (:, 3) array of coordinates to be rotated - shift, type list or array of length 3 x-, y-, and z- values defining the shift - angles, type list of floats list of angles(RAD) specifying the rotation - axes, type list of str list of rotation axes Keyword arguments ----------------- - pre_rotate = False, type bool conduct an initial roation using the second entry of axes/angles """ if len(angles) != len(axes): print('Error! Length of lists of *angles* and rotation *axes* must be ' 'the same!') raise SystemExit array = translate(array, shift) if pre_rotate: array = rotate(array, -angles[1], axes[1]) array[:, 1] *= np.cos(angles[0]) for jjj in range(len(angles)): array = rotate(array, angles[jjj], axes[jjj]) return(translate(array, shift, back=True))
[docs] def create_circle(r, n, h): """ Create a list of **n** (number of) 3D coordinates on the circumference of a circle with radius **r** and height **h**. Required arguments ------------------ - r, type float the radius of the circle - n, type int number of nodes on the cirumference of the circle - h, type float z-coordinates of the circle """ return(np.array([(np.cos(2 * np.pi / n * x)*r, np.sin(2 * np.pi / n * x)*r, h) for x in range(0, n)]))
[docs] def create_ellipse(a, b, n, h): """ Create a list of **n** (number of) 3D coordinates on the circumference of an ellipsum with 'radii' **a** and **b**, and height **h**. Required arguments ------------------ - a, b, type float the two radius of the ellipse - n, type int number of nodes on the cirumference of the ellipse - h, type float z-coordinates of the ellipse """ def ellipse(t, a, b): return a*np.cos(t), b*np.sin(t) create_ellipseints = [ellipse(t, a, b) for t in np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, n)] x, y = [np.array(v) for v in list(zip(*create_ellipseints))] xy = np.hstack((x.reshape(n, 1), y.reshape(n, 1))) return(np.hstack((xy, np.ones((n, 1)) * h)))
[docs] def poly_area(path): """ Caluclate enclosed area of polygon. Required arguments ------------------ - path, type array with shape (:, 2) or (:, 3) array of coordinates describing the polygon """ n = len(path) area = 0.0 for i in range(n): j = (i + 1) % n area += path[i][0] * path[j][1] area -= path[j][0] * path[i][1] area = abs(area) / 2.0 return(area)
[docs] def poly_peri(path): """ Calculate perimeter of polygon. Required arguments ------------------ - path, type array with shape (:, 2) or (:, 3) array of coordinates describing the polygon """ n = len(path) peri = 0.0 for i in range(n - 1): peri += np.sqrt((path[i+1, 0] - path[i, 0])**2 + (path[i+1, 1] - path[i, 1])**2) peri += np.sqrt((path[-1, 0] - path[0, 0])**2 + (path[-1, 1] - path[0, 1])**2) return(peri)
[docs] def find_edge_node_ids(frame, mesh, id_offset): """ Internal utility function for meshgen tools to find the edge node ids of a horizontal 2D mesh for the extension of the mesh in z-direction. Required arguments ------------------ - frame, type array with shape (:, 3) references frame defined by coordinates - mesh, type pyGIMLi mesh mesh, whose coordinates should be checked - id_offset, type int offset of ids between 2D surface meshes and 3D mesh (should be removed if the meshgen_tools get an overhaul) """ ids = [] frame = np.vstack((frame, frame[0])) for j in range(len(frame) - 1): tmp_idx, tmp_pos, dist = [], [], [] for idx, pos in enumerate(mesh.positions().array()): if is_between_2D(frame[j, :], frame[j+1, :], pos): tmp_idx.append(idx) tmp_pos.append(pos[:2]) tmp_pos = np.array(tmp_pos) for jj in range(len(tmp_pos)): dist.append(np.linalg.norm(frame[j, :] - tmp_pos[jj])) tmp_list = [sx for _, sx in sorted(zip(dist, tmp_idx))] ids.append(np.array(tmp_list) + id_offset) return(ids)
