Source code for custEM.meshgen.dem_interpolator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@authors: Rochlitz.R & Günther.T

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from custEM.meshgen import meshgen_utils as mu
import matplotlib.tri as mtri

[docs] class DEM: """ Interpolation class for digital elevation models (DEM). Automatically creates interpolation objects during the class initialization, based on DEM information stored as list of coordinates in *txt* format or as matrix in *asc* format. """ def __init__(self, demfile, x=None, y=None, centering=False, easting_shift=None, northing_shift=None, revert_z=False): """ Initialize DEM (regular grid) interpolation object. Required arguments ------------------ - demfile, type str or iterable elevations (list, ndarray) digital elevation file: * ASC file with lower left corner and spacing in header OR * x, y, z list of grid points or irregular points Keyword arguments ----------------- - x, y = None, type iterable (list, ndarray) unique x and y positions - centering = False, type bool set **True**, if the given DEM should be centered relative to the computational domain coordinate frame - easting_shift, northing_shift = None, type float if centering is **False**, a custom offset of a given DEM relaive to the computational domain in x- and y- direction can be set - revert_z = False, type bool Revert z-values of the DEM if the original height information was provided in a donward-oriented coorindate system """ self.x = None self.y = None self.rotate = None self.revert_z = revert_z if isinstance(demfile, str): if demfile[-4:].lower() == '.asc': self.loadASC(demfile, centering, easting_shift, northing_shift) else: self.loadTXT(demfile, centering, easting_shift, northing_shift) elif x is not None and y is not None: self.z = demfile else: raise Exception("Either DEM file or z with x and y must be given!") def __call__(self, x, y=None, rotation=None): """ Interpolation function for either 2D or 3D coordinates. Required arguments ------------------ - x, type iterable (list, ndarray) list of target x-coordinates for 2D interpolation Keyword arguments ----------------- - y = None, type iterable (list, ndarray) list of target y-coordinates for 3D interpolation - rotation (RAD) = None, type float () rotation of the DEM around the center coordinate (set via the *centering* flag or *easting/northing_shift*) relative to the computational domain, given in rad, not degree """ if y is None: if rotation is not None: X = np.hstack((x.reshape(-1, 1), np.zeros((len(x), 2)))) x = mu.rotate(X, np.deg2rad(rotation))[:, 0] return self.dem(x) else: if rotation is not None: X = np.hstack((np.hstack((x.reshape(-1, 1), y.reshape(-1, 1))), np.zeros((len(y), 1)))) X_rot = mu.rotate(X, np.deg2rad(rotation)) x, y = X_rot[:, 0], X_rot[:, 1] if hasattr(self, 'tri'): return self.dem(x, y) else: return self.dem((x, y))
[docs] def loadTXT(self, demfile, centering, easting_shift, northing_shift): """ Load *txt* file with column-based list of DEM coordinates. Required arguments ------------------ - see **DEM** class description """ xp, yp, zp = np.loadtxt(demfile, unpack=True) if len(np.unique(xp)) * len(np.unique(yp)) > len(xp): # Perform irregular grid interpolation based on triangulation self.x = xp self.y = yp self.z = zp self.translate(centering, easting_shift, northing_shift) self.tri = mtri.Triangulation(self.x, self.y) self.dem = mtri.LinearTriInterpolator(self.tri, self.z) return if np.isclose(yp[0], yp[1], rtol=1e-32, atol=1e-2): if np.isclose(xp[0], xp[1], rtol=1e-32, atol=1e-2): print('Fatal error! Neither first two x- nor y- coords are ' 'increasing in the specified xyz file! Aborting...') raise SystemExit elif xp[1] > xp[0]: nx = np.argwhere(np.diff(xp) < 0)[0][0] + 1 else: nx = np.argwhere(np.diff(xp) > 0)[0][0] + 1 ny = len(xp) // nx x = xp[:nx] y = yp[::nx] zp = zp.reshape((ny, nx)) else: if yp[1] > yp[0]: ny = np.argwhere(np.diff(yp) < 0)[0][0] + 1 else: ny = np.argwhere(np.diff(yp) > 0)[0][0] + 1 nx = len(xp) // ny x = xp[::ny] y = yp[:ny] zp = zp.reshape((nx, ny)).T if y[1] < y[0]: y.sort() zp = np.flipud(zp) if x[1] < x[0]: x.sort() zp = np.fliplr(zp) self.z = zp if self.revert_z: self.z *= -1. self.x = x self.y = y print('DEM original extent (x min, x max, y min, y max):') print(np.min(self.x), np.max(self.x), np.min(self.y), np.max(self.y)) self.translate(centering, easting_shift, northing_shift) self.dem = RegularGridInterpolator((self.x, self.y), self.z.T)
