Source code for custEM.meshgen.mesh_convert

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: modified by Rochlitz.R

# ! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2006 Anders Logg, modified by Rochlitz.R
# Licensed under the GNU LGPL Version 2.1

import dolfin as df
import logging
import numpy as np
from custEM.meshgen import meshgen_utils as mu

Modified dolfin-convert script for usage with domain markers in mpirun calls.

[docs] def mesh2xml2h5(mesh_name, m_dir, rot): """ Converts TetGen meshes in Medit (*.mesh*) format to *xml* and *h5* files for the usage in FEniCS. This function is called automatically during the intialization of the **MOD** class and converts a mesh if it does not already exist as *xml* and *h5* file. Required arguments ------------------ - mesh_name, type str mesh name - m_dir, type str path to mesh directory Functionality ------------- Convert between .mesh and .xml, parser implemented as a state machine: 0 = read 'Dimension' 1 = read dimension 2 = read 'Vertices' 3 = read number of vertices 4 = read next vertex 5 = read 'Triangles' or 'Tetrahedra' 6 = read number of cells 7 = read next cell 8 = read next domains 9 = done """ logger = logging.getLogger('custEM')'... converting from Medit format (.mesh) to *xml* and ' '*h5* format ...') ifile = open(m_dir + '/_mesh/' + mesh_name + '.mesh', "r") ofile = open(m_dir + '/_xml/' + mesh_name + '.xml', "w") cell_type = "tetrahedron" dim = 3 # Step to beginning of file # Write header write_header_mesh(ofile, cell_type, dim) # Current state state = 0 # Write data num_vertices_read = 0 num_cells_read = 0 marker = [] while 1: # Read next line line = ifile.readline() try: line[1] except IndexError: continue if not line: break # Skip comments if line[0] == '#': continue # Remove newline if line[-1] == "\n": line = line[:-1] if state == 0: if line[0] == 'D' and line[1] == 'i': state += 1 elif state == 1: num_dims = int(line) state += 1 elif state == 2: if line[0] == 'V' and line[1] == 'e': state += 1 elif state == 3: num_vertices = int(line) write_header_vertices(ofile, num_vertices) state += 1 elif state == 4: if num_dims == 1: (x, tmp1, tmp2) = line.split() x = float(x) y = 0.0 z = 0.0 elif num_dims == 2: (x, y, tmp) = line.split() x = float(x) y = float(y) z = 0.0 elif num_dims == 3: (x, y, z, tmp) = line.split() x = float(x) y = float(y) z = float(z) if rot is not None: # rotate pre-rotated mesh back to original rotation if # post_rotate flag during mesh generation is not None xyzrot = mu.rotate_around_point([[x, y, z]], [0., 0., 0.], [np.deg2rad(rot)], ['z']) x, y, z = xyzrot[0, 0], xyzrot[0, 1], xyzrot[0, 2] write_vertex(ofile, num_vertices_read, x, y, z) num_vertices_read += 1 if num_vertices == num_vertices_read: write_footer_vertices(ofile) state += 1 elif state == 5: if line == "Intervals" and num_dims == 1: state += 1 if line == "Triangles" and num_dims == 2: state += 1 if line[0] == 'T' and line[1] == 'e' and num_dims == 3: state += 1 elif state == 6: num_cells = int(line) num_domains = num_cells write_header_cells(ofile, num_cells) state += 1 elif state == 7: if num_dims == 1: (n0, n1, tmp1, tmp2) = line.split() n0 = int(n0) - 1 n1 = int(n1) - 1 write_cell_interval(ofile, num_cells_read, n0, n1) elif num_dims == 2: (n0, n1, n2, tmp) = line.split() n0 = int(n0) - 1 n1 = int(n1) - 1 n2 = int(n2) - 1 write_cell_triangle(ofile, num_cells_read, n0, n1, n2) elif num_dims == 3: (n0, n1, n2, n3, tmp) = line.split() n0 = int(n0) - 1 n1 = int(n1) - 1 n2 = int(n2) - 1 n3 = int(n3) - 1 marker.append(tmp) write_cell_tetrahedron(ofile, num_cells_read, n0, n1, n2, n3) num_cells_read += 1 if num_cells == num_cells_read: write_footer_cells(ofile) state += 1 elif state == 8: write_header_domains(ofile, num_domains) state += 1 elif state == 9: for j in range(num_domains): write_domain_marker(ofile, j, marker[j]) write_footer_domains(ofile) state += 1 elif state == 10: break # Check that we got all data if state == 10: pass else: logger.critical('Error! Missing mesh data, unable to convert. ' 'Aborting ...') raise SystemExit # Write footer write_footer_mesh(ofile) # Close files ifile.close() ofile.close() # Write xml domains file since MeshFunction xml output from one process # is not supported mpirun mode write_xml_domain_file(m_dir + '/_xml/' + mesh_name + '_domains.xml', num_domains, marker) # Convert xml files to h5 format xml_to_hdf5(m_dir + '/_xml/' + mesh_name + '.xml', m_dir + '/_h5/' + mesh_name + '.h5')