[docs] def find_closest(l1, l2): """ Find the closest entry in a list of 1D corrdinates in comparison to all entries of another list. Required arguments ------------------ - l1, type list reference list of coordinates - l2, type list another list of coordinate, usually with a different length """ ll = [] for k in range(len(l1)): ll.append(min(range(len(l2)), key=lambda i: abs(l2[i]-l1[k]))) return(ll)
[docs] def resolve_rx_overlaps(rxs, refinement_size=10., ignore_z=True): allrx = rxs[0] for ri in range(1, len(rxs)): allrx = np.vstack((allrx, rxs[ri])) # go over x-direction allrx = allrx[np.argsort(allrx[:, 0]), :] to_keep = [] skip = [] for ii in range(len(allrx)): if ignore_z: dists = np.linalg.norm(allrx[ii, :2] - allrx[:, :2], axis=1) else: dists = np.linalg.norm(allrx[ii, :] - allrx[:, :], axis=1) where = np.argwhere(dists < 2.*refinement_size).flatten() skip.extend(where[where>ii]) if ii not in skip: to_keep.append(ii) return(allrx[to_keep])
[docs] def closest_node(coord, coords): """ Find the closest coordinate in a list of 2D/3D corrdinates. Required arguments ------------------ - node, list/array with length 3 reference node - nodes, list/array with shape (:, 2) or (:, 3) list or array of nodes to be checked """ coords = np.asarray(coords) dist_2 = np.sum((coords - coord)**2, axis=1) return(np.argmin(dist_2))
[docs] def get_closest(coord, coords, n=None, max_dist=1.): """ Find the ids the closest coordinates in a list of 2D/3D corrdinates, either using a distance threshold or by specifying the number of closests coordinates. Required arguments ------------------ - coord, list/array with length 3 reference node - coords, list/array with shape (:, 2) or (:, 3) list or array of nodes to be checked Keyword arguments ----------------- - n = None, type int number of closests coordinates, overwrites *max_dist* - max_dist = 1., type float return all coordinate ids which are closer than *max_dists* """ ids = [] dist = np.sqrt(np.sum((coords - coord)**2, axis=1)) if n is not None: return(np.argsort(dist)[:n]) else: return(np.argsort(dist)[dist<=max_dist])
[docs] def add_edges(surface, edges, nn, size, marker, closed=False): """ Add edge to polygon. """ for k in range(size - 1): if sorted([nn[k].id(), nn[k+1].id()]) not in edges: edges.append(sorted([nn[k].id(), nn[k+1].id()])) surface.createEdge(nn[k], nn[k + 1], marker=marker) if closed: if sorted([nn[-1].id(), nn[0].id()]) not in edges: edges.append(sorted([nn[-1].id(), nn[0].id()])) surface.createEdge(nn[-1], nn[0], marker=marker) return(surface, edges)
[docs] def find_on_frame(frame_coords, coords): """ Check if coordinates are located on a frame. Required arguments ------------------ - frame_coords, type array with shape (:, 3) array of frame coordinates - coords, type array with shape (:, 3) array of coordinates to be checked """ frame = [] frame_coords = np.vstack((frame_coords, frame_coords[0, :])) for j in range(len(frame_coords)-1): tmp = [] for k, coord in enumerate(coords): if is_between_2D(frame_coords[j], frame_coords[j+1], coord): if k not in frame: tmp.extend([k]) tmp_ordered = order_list(frame_coords[j], coords[tmp], tmp) frame.extend(tmp_ordered) return(frame)
