Source code for custEM.meshgen.bathy_tools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Rochlitz.R

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
from custEM.meshgen import meshgen_utils as mu

[docs] class Bathy: """ Coastline identification class for digital elevation models. Please note that the basic methods are working properly for a couple of specific models, but a more general application of this class needs some debugging and further extensions. """ def __init__(self, bathy_file, x=None, y=None, centering=False, easting_shift=None, northing_shift=None, min_dist=50., min_points=10, coast_refinement=None, do_nothing=False): """ Initialize DEM (regular grid) interpolation object. Required arguments ------------------ - topo_file, type str or iterable elevations (list, ndarray) digital elevation file: * ASC file with lower left corner and spacing in header OR * x, y, z list of grid points, no irregular grids supported so far Keyword arguments ----------------- - x, y = None, type iterable (list, ndarray) unique x and y positions - centering = False, type bool set **True**, if the given DEM should be centered relative to the computational domain coordinate frame - easting_shift, northing_shift = None, type float if centering is **False**, a custom offset of a given DEM relaive to the computational domain in x- and y- direction can be set - min_dist = 50., type float minimum distance between two positions identified on the coastline - min_points = 10, type int minimum number of positions that need to be identified on a coastline to be incorporated in the mesh; used to avoid comparatively small water areas - coast_refinement = None, type int divide each segment on the coastline in *coast_refinement* smaller segments; needs to be replaced by a *min_dist* formulation - do_nothing = False, type bool flag currently for development purposes only """ if do_nothing: return self.x = None self.y = None self.rotate = None if isinstance(bathy_file, str): if bathy_file[-4:].lower() == '.asc': self.x_bathy, self.y_bathy, self.z_bathy = \ self.loadASC(bathy_file, centering, easting_shift, northing_shift) else: self.x_bathy, self.y_bathy, self.z_bathy = \ self.loadTXT(bathy_file, centering, easting_shift, northing_shift) self.x_bathy, self.y_bathy = \ self.translate(self.x_bathy, self.y_bathy, centering, easting_shift, northing_shift) else: raise Exception("correct DEM file (tsype str) must be given!") print('DEM original extent (x min, x max, y min, y max, z):') print(np.min(self.x_bathy), np.max(self.x_bathy), np.min(self.y_bathy), np.max(self.y_bathy), np.min(self.z_bathy), np.max(self.z_bathy)) # f, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(9, 6)) # obj = ax.imshow(self.z_bathy, vmin=-100., vmax=0., # cmap='ocean') # f.colorbar(obj, ax=ax) # plt.savefig('bla.png') # raise SystemExit self.level = 0. self.atol = 1e-2 self.dx = np.diff(self.x_bathy[:2]) self.min_dist = min_dist self.min_points = min_points self.marine_marker = [] self.eval_coast_line() self.coast_line = np.array(self.coast_line) if coast_refinement is not None: tmp_lines = [] # if type(coast_refinement) is not int: # print('Error! coast_refinement must be of *type int*!') # raise SystemExit # ll = coast_refinement + 1 # for seg in self.coast_line: # new_line = seg[0] # arr = np.zeros((ll, 3)) # for j in range(len(seg) - 1): # if (((seg[j, 0] or seg[j+1, 0]) in # [np.min(self.x_bathy), np.max(self.x_bathy)]) or # ((seg[j, 1] or seg[j+1, 1]) in # [np.min(self.y_bathy), np.max(self.y_bathy)])): # new_line = np.vstack((new_line, seg[j+1])) # else: # print('HACKED!') # print('HACKED! LINE 99 in bathy tools') # print('HACKED!') # if seg[j, 0] > -2500. and seg[j, 1] > -500.: # ll = 5 # arr = np.zeros((ll, 3)) # else: # ll = coast_refinement + 1 # arr = np.zeros((ll, 3)) # arr[:, 0] = np.linspace(seg[j, 0], seg[j+1, 0], ll) # arr[:, 1] = np.linspace(seg[j, 1], seg[j+1, 1], ll) # new_line = np.vstack((new_line, arr[1:])) # arr[:, 0] = np.linspace(seg[-1, 0], seg[0, 0], ll) # arr[:, 1] = np.linspace(seg[-1, 1], seg[0, 1], ll) # new_line = np.vstack((new_line, arr[1:-1])) # tmp_lines.append(new_line) # better version with min_length for seg in self.coast_line: print('need to rework coast refinement') bla new_line = seg[0] arr = np.zeros((ll, 3)) for j in range(len(seg) - 1): if (((seg[j, 0] or seg[j+1, 0]) in [np.min(self.x_bathy), np.max(self.x_bathy)]) or ((seg[j, 1] or seg[j+1, 1]) in [np.min(self.y_bathy), np.max(self.y_bathy)])): new_line = np.vstack((new_line, seg[j+1])) else: print('HACKED!') print('HACKED! LINE 99 in bathy tools') print('HACKED!') if seg[j, 0] > -2500. and seg[j, 1] > -500.: ll = 5 arr = np.zeros((ll, 3)) else: ll = coast_refinement + 1 arr = np.zeros((ll, 3)) arr[:, 0] = np.linspace(seg[j, 0], seg[j+1, 0], ll) arr[:, 1] = np.linspace(seg[j, 1], seg[j+1, 1], ll) new_line = np.vstack((new_line, arr[1:])) arr[:, 0] = np.linspace(seg[-1, 0], seg[0, 0], ll) arr[:, 1] = np.linspace(seg[-1, 1], seg[0, 1], ll) new_line = np.vstack((new_line, arr[1:-1])) tmp_lines.append(new_line) self.coast_line = tmp_lines
[docs] def loadTXT(self, topo_file, centering, easting_shift, northing_shift): """ Load *txt* file with column-based list of DEM coordinates. This function is redudant to an identical function in the **DEM** class and will be removed in a major update of the bathy-tools. Required arguments ------------------ - see **Bathy** class description """ xp, yp, zp = np.loadtxt(topo_file, unpack=True) if len(np.unique(xp)) * len(np.unique(yp)) > len(xp): print('Only regular grids for coast_line search supported') raise SystemExit if np.isclose(yp[0], yp[1], rtol=1e-32, atol=1e-2): if np.isclose(xp[0], xp[1], rtol=1e-32, atol=1e-2): print('Fatal error! Neither first two x- nor y- coords are ' 'increasing in the specified xyz file! Aborting...') raise SystemExit elif xp[1] > xp[0]: nx = np.argwhere(np.diff(xp) < 0)[0][0] + 1 else: nx = np.argwhere(np.diff(xp) > 0)[0][0] + 1 ny = len(xp) // nx x = xp[:nx] y = yp[::nx] zp = zp.reshape((ny, nx)) else: if yp[1] > yp[0]: ny = np.argwhere(np.diff(yp) < 0)[0][0] + 1 else: ny = np.argwhere(np.diff(yp) > 0)[0][0] + 1 nx = len(xp) // ny x = xp[::ny] y = yp[:ny] zp = zp.reshape((nx, ny)) if y[1] < y[0]: y.sort() zp = np.flipud(zp) if x[1] < x[0]: x.sort() zp = np.fliplr(zp) self.nx = int(nx) self.ny = int(ny) return(x, y, zp)
[docs] def loadASC(self, topo_file, centering, easting_shift, northing_shift): """ Load *asc* file (DEM matrix with location header). This function is redudant to an identical function in the **DEM** class and will be removed in a major update of the bathy-tools. Required arguments ------------------ - see **Bathy** class description """ with open(topo_file) as fid: header = {} sp = [] nheader = 0 while len(sp) < 3: sp = fid.readline().split() if len(sp) < 3: header[sp[0]] = float(sp[1]) nheader += 1 zp = np.flipud(np.genfromtxt(topo_file, skip_header=nheader)).T if 'NODATA_value' in header: zp[zp == header['NODATA_value']] = np.nan dx = header.pop('cellsize', 1.0) # just a guess x = np.arange(header['ncols']) * dx + header['xllcorner'] y = np.arange(header['nrows']) * dx + header['yllcorner'] self.nx = int(header['ncols']) self.ny = int(header['nrows']) return(x, y, zp)
