Source code for custEM.core.solvers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Rochlitz.R
import os
import numpy as np
import dolfin as df
import time
from custEM.misc import logger_print as lp
from petsc4py import PETSc
from dolfin import as_backend_type
import math

[docs] class Solver: """ Solver class called internally from MOD instance. Methods ------- - solve_var_form_default() solve variaitonal formulation using default FEniCS solver, no support of symmetry, memory limits - solve_system_default() solve assembled system of equations with default FEniCS solver, no support of symmetry, memory limits - solve_system_mumps() use MUMPS solver to solve system of equations, no memory limits and symmetry support - call_mumps() call MUMPS solver within *solve_system_mumps()* method - solve_var_form_iter() use iteative solvers to solve variational formulation, in development - solve_system_iter() use iteative solvers to solve system of equations, in development BoundaryConditions ------------------ - default choice of boundary conditions are implicit Neumann BC - for zero Dirichlet BC, change *bc* argument in the 'solve' functions or during assembly for all total field approaches """ def __init__(self, FS, FE, mumps_debug=False, serial_ordering=False): """ Initializes Solver instance for assembling and solution of FE systems. Required arguments ------------------ - FS, type class FunctionSpaces instance - FE, type class FE-approach (e.g., **E_vector**) instance Keyword arguments ----------------- - mumps_debug = False, type bool set **True** during **MOD** class initialization for enabling debugging MUMPS by adjusting the MUMPS internal log level - serial_ordering = False, type bool use serial ordering of *METIS* instead parallel ordering of *SCOTCH*; leads to slight increase of solution time for *MUMPS* but significantly reduces chance of potential *MUMPS* crashes """ self.FS = FS self.FE = FE #df.PETScOptions.set("mat_mumps_icntl_13", 1) df.PETScOptions.set("mat_mumps_icntl_10", 0) if serial_ordering: df.PETScOptions.set("mat_mumps_icntl_28", 1) else: df.PETScOptions.set("mat_mumps_icntl_28", 2) df.PETScOptions.set("mat_mumps_cntl_1", 1e-8) # df.PETScOptions.set("mat_mumps_cntl_4", 0.) # df.PETScOptions.set("mat_mumps_cntl_7", 1e-10) # df.PETScOptions.set("mat_mumps_icntl_35", 2) # BLR test # choose SCOTCH explicitly, not necessary as icntl 28 forces SCOTCH # df.PETScOptions.set("mat_mumps_icntl_29", 1) if mumps_debug: df.PETScOptions.set("mat_mumps_icntl_4", 3)
[docs] def solve_var_form_default(self, L, R, U, bc=None): """ Use default petsc_lu solver to solve a LinearVariationProblem. Required arguments ------------------ - L = left-hand-side, type UFL form not assembled! UFL form of the left-hand-side of the system of equations - R = right-hand-side, type UFL form not assembled! UFL form of the right-hand-side of the system of equations - U = Solution space, type dolfin FunctionSpace mixed solution FunctionSpace Keyword arguments ----------------- - bc = None, type str so far *ZeroDirichlet* or short *ZD* bc and implicit Neumann bc by using *None* are supported """ t_0 = time.time() lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - default petsc LU solver initialized - ') lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, '... solving system ...', pre_dash=False) if bc is None: df.solve(L == R, U) elif bc == 'ZeroDirichlet' or bc == 'ZD': self.FS.add_dirichlet_bc() df.solve(L == R, U, bcs=self.FS.bc) self.FS.solution_time = time.time() - t_0 lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - solution time for FE system including assembly (s) --> ' + str(self.FS.solution_time) + ' - ', pre_dash=False)
[docs] def solve_system_default(self, A, b): """ Use default petsc_lu solver to solve an assembled system of equations. Required arguments ------------------ - A = left-hand-side matrix, type PETScMatrix assembled LHS matrix - b = right-hand-side vector, type PETScVector assembled RHS vector """ t_0 = time.time() lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - default petsc LU solver initialized - ') lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, '... solving system ...', pre_dash=False) df.solve(A, self.FS.U.vector(), b.vector()) self.FS.solution_time = time.time() - t_0 lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - solution time for main system of equations (s) --> ' + str(self.FS.solution_time) + ' - ', pre_dash=False)