[docs] def find_nodes_on_segment(p0, p1, mesh, topo_f): """ Find nodes on a segment. Required arguments ------------------ - mesh """ ids = [] tmp_idx, tmp_pos, dist = [], [], [] for idx, pos in enumerate(mesh.positions().array()): if is_between_2D(p0, p1, pos): tmp_idx.append(idx) if topo_f is None: if np.isclose(pos[2], 0., atol=1e-2): tmp_pos.append(pos) else: if np.isclose(pos[2], topo_f(pos[0], pos[1]), atol=1e-2): tmp_pos.append(pos) tmp_pos = np.array(tmp_pos) for jj in range(len(tmp_pos)): dist.append(np.linalg.norm(p0 - tmp_pos[jj])) return([sx for _, sx in sorted(zip(dist, tmp_idx))])
[docs] def order_list(ref, points, tmp): """ Sort values in list in increasing order. Deprecated and not used anymore. """ dist = np.sqrt((points[:, 0] - ref[0])**2 + (points[:, 1] - ref[1])**2) return(np.array(np.array(tmp)[dist.argsort()], dtype=int))
[docs] def get_intersect(a1, a2, b1, b2): """ Return intersection coordinate of two segments *a* and *b*. """ T = np.array([[0, -1], [1, 0]]) da = np.atleast_2d(a2 - a1) db = np.atleast_2d(b2 - b1) dp = np.atleast_2d(a1 - b1) dap =, T) denom = np.sum(dap * db, axis=1) if denom == 0.: return(None) else: num = np.sum(dap * dp, axis=1) isect = np.atleast_2d(num / denom).T * db + b1 if is_between_2D(a1, a2, isect[0]): return(isect) else: return(None)
[docs] def is_between(a, b, c, a_tol=1e-2, print_points=False): """ Search if a Nedelec-dof is located on the edge between two points in 3D, needed for crooked sources defined as path. Search if point c is in between a and b. Required arguments: ------------------- - a, b, c, type list/array of length 3 three points to be evaluated Keyword arguments: ------------------ - a_tol = 1e-2, type float absolute tolerance to account for numerical inaccuracies - print_points = False, type bool set **True** to enable print of coordinates """ if print_points: print(a, b, c) if (a[0] - a_tol <= c[0] <= b[0] + a_tol or a[0] + a_tol >= c[0] >= b[0] - a_tol): if ((a[1] - a_tol <= c[1] <= b[1] + a_tol or a[1] + a_tol >= c[1] >= b[1] - a_tol)): if ((a[2] - a_tol <= c[2] <= b[2] + a_tol or a[2] + a_tol >= c[2] >= b[2] - a_tol)): if np.isclose((c[1] - a[1]) * (b[0] - a[0]), (c[0] - a[0]) * (b[1] - a[1]), a_tol): return(True) return(False)
[docs] def is_between_1D(a, b, c, a_tol=1e-2, print_points=False): """ Search if a x-coordinate is located in an interval in in horizontal direction. Search if point c is in between a and b. Required arguments ------------------ - a, b, c, type list/array of length 3 three points to be evaluated Keyword arguments ----------------- - a_tol = 1e-2, type float absolute tolerance to account for numerical inaccuracies - print_points = False, type bool set **True** to enable print of coordinates """ if print_points: print(a, b, c) if (a[0] < c[0] < b[0] or a[0] > c[0] > b[0]): return(True) return(False)
[docs] def is_between_2D(a, b, c, a_tol=1e-2, print_points=False): """ Search if a Nedelec-dof is located on the edge between two points in 2D in horizontal direction. Search if point c is in between a and b. Required arguments ------------------ - a, b, c, type list/array of length 3 three points to be evaluated Keyword arguments ----------------- - a_tol = 1e-2, type float absolute tolerance to account for numerical inaccuracies - print_points = False, type bool set **True** to enable print of coordinates """ if print_points: print(a, b, c) if (a[0] - a_tol <= c[0] <= b[0] + a_tol or a[0] + a_tol >= c[0] >= b[0] - a_tol): if (a[1] - a_tol <= c[1] <= b[1] + a_tol or a[1] + a_tol >= c[1] >= b[1] - a_tol): if np.isclose((c[1] - a[1]) * (b[0] - a[0]), (c[0] - a[0]) * (b[1] - a[1]), a_tol): return(True) return(False)