[docs] def translate(self, x, y, centering=False, easting_shift=None, northing_shift=None, back=False): """ Function to translate coordinates in horizontal direction. Required arguments ------------------ - x, y, type list/array of coordinates coordinates to be translated horizontally Keyword arguments ----------------- - see **Bathy** class description """ if centering: if easting_shift is None and northing_shift is None: if not back: x -= np.mean(x) y -= np.mean(y) else: x += np.mean(x) y += np.mean(y) else: print('Warning! Never set *centering=True* while ' '*easting_shift* and *northing_shift* are not None, ' 'Aborting before something unexpected happens ...') raise SystemExit if easting_shift is not None: x -= (np.mean(x) - easting_shift) if northing_shift is not None: y -= (np.mean(y) - northing_shift) elif not centering: if easting_shift is not None: x += easting_shift if northing_shift is not None: y += northing_shift return(x, y)
[docs] def eval_coast_line(self): """ Main method to find intersection of topo and zero-height level. """ print(' - evaluating coast line(s) from DEM data - ') idxs, d = [], 0 m, n = self.z_bathy.shape[0], self.z_bathy.shape[1] for k in range(m): for j in range(n): if not (k in (0, m - 1) or j in (0, n - 1)): if self.z_bathy[k, j] < 0. and \ (self.z_bathy[k - 1, j] >= 0. or self.z_bathy[k, j - 1] >= 0. or self.z_bathy[k + 1, j] >= 0. or self.z_bathy[k, j + 1] >= 0. or self.z_bathy[k - 1, j - 1] >= 0. or self.z_bathy[k + 1, j - 1] >= 0. or self.z_bathy[k + 1, j + 1] >= 0. or self.z_bathy[k - 1, j + 1] >= 0.): if 'neighbours' not in locals(): neighbours = np.zeros((1, 4), dtype=bool) else: neighbours = np.vstack(( neighbours, np.zeros((1, 4), dtype=bool))) if j + 1 != n - 1: neighbours[d, 0] = self.check_neighbours(k, j + 1) if k + 1 != m - 1: neighbours[d, 1] = self.check_neighbours(k + 1, j) if j - 1 != 0: neighbours[d, 2] = self.check_neighbours(k, j - 1) if k - 1 != 0: neighbours[d, 3] = self.check_neighbours(k - 1, j) d += 1 idxs.append([k, j]) self.all_idxs = np.array(idxs) self.neighbours = neighbours self.n_neighbours = np.sum(self.neighbours, axis=1) print('... need to check for ' + str(len(idxs)) + ' points ...') self.coast_line, self.line_count, self.counter = [], 0, 0 self.every, found = len(idxs), 0 # #'ids.npy', self.all_idxs) #'land.npy', self.z_bathy) # raise SystemExit blubb = 0 while self.every > self.counter: idx = self.find_start_point() if idx is None: print(' - skipping remaining single points - ') return print('START ID', idx) self.find_direction(idx) print('LEN', len(self.coast_line[self.line_count])) # raise SystemExit if len(self.coast_line[self.line_count]) < self.min_points: del self.coast_line[-1] del self.marine_marker[-1] else: self.line_count += 1 print('SUMMARY: ', self.every, self.counter) print(len(self.all_idxs), 'LC: ', self.line_count, len(self.marine_marker)) #'ids' + str(blubb) + '.npy', self.all_idxs) #'land' + str(blubb) + '.npy', self.z_bathy) blubb += 1 # print(self.coast_line) print(self.line_count) print('MIN DIST:', self.min_dist) print('hacked break') for elem in self.coast_line[0]: print(elem) break
# print('HARD CUT AFTER 2 ITERATION(S); NEED TO BE FIXED!') # if self.line_count == 1: # return # self.marine_marker=np.array([[-2000., -2000., -100.]])
