Source code for custEM.fem.calc_primary_fields

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Rochlitz.R

import dolfin as df
import os
import numpy as np
import sys
import time
import getopt
from comet import pyhed as ph
from mpi4py import MPI

This file is always called in serial from the root process of an mpi run,
otherwise a crash would occur due to a missing 'MPI-Parent' for synchronization

[docs] class Pyhed_calc: """ Primary field calculation class which starts calculating primary fields with *pyhed*-internal multiprocessing from a serial process. """ def __init__(self, mesh_name, results_dir, pf_type, file_format): """ This file is deprecated and would need an overhaul if reactivated in future versions. For most information, we refer to the docs of the *PrimaryFields* class. """ self.mpi_cw = df.MPI.comm_world self.mesh_name = mesh_name self.r_dir = results_dir self.pf_type = pf_type self.file_format = file_format self.read_serial_calculation_parameters() if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 0): self.pf_name = self.pf_name.encode('ascii', 'ignore') self.pvd_flag = False self.calc_fields()
[docs] def read_serial_calculation_parameters(self): import json path = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.r_dir + '/primary_fields/' + self.pf_type) with open('pf_dict.json', 'r') as thefile: self.__dict__.update(json.load(thefile)) if self.tx == 'import': self.tx = np.load('source_path.npy') os.chdir(path)
[docs] def write_h5(self, var, fname): f = df.HDF5File(self.mpi_cw, fname, "w") f.write(var, "/data") f.close()
[docs] def read_h5(self, var, fname): f = df.HDF5File(self.mpi_cw, fname, "r"), "/data") f.close()
[docs] def convertCoordinates(self, gimli, dolfin): """ input: arr1, arr2: two coordinate lists of same shape (n, 3) which contains the same coordinates but in a diffrent order. output: arr1_arr2, arr2_arr1: index arrays which converts coordinates from input1 to input2 and from input2 to input1. """ def indexAndSorting(c_): posview = c_.ravel().view( np.dtype((np.void, c_.dtype.itemsize*c_.shape[1]))) _, unique_idx = np.unique(posview, return_index=True) return unique_idx, unique_idx.argsort() pg_idx, pg_sort = indexAndSorting(gimli) df_idx, df_sort = indexAndSorting(dolfin) return pg_idx[df_sort], df_idx[pg_sort]
[docs] def calc_fields(self): path = os.getcwd() self.mesh = df.Mesh() # # # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HACKED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # # # if os.path.isfile('../meshes/_h5/' + self.mesh_name + '.h5'): hdf5 = df.HDF5File(self.mpi_cw, '../meshes/_h5/' + self.mesh_name + '.h5', "r") elif os.path.isfile('../../meshes/_h5/' + self.mesh_name + '.h5'): hdf5 = df.HDF5File(self.mpi_cw, '../../meshes/_h5/' + self.mesh_name + '.h5', "r") elif os.path.isfile('meshes/_h5/' + self.mesh_name + '.h5'): hdf5 = df.HDF5File(self.mpi_cw, 'meshes/_h5/' + self.mesh_name + '.h5', "r"), '/mesh', False) # # # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HACKED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # # # self.V_cg = df.VectorFunctionSpace(self.mesh, 'CG', self.pf_p) t1 = time.time() E_0_r_cg = df.Function(self.V_cg) E_0_i_cg = df.Function(self.V_cg) A_0_r_cg = df.Function(self.V_cg) A_0_i_cg = df.Function(self.V_cg) H_0_r_cg = df.Function(self.V_cg) H_0_i_cg = df.Function(self.V_cg) xyz = (self.V_cg.tabulate_dof_coordinates().reshape(-1, 3)[0::3, :]).T if self.s_type == 'hed': source = ph.loop.buildDipole(self.origin, length=self.length, angle=np.deg2rad(self.azimuth)) print('########## Primary "' + self.pf_type + '_' + self.s_type + '" field is being calculated ... ###########\nHED origin:') print(' Origin' + ' --> ', self.origin) elif self.s_type == 'line': source = ph.loop.buildLine(self.start, self.stop, num_segs=self.n_segs) print('########## Primary "' + self.pf_type + '_' + self.s_type + '" field is being calculated ... ###########\n' 'Line source parameters:') print(' Start_point' + ' --> ', self.start) print(' Stop_point' + ' --> ', self.stop) print(' No. of segments' + ' --> ', self.n_segs) elif self.s_type == 'loop_c': source = ph.loop.buildCircle(self.r, P=self.origin, num_segs=self.n_segs) print('########## Primary "' + self.pf_type + '_' + self.s_type + '" field is being calculated ... ###########\n' 'Circular loop source parameters:') print(' Origin' + ' --> ', self.origin) print(' Radius' + ' --> ', self.r) print(' No. of segments' + ' --> ', self.n_segs) elif self.s_type == 'loop_r': if df.near(self.start[0], self.stop[0], eps=1e-4) or \ df.near(self.start[1], self.stop[1], eps=1e-4): print('Fatal error: Given start and stop coordinates do not ' 'match to a rectangular loop source: x or y start or ' 'stop coordinates are identical') raise SystemExit S_1 = [self.start[0], self.start[1], 