[docs] def is_between_2D_exact(a, b, c, a_tol=1e-2, print_points=False): """ Search if a Nedelec-dof is located on the edge between two points in 2D in horizontal direction. Search if point c is in between a and b. Required arguments ------------------ - a, b, c, type list/array of length 3 three points to be evaluated Keyword arguments ----------------- - a_tol = 1e-2, type float absolute tolerance to account for numerical inaccuracies - print_points = False, type bool set **True** to enable print of coordinates """ if print_points: print(a, b, c) if (a[0] < c[0] < b[0] or a[0] > c[0] > b[0]): if (a[1] < c[1] < b[1] or a[1] > c[1] > b[1]): if np.isclose((c[1] - a[1]) * (b[0] - a[0]), (c[0] - a[0]) * (b[1] - a[1]), a_tol): return(True) return(False)
[docs] def is_between_2Dvert(a, b, c, a_tol=1e-2, print_points=False): """ Search if a Nedelec-dof is located on the edge between two points in 2D in vertical direction. Search if point c is in between a and b. Required arguments ------------------ - a, b, c, type list/array of length 3 three points to be evaluated Keyword arguments ----------------- - a_tol = 1e-2, type float absolute tolerance to account for numerical inaccuracies - print_points = False, type bool set **True** to enable print of coordinates """ if print_points: print(a, b, c) if (a[0] - a_tol <= c[0] <= b[0] + a_tol or a[0] + a_tol >= c[0] >= b[0] - a_tol): if (a[2] - a_tol <= c[2] <= b[2] + a_tol or a[2] + a_tol >= c[2] >= b[2] - a_tol): if np.isclose(c[1], a[1], a_tol) and np.isclose(c[1], b[1], a_tol): if np.isclose((c[2] - a[2]) * (b[0] - a[0]), (c[0] - a[0]) * (b[2] - a[2]), a_tol): return(True) return(False)
[docs] def write_synth_topo_to_asc(t_dir, file_name, topo, spacing=25., x_min=-1e4, y_min=-1e4): """ Write an array of topography data to an *.asc* file. Required arguments ------------------ - t_dir, type str name of output directory - file_name, type str name of exported topography file - topo, type array with shape (:, 3) 2D array containing only z_coordinates with topography information Keyword arguments: ------------------ - spacing = 25., type float horizontal grid spacing in x- and y-direction - x_min = -1e4, type float x-coordinate of "lower left" corner - y_min = -1e4, type float y-coordiante of "lower_left" corner """ with open(t_dir + '/' + file_name + '.asc', "w") as demfile: demfile.write('ncols ' + str(topo.shape[1]) + '\n' 'nrows ' + str(topo.shape[0]) + '\n' 'xllcorner ' + str(x_min) + '\n' 'yllcorner ' + str(y_min) + '\n' 'cellsize ' + str(spacing) + '\n' 'NODATA_value -9999\n') with open(t_dir + '/' + file_name + '.asc', "ab") as demfile: np.savetxt(demfile, topo, '%3.8f')
[docs] def write_synth_topo_to_xyz(t_dir, file_name, topo): """ Write an array of topography data to an *.xyz* file. Required arguments ------------------ - t_dir, type str name of output directory - file_name, type str name of exported topography file - topo, type array with shape (:, 3) array containing coordinates with topography information """ with open(t_dir + '/' + file_name + '.xyz', "wb") as demfile: np.savetxt(demfile, topo)
[docs] def assign_topography(nodes, t_dir=None, topo=None, z=0., centering=True, easting_shift=None, northing_shift=None, revert_z=False, rotation=None): """ Assign topography on nodes. Required arguments ------------------ - nodes, type list/array with shape (:, 3) list or array of 3D coordinates Keyword arguments ----------------- - t_dir = None, type str directory of topography file - topo = None, type function or str topography function or file - z = 0., type float add constant offset to topography in z-direction - centering = True, type bool Set **True** if extent of topography file should be centered horizontally around