[docs] def find_direction(self, idx, from_boundary=False): """ Identifiy clock- or counterclockwise search path direction based on regular grid DEM data automatically. Does not work in all cases so far. Required arguments ------------------ - idx, type list of [int, int] x and y index of the DEM grid to start the direction search from Keyword arguments ----------------- - from_boundary = False, type bool internally used flag to check if a coastline path was following the horizontal mesh boundaries before entering the grid again """ ref = np.array(idx, dtype=int) self.coast_line.append([]) dummy, found = 0, [] self.last_dir = None while True: blubb = False pre_idx = np.array(idx, dtype=int) for jjj in range(len(self.all_idxs)): if idx[0] == self.all_idxs[jjj, 0] and \ idx[1] == self.all_idxs[jjj, 1]: pos = jjj blubb = True break if dummy == 0: ref = self.all_idxs[pos] print('\nJJJ', self.n_neighbours[jjj]) if dummy == 1: self.all_idxs = np.vstack((self.all_idxs, ref)) if pos not in found: found.extend([pos]) if not blubb: idx = ref if dummy != 0: if idx[0] == ref[0] and idx[1] == ref[1]: self.coast_line[self.line_count] = np.array( self.coast_line[self.line_count]) self.marine_marker.append([self.x_bathy[idx[0]], self.y_bathy[idx[1]], 0.]) self.all_idxs = np.delete(self.all_idxs, found, 0) self.neighbours = np.delete(self.neighbours, found, 0) self.n_neighbours = np.delete(self.n_neighbours, found, 0) self.all_idxs = np.delete(self.all_idxs, -1, 0) self.counter += len(found) return n_neighbours = self.n_neighbours[pos] w, d, s, a = self.neighbours[pos] if dummy == 0: # print('WARNING! Clockwise or Counterclockwise direction choice' # ' is still bugged in some cases! Continuing ...') # if self.z_bathy[idx[1] - 1, idx[1]] < 0.: # clockwise = False # else: # clockwise = True clockwise = True print('HACKED DIRECTION', clockwise) if not from_boundary and (idx[1] == self.z_bathy.shape[1] - 2 or idx[0] == 1 or idx[1] == 1 or idx[0] == self.z_bathy.shape[0] - 2): self.build_closing_frame(idx, clockwise) from_boundary = True elif n_neighbours == 1 or (n_neighbours == 2 and dummy == 0): if w: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'w', clockwise) idx[1] += 1 self.last_dir = 'w' elif d: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'd', clockwise) idx[0] += 1 self.last_dir = 'd' elif s: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 's', clockwise) idx[1] -= 1 self.last_dir = 's' elif a: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'a', clockwise) idx[0] -= 1 self.last_dir = 'a' elif (n_neighbours >= 2 and dummy != 0) or \ (n_neighbours == 3 and dummy == 0): if (from_boundary and not (idx[1] == self.z_bathy.shape[1] - 2 or idx[0] == 1 or idx[1] == 1 or idx[0] == self.z_bathy.shape[0] - 2)): from_boundary = False if self.last_dir == 'w' and not clockwise: if a: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'a', clockwise) idx[0] -= 1 elif w: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'w', clockwise) idx[1] += 1 elif d: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'd', clockwise) idx[0] += 1 elif self.last_dir == 'w' and clockwise: if d: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'd', clockwise) idx[0] += 1 elif w: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'w', clockwise) idx[1] += 1 elif a: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'a', clockwise) idx[0] -= 1 elif self.last_dir == 'd' and not clockwise: if w: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'w', clockwise) idx[1] += 1 elif d: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'd', clockwise) idx[0] += 1 elif s: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 's', clockwise) idx[1] -= 1 elif self.last_dir == 'd' and clockwise: if s: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 's', clockwise) idx[1] -= 1 elif d: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'd', clockwise) idx[0] += 1 elif w: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'w', clockwise) idx[1] += 1 elif self.last_dir == 's' and not clockwise: if d: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'd', clockwise) idx[0] += 1 elif s: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 's', clockwise) idx[1] -= 1 elif a: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'a', clockwise) idx[0] -= 1 elif self.last_dir == 's' and clockwise: if a: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'a', clockwise) idx[0] -= 1 elif s: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 's', clockwise) idx[1] -= 1 elif d: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'd', clockwise) idx[0] += 1 elif self.last_dir == 'a' and not clockwise: if s: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 's', clockwise) idx[1] -= 1 elif a: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'a', clockwise) idx[0] -= 1 elif w: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'w', clockwise) idx[1] += 1 elif self.last_dir == 'a' and clockwise: if w: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'w', clockwise) idx[1] += 1 elif a: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 'a', clockwise) idx[0] -= 1 elif s: self.add_point_to_coast_line(idx, 's', clockwise) idx[1] -= 1 self.find_last_dir(pre_idx, idx) dummy += 1 if dummy % 1 == 0: print('every 100th id:', idx) if dummy == 10000: print('Doing this while loop for 10.000 times now, something ' 'is probably not correct here! Aborting ...') raise SystemExit