0.0] S_2 = [self.stop[0], self.start[1], 0.0] S_3 = [self.stop[0], self.stop[1], 0.0] S_4 = [self.start[0], self.stop[1], 0.0] source = ph.loop.buildRectangle(np.array((S_1, S_2, S_3, S_4)), num_segs=self.n_segs) print('########## Primary "' + self.pf_type + '_' + self.s_type + '" field is being calculated ... ###########\n' 'Rectangular loop source parameters:') print(' Corner 1' + ' --> ', S_1) print(' Corner 2' + ' --> ', S_2) print(' Corner 3' + ' --> ', S_3) print(' Corner 4' + ' --> ', S_4) print(' No. of segments' + ' --> ', self.n_segs/4) elif self.s_type == 'path': source = ph.loop.buildLoop(self.tx[0], num_segs=self.n_segs, grounded=self.grounding[0]) print('########## Primary "' + self.pf_type + '_' + self.s_type + '" field is being calculated ... ###########\n' 'Source from path parameters:') print(' closed loop source' + ' --> ', not self.grounding[0]) else: print('!!! Fatal Error, supported "s_type" parameters for ' 'Halfspace" primary fields are: "HED, "Line", "Loop_C"' ' or "Loop_R"') raise SystemExit os.chdir(self.r_dir + '/primary_fields/' + self.pf_type) try: s1, s2 = self.convertCoordinates(self.mesh.coordinates(), xyz.T) except IndexError: print('Primary fields for p2 polynomials are not ' 'correct at the moment, aborting ... ') raise SystemExit source.config.rho = 1. / np.array(self.sigma) source.config.d = self.thick source.config.f = self.f source.config.current = self.current source.setLoopMesh(xyz[:, s1]) # lines commented, used for debugging #'blubb_pos.npy', source.pos) #'blubb_phi.npy', source.phi) #'blubb_d.npy', source.ds) #'blubb') # raise SystemExit # lines commented, used for debugging # ################### calc E-Field ################################## source.config.ftype = 'E' E_field = source.calculate(interpolate=False, verbose=False, maxCPUCount=self.n_procs) E_0 = E_field[:, s2].T E_0_r_cg.vector()[:] = (np.hstack((E_0[:, 0].real[np.newaxis].T, np.hstack((E_0[:, 1].real[np.newaxis].T, E_0[:, 2].real[np.newaxis].T)) )).ravel()) E_0_i_cg.vector()[:] = (np.hstack((E_0[:, 0].imag[np.newaxis].T, np.hstack((E_0[:, 1].imag[np.newaxis].T, E_0[:, 2].imag[np.newaxis].T)) )).ravel()) A_0_r_cg.vector()[:] = (1.0 / * E_0_i_cg.vector() A_0_i_cg.vector()[:] = -(1.0 / * E_0_r_cg.vector() # ################### calc H-Field ################################## source.config.ftype = 'H' H_field = source.calculate(interpolate=False, verbose=False, maxCPUCount=self.n_procs) H_0 = H_field[:, s2].T H_0_r_cg.vector().set_local((np.hstack((H_0[:, 0].real[ np.newaxis].T, np.hstack((H_0[:, 1].real[ np.newaxis].T, H_0[:, 2].real[ np.newaxis].T)) )).ravel())) H_0_r_cg.vector().apply('insert') H_0_i_cg.vector().set_local((np.hstack((H_0[:, 0].imag[ np.newaxis].T, np.hstack((H_0[:, 1].imag[ np.newaxis].T, H_0[:, 2].imag[ np.newaxis].T)) )).ravel())) H_0_i_cg.vector().apply('insert') print('... saving primary field in "primary_fields" directory ...') if self.file_format == 'h5': self.write_h5(E_0_r_cg, self.pf_name + '_E_0_real_cg.h5') self.write_h5(E_0_i_cg, self.pf_name + '_E_0_imag_cg.h5') self.write_h5(A_0_r_cg, self.pf_name + '_A_0_real_cg.h5') self.write_h5(A_0_i_cg, self.pf_name + '_A_0_imag_cg.h5') self.write_h5(H_0_r_cg, self.pf_name + '_H_0_real_cg.h5') self.write_h5(H_0_i_cg, self.pf_name + '_H_0_imag_cg.h5') elif self.file_format == 'xml': df.File(self.pf_name + '_E_0_real_cg.xml') << E_0_r_cg df.File(self.pf_name + '_E_0_imag_cg.xml') << E_0_i_cg df.File(self.pf_name + '_A_0_real_cg.xml') << A_0_r_cg df.File(self.pf_name + '_A_0_imag_cg.xml') << A_0_i_cg df.File(self.pf_name + '_H_0_real_cg.xml') << H_0_r_cg df.File(self.pf_name + '_H_0_imag_cg.xml') << H_0_i_cg if self.pvd_flag: df.File(self.pf_name + '_E_0_real_cg.pvd') << E_0_r_cg df.File(self.pf_name + '_E_0_imag_cg.pvd') << E_0_i_cg df.File(self.pf_name + '_A_0_real_cg.pvd') << A_0_r_cg df.File(self.pf_name + '_A_0_imag_cg.pvd') << A_0_i_cg df.File(self.pf_name + '_H_0_real_cg.pvd') << H_0_r_cg df.File(self.pf_name + '_H_0_imag_cg.pvd') << H_0_i_cg # ################### calc H-Field if possible ###################### print('... Done.') t2 = time.time() - t1 print('##############################################################') print(' Computation time (s) for primary fields : ', t2) print('##############################################################') os.chdir(path)
if __name__ == "__main__": myopts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "m:d:t:f:") for oo, aa in myopts: if oo == '-m': mesh = str(aa) elif oo == '-d': results_dir = str(aa) elif oo == '-t': pf_type = str(aa) elif oo == '-f': file_format = str(aa) else: print("Usage: %s -m mesh_name, -d results_dir" ", -t pf_type -f file_format" % sys.argv[0]) parent = MPI.Comm.Get_parent() Pyhed_calc(mesh, results_dir, pf_type, file_format) parent.Barrier() parent.Disconnect()