[docs] def write_header_mesh(ofile, cell_type, dim): """ Write header of mesh file. """ ofile.write("""\ <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <dolfin xmlns:dolfin=\"\"> <mesh celltype="%s" dim="%d"> """ % (cell_type, dim))
[docs] def write_header_graph(ofile, graph_type): """ Write header graph to file. """ ofile.write("""\ <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <dolfin xmlns:dolfin=\"\"> <graph type="%s"> """ % (graph_type))
[docs] def write_header_vertices(ofile, num_vertices): """ Write header *vertices* to file. """ logger = logging.getLogger('custEM') logger.debug('... expecting %d vertices ...' % num_vertices) ofile.write(" <vertices size=\"%d\">\n" % num_vertices)
[docs] def write_header_edges(ofile, num_edges): """ Write header *edges* to file. """ logger = logging.getLogger('custEM') logger.debug('... expecting %d edges ...' % num_edges) ofile.write(" <edges size=\"%d\">\n" % num_edges)
[docs] def write_vertex(ofile, vertex, x, y, z): """ Write vertex to file. """ ofile.write(' <vertex index=\"%d\" x=\"%.16g\" y=\"%.16g\" ' 'z=\"%.16g\"/>\n' % (vertex, x, y, z))
[docs] def write_graph_vertex(ofile, vertex, num_edges, weight=1): """ Write vertex graph to file. """ ofile.write(' <vertex index=\"%d\" num_edges=\"%d\" ' 'weight=\"%d\"/>\n' % (vertex, num_edges, weight))
[docs] def write_graph_edge(ofile, v1, v2, weight=1): """ Write edge graph to file. """ ofile.write(' <edge v1=\"%d\" v2=\"%d\" ' 'weight=\"%d\"/>\n' % (v1, v2, weight))
[docs] def write_header_cells(ofile, num_cells): """ Write header *cells* to file. """ logger = logging.getLogger('custEM') ofile.write(" <cells size=\"%d\">\n" % num_cells) logger.debug('... expecting %d cells ...' % num_cells)
[docs] def write_cell_interval(ofile, cell, n0, n1): """ Write interval (1D) information to domain file. """ ofile.write(' <interval index=\"%d\" v0=\"%d\" ' 'v1=\"%d\"/>\n' % (cell, n0, n1))
[docs] def write_cell_triangle(ofile, cell, n0, n1, n2): """ Write triangle 2D information to domain file. """ ofile.write(' <triangle index=\"%d\" v0=\"%d\" v1=\"%d\" ' 'v2=\"%d\"/>\n' % (cell, n0, n1, n2))
[docs] def write_cell_tetrahedron(ofile, cell, n0, n1, n2, n3): """ Write tetrahedron 3D information to file. """ ofile.write(' <tetrahedron index=\"%d\" v0=\"%d\" v1=\"%d\" ' 'v2=\"%d\" v3=\"%d\"/>\n' % (cell, n0, n1, n2, n3))
[docs] def write_domain_marker(ofile, cell, marker, dfile=False): """ Write domain markers to domain file. """ if not dfile: ofile.write(' <value cell_index=\"%d\" local_entity=\"%s\" ' 'value=\"%s\"/>\n' % (cell, 0, marker)) elif dfile: ofile.write(' <value cell_index=\"%d\" local_entity=\"%s\" ' 'value=\"%s\"/>\n' % (cell, 0, marker))
[docs] def write_header_domains(ofile, num_domains, dfile=False): """ Write header to domain file. """ logger = logging.getLogger('custEM') if not dfile: logger.debug('... expecting %d domains ...' % num_domains) ofile.write(' <domains>\n') ofile.write(' <mesh_value_collection name="m" type="uint" ' 'dim="2" size=\"%d\">\n' % 0) ofile.write(" </mesh_value_collection>\n") ofile.write(' <mesh_value_collection name="m" type="uint" ' 'dim="3" size=\"%d\">\n' % num_domains) elif dfile: ofile.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n') ofile.write('<dolfin xmlns:dolfin="">\n') ofile.write(' <mesh_function>\n') ofile.write(' <mesh_value_collection name="m" type="uint" ' 'dim="3" size=\"%d\">\n' % num_domains)
[docs] def write_xml_domain_file(ofile_name, num_domains, marker): """ Write domain marker to mesh function file. """ ofile = open(ofile_name, "w") write_header_domains(ofile, num_domains, dfile=True) for j in range(num_domains): write_domain_marker(ofile, j, marker[j], dfile=True) write_footer_domains(ofile, dfile=True) ofile.close()
[docs] def xml_to_hdf5(xml, h5): """ Convert *xml* to HDF5 (*h5*) file. Required arguments ------------------ - xml, type str name of *xml* file - h5, type str name of *h5* file """ mesh = df.Mesh(df.MPI.comm_self, xml) domains = df.MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, 3, mesh_file = df.HDF5File(df.MPI.comm_self, h5, 'w') mesh_file.write(mesh, '/mesh') mesh_file.write(domains, "/domains")