[docs] def add_point_to_coast_line(self, idx, direction, clockwise, tol=None): """ Add a coordinate to a coastline path if the distance to the previous position on the coastline is larger than *min_dist*. Required arguments ------------------ - idx, type list of [int, int] x and y index of the DEM grid - direction, type str direction string, either 'w', 'a', 's', or 'd' - clockwise, type bool go in clock- or counterclockwise direction Keyword arguments ----------------- - tol = None, type float custom search tolerance if required, not recommended to be changed """ if tol is None: tol = self.atol if direction == 'w': if clockwise: if self.z_bathy[idx[0] + 1, idx[1]] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_east(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1] + 1] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_north(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0] - 1, idx[1]] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_west(idx) else: if self.z_bathy[idx[0] - 1, idx[1]] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_west(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1] + 1] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_north(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0] + 1, idx[1]] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_east(idx) elif direction == 'a': if clockwise: if self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1] + 1] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_north(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0] - 1, idx[1]] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_west(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1] - 1] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_south(idx) else: if self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1] - 1] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_south(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0] - 1, idx[1]] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_west(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1] + 1] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_north(idx) elif direction == 's': if clockwise: if self.z_bathy[idx[0] - 1, idx[1]] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_west(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1] - 1] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_south(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0] + 1, idx[1]] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_east(idx) else: if self.z_bathy[idx[0] + 1, idx[1]] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_east(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1] - 1] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_south(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0] - 1, idx[1]] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_west(idx) elif direction == 'd': if clockwise: if self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1] - 1] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_south(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0] + 1, idx[1]] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_east(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1] + 1] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_north(idx) else: if self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1] + 1] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_north(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0] + 1, idx[1]] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_east(idx) if self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1] - 1] > self.level - tol: self.add_point_towards_south(idx)
[docs] def add_point_towards_north(self, idx): """ Add a coordinate to a coastline path in northern direction. Required arguments ------------------ - idx, type list of [int, int] x and y index of the DEM grid """ grad = (self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1]] - self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1] + 1]) / self.dx mx, my = 0., (self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1]] / grad)[0] if self.check_distance(self.x_bathy[idx[0]] + mx, self.y_bathy[idx[1]] + my): self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0]] + mx, self.y_bathy[idx[1]] + my, 0.])
[docs] def add_point_towards_south(self, idx): """ Add a coordinate to a coastline path in southern direction. Required arguments ------------------ - idx, type list of [int, int] x and y index of the DEM grid """ grad = (self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1] - 1] - self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1]]) / self.dx mx, my = 0., (self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1]] / grad)[0] if self.check_distance(self.x_bathy[idx[0]] + mx, self.y_bathy[idx[1]] + my): self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0]] + mx, self.y_bathy[idx[1]] + my, 0.])
[docs] def add_point_towards_east(self, idx): """ Add a coordinate to a coastline path in eastern direction. Required arguments ------------------ - idx, type list of [int, int] x and y index of the DEM grid """ grad = (self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1]] - self.z_bathy[idx[0] + 1, idx[1]]) / self.dx mx, my = (self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1]] / grad)[0], 0. if self.check_distance(self.x_bathy[idx[0]] + mx, self.y_bathy[idx[1]] + my): self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0]] + mx, self.y_bathy[idx[1]] + my, 0.])
[docs] def add_point_towards_west(self, idx): """ Add a coordinate to a coastline path in western direction. Required arguments ------------------ - idx, type list of [int, int] x and y index of the DEM grid """ grad = (self.z_bathy[idx[0] - 1, idx[1]] - self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1]]) / self.dx mx, my = (self.z_bathy[idx[0], idx[1]] / grad)[0], 0. if self.check_distance(self.x_bathy[idx[0]] + mx, self.y_bathy[idx[1]] + my): self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0]] + mx, self.y_bathy[idx[1]] + my, 0.])