origin (0, 0) - easting_shift = None, type float add specified shift to x-coordinates of topography file - northing_shift = None, type float add specified shift to y-coordinates of topography file - rotation = None, type float rotate complete topography file about specified angle(DEG) horizontally """ if topo is None: nodes[:, 2] = z else: if type(topo) is not str: nodes[:, 2] = topo(nodes[:, 0], nodes[:, 1]) else: from custEM.meshgen.dem_interpolator import DEM dem = DEM(t_dir + '/' + topo, centering=bool(centering), easting_shift=easting_shift, northing_shift=northing_shift, revert_z=revert_z) nodes[:, 2] = dem(nodes[:, 0], nodes[:, 1], rotation=rotation) nodes[:, 2] += z return(nodes)
[docs] def inside_poly(x, y, path): """ Return True if a coordinate (x, y) is inside a polygon defined by a list of verticies [(x1, y1), (x2, x2), ... , (xN, yN)]. Reference: Required arguments ------------------ - x, type float x coordinate of point to be checked - y, type float y coordinate of point to be checked - path, type list/array with shape (:, 3) list or array of 3D coordinates """ n = len(path) inside = False p1x, p1y = path[0] for i in range(1, n + 1): p2x, p2y = path[i % n] if y > min(p1y, p2y): if y <= max(p1y, p2y): if x <= max(p1x, p2x): if p1y != p2y: xinters = (y - p1y) * (p2x - p1x) / (p2y - p1y) + p1x if p1x == p2x or x <= xinters: inside = not inside p1x, p1y = p2x, p2y return(inside)
[docs] def refine_path(path, n_segs=None, length=None): """ Refine each section of a 3D path into n_segs equal segments. Required arguments ------------------ - path, type list/array with shape (:, 3) list or array of 3D coordinates - n_segs, type int number of nodes to be inserted within each segment of the path - length, type float maximum length of any segment of the path """ if n_segs is not None and length is not None: print('Error! Specify either *n_segs* (each segment of the path is ' 'split into n_segs or a maximum segment *length* for the path.') raise SystemExit new_path = np.array(path[0]).reshape(1, 3) for j in range(len(path) - 1): if length is not None: n_segs = int(np.linalg.norm(path[j] - path[j+1]) / length) + 1 refined = np.array( [np.linspace(path[j, 0], path[j+1, 0], n_segs + 1), np.linspace(path[j, 1], path[j+1, 1], n_segs + 1), np.linspace(path[j, 2], path[j+1, 2], n_segs + 1)]) new_path = np.vstack((new_path, refined.T[1:, :])) return(new_path)
[docs] def refine_rx(coords, r=5., rot=None, n_segs=3): """ Refine rx position by enclosing them with hexagons of radius *r*. The smaller *r*, the better the refinement. Note that each hexagon will be subdivided into 6 equilateral triangles, which will support optimum tetrahedra quality during the meshing process. Required arguments ------------------ - coords, type list/array with shape (:, 3) list or array of 3D coordinates Keyword arguments ----------------- - r = 5., type float radius of surrounding equilateral (triangle if *n_segs=3*) shape - rot = None, type float horizontal rotation angle(DEG) between subsequent shapes - n_segs = 3, type int number of corners of surrounding equilateral polygon shape """ rx_refined = [] for rec in coords: rx_refined.append(loop_c(origin=rec, r=r, z=rec[2], n_segs=n_segs)) if rot is not None: degs = np.arange(len(coords)) * rot for j in range(len(coords)): rx_refined[j] = rotate_around_point( rx_refined[j], coords[j], [np.deg2rad(degs[j])], ['z']) return(rx_refined)