[docs] def loadASC(self, ascfile, centering, easting_shift, northing_shift): """ Load ASC file (DEM matrix with location header). Required arguments ------------------ - see **DEM** class description """ with open(ascfile) as fid: header = {} sp = [] nheader = 0 while len(sp) < 3: sp = fid.readline().split() if len(sp) < 3: header[sp[0]] = float(sp[1]) nheader += 1 self.z = np.flipud(np.genfromtxt(ascfile, skip_header=nheader)) if 'NODATA_value' in header: self.z[self.z == header['NODATA_value']] = np.nan if self.revert_z: self.z *= -1. dx = header.pop('cellsize', 1.0) # just a guess self.x = np.arange(header['ncols']) * dx + header['xllcorner'] self.y = np.arange(header['nrows']) * dx + header['yllcorner'] print('DEM original extent (x min, x max, y min, y max):') print(np.min(self.x), np.max(self.x), np.min(self.y), np.max(self.y)) self.translate(centering, easting_shift, northing_shift) self.dem = RegularGridInterpolator((self.x, self.y), self.z.T)
[docs] def translate(self, centering=False, easting_shift=None, northing_shift=None, back=False): """ Function to translate coordinates in horizontal direction. Keyword arguments ----------------- - see **DEM** class description - back = False, type bool set True to translate back in the opposite direction; useful for rotating coordinates around a specific origin """ if centering: if easting_shift is None and northing_shift is None: print("shifted by:") print("x-dir: ", np.mean([np.min(self.x), np.max(self.x)])) print("y-dir: ", np.mean([np.min(self.y), np.max(self.y)])) if not back: self.x -= np.mean([np.min(self.x), np.max(self.x)]) self.y -= np.mean([np.min(self.y), np.max(self.y)]) else: self.x += np.mean([np.min(self.x), np.max(self.x)]) self.y += np.mean([np.min(self.y), np.max(self.y)]) else: print('Warning! Never set *centering=True* while ' '*easting_shift* and *northing_shift* are not None, ' 'Aborting before something unexpected happens ...') raise SystemExit if easting_shift is not None: self.x -= (np.mean(self.x) - easting_shift) if northing_shift is not None: self.y -= (np.mean(self.y) - northing_shift) elif not centering: if easting_shift is not None: self.x += easting_shift if northing_shift is not None: self.y += northing_shift
[docs] def show(self, cmap="terrain", cbar=True, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Show digital elevation model. Needs an update. Keyword arguments ----------------- - cmap = "terrain", type str () matplotlib colormap definiton - cbar = True, type bool add colorbar to the plot or not - ax = None, type matplotlib figure axes object add the plot to a given axes object or create a new one - **kwargs, type keyword arguments add additional keyword arguments for the plot style (e.g., *lw*) """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=kwargs.pop('figsize', (15, 15))) # extract some kwargs for axis setting and colorbar orientation = kwargs.pop('orientation', 'vertical') xlim = kwargs.pop('xlim', (-9e99, 9e99)) ylim = kwargs.pop('ylim', (-9e99, 9e99)) x = self.dem.grid[0] y = self.dem.grid[1] ix0 = np.argmin(x < xlim[0]) ix1 = np.argmax(x > xlim[1]) - 1 if ix1 < 0: ix1 = len(x) iy0 = np.argmin(y < ylim[0]) iy1 = np.argmax(y > ylim[1]) - 1 if iy1 < 0: iy1 = len(y) im = ax.pcolormesh(x[ix0:ix1], y[iy0:iy1], self.dem.values[ix0:ix1, iy0:iy1].T, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) if cbar: plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, orientation=orientation) ax.set_aspect(1.0) return ax