[docs] def check_distance(self, x, y): """ Calculate distance between a coordinate [x, y] and the previous position on the coastline. Required arguments ------------------ - x, y, typefloat x and y coordinates for the horizontal distance evaluation """ if len(self.coast_line[self.line_count]) > 0: d = np.sqrt((self.coast_line[self.line_count][-1][0] - x)**2 + (self.coast_line[self.line_count][-1][1] - y)**2) d_init = np.sqrt((self.coast_line[self.line_count][0][0] - x)**2 + (self.coast_line[self.line_count][0][1] - y)**2) if d < self.min_dist or d_init < self.min_dist: return(False) else: return(True) else: return(True)
[docs] def go_clockwise(self, side, idx, from_corner=False): """ Continue coastline path in clockwise direction if the horizontal mesh boundary is reached. Required arguments ------------------ - side, type str string specifying one of the four sides - idx, type list of [int, int] x and y index of the DEM grid - from_corner = False, type bool internally used flag to continue a path after a corner of the horizontal mesh extent was reached """ print('boundary reached going clockwise ', side, ' ', idx) if side == 'north': if not from_corner: self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0]], self.y_bathy[idx[1] + 1], 0.]) while idx[0] < self.z_bathy.shape[0]: idx[0] += 1 if len(np.where((self.all_idxs == (idx[0], self.z_bathy.shape[1] - 2)).all( axis=1))[0]) == 1: self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0]], self.y_bathy[idx[1] + 1], 0.]) return([idx[0], self.z_bathy.shape[1] - 2]) idx[0] -= 1 self.coast_line[self.line_count].append([self.x_bathy[idx[0] + 1], self.y_bathy[idx[1] + 1], 0.]) return(self.go_clockwise('east', idx, True)) if side == 'west': if not from_corner: self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0] - 1], self.y_bathy[idx[1]], 0.]) while idx[1] < self.z_bathy.shape[1]: idx[1] += 1 if len(np.where((self.all_idxs == (1, idx[1])).all(axis=1))[0]) == 1: self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0] - 1], self.y_bathy[idx[1]], 0.]) return([1, idx[1]]) idx[1] -= 1 self.coast_line[self.line_count].append([self.x_bathy[idx[0] - 1], self.y_bathy[idx[1] + 1], 0.]) return(self.go_clockwise('north', idx, True)) if side == 'south': if not from_corner: self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0]], self.y_bathy[idx[1] - 1], 0.]) while idx[0] > 0: idx[0] -= 1 if len(np.where((self.all_idxs == (idx[0], 1)).all(axis=1))[0]) == 1: self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0]], self.y_bathy[idx[1] - 1], 0.]) return([idx[0], 1]) idx[0] += 1 self.coast_line[self.line_count].append([self.x_bathy[idx[0] - 1], self.y_bathy[idx[1] - 1], 0.]) return(self.go_clockwise('west', idx, True)) if side == 'east': if not from_corner: self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0] + 1], self.y_bathy[idx[1]], 0.]) while idx[1] > 0: idx[1] -= 1 if len(np.where((self.all_idxs == (self.z_bathy.shape[0] - 2, idx[1])).all(axis=1))[0]) == 1: self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0] + 1], self.y_bathy[idx[1]], 0.]) return([self.z_bathy.shape[0] - 2, idx[1]]) idx[1] += 1 self.coast_line[self.line_count].append([self.x_bathy[idx[0] + 1], self.y_bathy[idx[1] - 1], 0.]) return(self.go_clockwise('south', idx, True))
[docs] def go_counter_clockwise(self, side, idx, from_corner=False): """ Continue coastline path in counterclockwise direction if the horizontal mesh boundary is reached. Required arguments ------------------ - side, type str string specifying one of the four sides - idx, type list of [int, int] x and y index of the DEM grid - from_corner = False, type bool internally used flag to continue a path after a corner of the horizontal mesh extent was reached """ print('boundary reached going counterclockwise ', side, ' ', idx) if side == 'north': if not from_corner: self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0]], self.y_bathy[idx[1] + 1], 0.]) while idx[0] > 0: print(idx[0]) idx[0] -= 1 # if len(np.where((self.all_idxs == # (idx[0], self.z_bathy.shape[1] - 2)).all( # axis=1))[0]) == 1: # print(idx[0]) # vbs # self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( # [self.x_bathy[idx[0]], # self.y_bathy[idx[1] + 1], 0.]) # return([idx[0], self.z_bathy.shape[1] - 