[docs] def refine_adaptive(coords, txs, r1=20., r2=5., r3=1., d3=200., d2=500., min_tx_dist=100., rot=30., n_segs=3): """ Decription to add """ rx_refined = [] new_coords = [] rx_single = [[] for ti in txs] for pos in coords: dists = [] for tx in txs: dists.append(np.min(np.linalg.norm(pos[:2] - tx[:, :2], axis=1))) dist = min(dists) if dist < min_tx_dist: #pass for ti, tx in enumerate(txs): if dists[ti] >= min_tx_dist: rx_single[ti].append(list(pos)) rx_refined.append(loop_c(origin=pos, r=r1, z=pos[2], n_segs=n_segs)) elif dist < d3: new_coords.append(list(pos)) rx_refined.append(loop_c(origin=pos, r=r3, z=pos[2], n_segs=n_segs)) elif dist < d2: new_coords.append(list(pos)) rx_refined.append(loop_c(origin=pos, r=r2, z=pos[2], n_segs=n_segs)) else: new_coords.append(list(pos)) rx_refined.append(loop_c(origin=pos, r=r1, z=pos[2], n_segs=n_segs)) if rot is not None: degs = np.arange(len(rx_refined)) * rot for j in range(len(rx_refined)): rx_refined[j] = rotate_around_point( rx_refined[j], np.mean(rx_refined[j], axis=0), [np.deg2rad(degs[j])], ['z']) return(new_coords, rx_single, rx_refined)
[docs] def npoly_to_triangles(world, ids): """ Add polygones with more than three edges in form of triangles to *Omega*. """ for idx in range(len(ids) - 2): world.createTriangleFace( world.node(ids[idx]), world.node(ids[idx+1]), world.node(ids[-1]))
[docs] def get_unique_poly_ids(polys, max_poly_length): """ Get unique ids of nodes of multiple polygons. Required arguments ------------------ - polys, type list list of polygons - max_poly_length maximum number of nodes of within all polygons """ arr = np.zeros((len(polys), max_poly_length), dtype=int) for k, ele in enumerate(polys): arr[k, :len(ele)] = sorted(ele) _, ids = np.unique(arr, axis=0, return_index=True) return(ids)
[docs] def export_tetgen_poly_file(poly, filename, float_format='.3f', poly_marker=None, **kwargs): """ Write a given piecewise linear complex (mesh/poly) into an Ascii file in Tetgen *.poly* format. Required arguments ------------------ - poly, type pyGIMLi mesh piecewise linear complex which should be exported to the *.poly* file - filename, type str name of output file Keyword arguments ----------------- float_format = '.12e', type string format that will be used to write float values in the Ascii file, default is the exponential float form with a precision of 12 digits """ if filename[-5:] != '.poly': filename = filename + '.poly' polytxt = '' sep = '\t' # standard tab seperated file assert poly.dim() == 3, 'Exit, only for 3D meshes.' boundary_marker = 1 attribute_count = 0 # Part 1/4: node list # intro line # <nodecount> <dimension (3)> <# of attributes> <boundary marker (0 or 1)> polytxt += '{0}{5}{1}{5}{2}{5}{3}{4}'.format(poly.nodeCount(), 3, attribute_count, boundary_marker, os.linesep, sep) # loop over positions, attributes and marker(node) # <point idx> <x> <y> <z> [attributes] [boundary marker] point_str = '{:d}' # index of the point for i in range(3): # coords as float with given precision point_str += sep + '{:%s}' % (float_format) point_str += sep + '{:d}' + os.linesep # node marker for j, node in enumerate(poly.nodes()): fill = [ + 1] fill.extend([pos for pos in node.pos()]) fill.append(node.marker()) polytxt += point_str.format(*fill) # Part 2/4: boundary list # intro line # <# of facets> <boundary marker (0 or 1)> nBoundaries = poly.boundaryCount() # look for extra boundaries present in either the PLC or in kwargs n_polys = [] if 'n_polys' in kwargs: n_polys += kwargs.pop('n_polys', []) if hasattr(poly, 'n_polys'): n_polys += poly.n_polys nBoundaries += len(n_polys) polytxt += '{0:d}{2}1{1}'.format(nBoundaries, os.linesep, sep) # loop over facets, each facet can contain an arbitrary number of holes # and polygons, in our case, there is always one polygon per facet. for bound in poly.boundaries(): # one line per facet # <# of polygons> [# of holes] [boundary marker] npolys = 1 polytxt += '1{2}0{2}{0:d}{1}'.format(bound.marker(), os.linesep, sep) # inner loop over polygons # <# of corners> <corner 1> <corner 2> ... <corner #> for l in range(npolys): poly_str = '{:d}'.format(bound.nodeCount()) for ind in bound.ids(): poly_str += sep + '{:d}'.format(ind + 1) polytxt += '{0}{1}'.format(poly_str, os.linesep) # inner loop over holes # not necessary yet ?! why is there an extra hole section? # because this is for 2D holes in facets only # part 2b: extra boundaries that cannot be part of mesh class if poly_marker is None: poly_marker = [111] * len(n_polys) for nn, nodes in enumerate(n_polys): # <# of polygons> [# of holes] [boundary marker] npolys = 1 polytxt += '1{2}0{2}{0:d}{1}'.format(poly_marker[nn], os.linesep, sep) # <# of corners> <corner 1> <corner 2> ... <corner #> poly_str = '{:d}'.format(len(nodes)) for ind in nodes: poly_str += sep + '{:d}'.format(ind + 1) polytxt += '{0}{1}'.format(poly_str, os.linesep) # part 3/4: hole list # intro line # <# of holes> holes = poly.holeMarker() polytxt += '{:d}{}'.format(len(holes), os.linesep) # loop over hole marker # <hole #> <x> <y> <z> hole_str = '{:d}' for m in range(3): hole_str += sep + '{:%s}' % float_format hole_str += os.linesep for n, hole in enumerate(holes): polytxt += hole_str.format(n, *hole) # part 4/4: region attributes and volume constraints (optional) # intro line # <# of regions> try: regions = poly.regionMarker() except Exception: regions = poly.regionMarkers() polytxt += '{:d}{}'.format(len(regions), os.linesep) # loop over region marker # <region #> <x> <y> <z> <region number> <region attribute> region_str = '{:d}' for o in range(3): region_str += sep + '{:%s}' % (float_format) region_str += sep + '{:d}%s{:%s}' % (sep, float_format) + os.linesep for p, region in enumerate(regions): polytxt += region_str.format(p, region.x(), region.y(), region.z(), region.marker(), region.area()) # writing file with open(filename, 'w') as out: out.write(polytxt)
[docs] def export_tetgen_edge_file(preserve_edges, edge_marker, filename): """ Write a given set of edges which should be preserved into a Ascii file in Tetgen *.edge* format. Required arguments ------------------ - preserve_edges, type list edges which should be exported to the *.edge* file - edge_marker, type list list of markers assigned to the edges - filename, type str name of output file """ edgetxt = '' # intro line # <edgecount> <boundary marker (0 or 1)> edgetxt += '{} {}{}'.format(len(preserve_edges), 1, os.linesep) for jj, edge in enumerate(preserve_edges): edgetxt += '{:d} {:d} {:d} {:d}{}'.format( jj + 1, edge[0] + 1, edge[1] + 1, edge_marker[jj], os.linesep) with open(filename, 'w') as out: out.write(edgetxt)
[docs] def export_tetgen_node_file(preserve_nodes, filename): """ Write a given set of nodes which should be preserved into an Ascii file in Tetgen *.edge* format. Required arguments ------------------ - preserve_nodes, type list edges which should be exported to the *.node* file - filename, type str name of output file """ nodetxt = '' # intro line # <nodecount> <boundary markers (0 or 1)> nodetxt += '{} {}{}'.format(len(preserve_nodes), 0, 1, os.linesep) for jj, node in enumerate(preserve_nodes): nodetxt += '{:d} {:.3f} {:.3f} {:.3f} {:d}{}'.format(jj + 1, node.x(), node.y(), node.z(), node.marker(), os.linesep) with open(filename, 'w') as out: out.write(nodetxt)