2]) # asd idx[0] += 1 self.coast_line[self.line_count].append([self.x_bathy[idx[0] - 1], self.y_bathy[idx[1] + 1], 0.]) return(self.go_counter_clockwise('west', idx, True)) if side == 'west': if not from_corner: self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0] - 1], self.y_bathy[idx[1]], 0.]) while idx[1] > 0: idx[1] -= 1 # if len(np.where((self.all_idxs == # (1, idx[1])).all(axis=1))[0]) == 1: # self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( # [self.x_bathy[idx[0] - 1], # self.y_bathy[idx[1]], 0.]) # return([1, idx[1]]) idx[1] += 1 self.coast_line[self.line_count].append([self.x_bathy[idx[0] - 1], self.y_bathy[idx[1] - 1], 0.]) return(self.go_counter_clockwise('south', idx, True)) if side == 'south': if not from_corner: self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0]], self.y_bathy[idx[1] - 1], 0.]) while idx[0] < self.z_bathy.shape[0]: idx[0] += 1 if len(np.where((self.all_idxs == (idx[0], 1)).all(axis=1))[0]) == 1: self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0]], self.y_bathy[idx[1] - 1], 0.]) return([idx[0], 1]) idx[0] -= 1 self.coast_line[self.line_count].append([self.x_bathy[idx[0] - 1], self.y_bathy[idx[1] - 1], 0.]) return(self.go_counter_clockwise('east', idx, True)) if side == 'east': if not from_corner: self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0] + 1], self.y_bathy[idx[1]], 0.]) while idx[1] < self.z_bathy.shape[1]: idx[1] += 1 if len(np.where((self.all_idxs == (self.z_bathy.shape[0] - 2, idx[1])).all(axis=1))[0]) == 1: self.coast_line[self.line_count].append( [self.x_bathy[idx[0] + 1], self.y_bathy[idx[1]], 0.]) return([self.z_bathy.shape[0] - 2, idx[1]]) idx[1] += 1 self.coast_line[self.line_count].append([self.x_bathy[idx[0] + 1], self.y_bathy[idx[1] - 1], 0.]) return(self.go_counter_clockwise('north', idx, True))
[docs] def build_closing_frame(self, idx, clockwise): """ Continue coastline path in clockwise or counterclockwise direction if the horizontal mesh boundary is reached. Required arguments ------------------ - idx, type list of [int, int] x and y index of the DEM grid - clockwise, type bool go in clock- or counterclockwise direction """ if idx[1] == self.z_bathy.shape[1] - 2: if not clockwise: idx = self.go_clockwise('north', idx) else: idx = self.go_counter_clockwise('north', idx) elif idx[0] == 1: if not clockwise: idx = self.go_clockwise('west', idx) else: idx = self.go_counter_clockwise('west', idx) elif idx[1] == 1: if not clockwise: idx = self.go_clockwise('south', idx) else: idx = self.go_counter_clockwise('south', idx) elif idx[0] == self.z_bathy.shape[0] - 2: if not clockwise: idx = self.go_clockwise('east', idx) else: idx = self.go_counter_clockwise('east', idx) return(idx)
[docs] def check_neighbours(self, kk, jj): """ Check z-values of the eight neighbors around a position in the DEM. Utility function that needs an update. Required arguments ------------------ - kk, jj, type int x/y indices of the DEM grid """ if self.z_bathy[kk, jj] < 0. and\ (self.z_bathy[kk - 1, jj] >= 0. or self.z_bathy[kk, jj - 1] >= 0. or self.z_bathy[kk + 1, jj] >= 0. or self.z_bathy[kk, jj + 1] >= 0. or self.z_bathy[kk - 1, jj - 1] >= 0. or self.z_bathy[kk + 1, jj - 1] >= 0. or self.z_bathy[kk + 1, jj + 1] >= 0. or self.z_bathy[kk - 1, jj + 1] >= 0.): return(True) else: return(False)
[docs] def find_last_dir(self, pre_idx, idx): """ Evaluate previous direction during the coastline search. Required arguments ------------------ - pre_idx, type list of [int, int] previous x and y index of the DEM grid - idx, type list of [int, int] x and y index of the DEM grid """ if pre_idx[1] == idx[1] - 1: self.last_dir = 'w' elif pre_idx[0] == idx[0] - 1: self.last_dir = 'd' elif pre_idx[1] == idx[1] + 1: self.last_dir = 's' elif pre_idx[0] == idx[0] + 1: self.last_dir = 'a'
[docs] def find_start_point(self, jjj=0): """ Evaluate start indices for a new coastline search in the DEM. Keyword arguments ----------------- - jjj, type int counter to continute until all indices in the DEM-grid were considered """ while True: try: if self.all_idxs[jjj, 0] not in [1, self.z_bathy.shape[0]] and\ self.all_idxs[jjj, 1] not in [1, self.z_bathy.shape[1]]: return([self.all_idxs[jjj, 0], self.all_idxs[jjj, 1]]) jjj += 1 except IndexError: return(None)