[docs] def solve_system_mumps(self, A, b, fs=None, sym=False, out_of_core=False, first_call=True, tx_selection=None): """ Use MUMPS solver to solve an assembled linear system of equations. Required arguments ------------------ - A = left-hand-side matrix, type PETScMatrix assembled LHS matrix - b = right-hand-side vector, type PETScVector assembled RHS vector Keyword arguments ----------------- - fs = None, type str or dolfin FunctionSpace define FunctionSpace for solution function(s) - sym = False, type int or bool set to **1** for positive definite symmetric matrix set to **2** or **True** for general structurally symmetric matrix - out_of_core = False, type bool set to **True** if MUMPS should be allowed to use disc space for the solution process if the memory is completely exploited - tx_selection = None, type list of int specify if system should be solved for not all but only selected right-hand sides; so far used to solve DC system only for grounded Tx if there are also ungrounded ones in the same model - first_call = True, type bool specify if this is the first call of a solution based on the same system matrix, re-use factorization if first_call=**False** """ print_dummy = False if not first_call: print_dummy = True if fs is None: self.U = [df.Function(self.FS.M) for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx)] elif fs == 'scalar': self.U = [df.Function(self.FS.S) for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx)] else: self.U = [df.Function(fs) for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx)] counter = -1 second_call = True for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx): if not first_call: if second_call: lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, '... solving additional right-hand sides ...', pre_dash=False) t2 = time.time() second_call = False try: to_solve = b[ti].vector() except AttributeError: to_solve = b[ti] if tx_selection is None: if df.MPI.rank(df.MPI.comm_world) == 0: self.U[ti].vector()[:] self.call_mumps(A, to_solve, self.U[ti].vector(), sym, out_of_core, first_call) first_call = False else: if tx_selection[ti]: self.call_mumps(A, to_solve, self.U[ti].vector(), sym, out_of_core, first_call) first_call = False counter += 1 if counter > 0 and counter % 10 == 0: lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - solved right-hand ' 'sides counter --> ' + str(counter) + ' - ') if self.FE.n_tx > 1: if print_dummy: lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - solution time for ' + str(self.FE.n_tx) + ' additional right-hand sides (s) --> ' + str(int(time.time() - t2)) + ' - ', pre_dash=False) else: lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - solution time for ' + str(self.FE.n_tx - 1) + ' additional right-hand sides (s) --> ' + str(int(time.time() - t2)) + ' - ', pre_dash=False) if fs is None: self.FS.U = self.U else: return(self.U)
[docs] def call_mumps(self, A, b, u, sym, out_of_core, first_call=True): """ Call MUMPS solver. Required arguments ------------------ - A = left-hand-side matrix, type PETScMatrix assembled LHS matrix - b = right-hand-side vector, type PETScVector assembled RHS vector - u = solution vector, type PETScVector empty solution vector to be filled - see the definitions of the *solve_system_mumps()* method for the description of the other input parameters """ t_0 = time.time() if first_call: if out_of_core: df.PETScOptions.set("mat_mumps_icntl_22", 1) lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 30, 'Warning! OUT_OF_CORE option applied which can makes the ' 'solution process very slow if the available RAM is ' 'exceeded. Continuing ...') if type(sym) is bool and sym: A.mat().setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.SYMMETRIC, True) lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - general symmetric MUMPS solver initialized - ', pre_dash=False) elif sym == 1: A.mat().setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.SPD, True) lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - positive definite symmetric MUMPS solver ' 'initialized - ', pre_dash=False) elif sym == 2: A.mat().setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.SYMMETRIC, True) lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - general symmetric MUMPS solver initialized - ', pre_dash=False) else: A.mat().setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.SYMMETRIC, False) A.mat().setOption(PETSc.Mat.Option.SPD, False) lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - unsymmetric MUMPS LU solver initialized - ', pre_dash=False) self.solver = df.PETScLUSolver(self.FS.mesh.mpi_comm(), A, "mumps") lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, '... solving system ...', pre_dash=False) self.A = A self.solver.solve(u, b) self.FS.solution_time += time.time() - t_0 if first_call: lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - accumulated solution time for FE system (s) --> ' + str(int(self.FS.solution_time)) + ' - ', pre_dash=False)
[docs] def solve_var_form_iter(self, L, R, U, bc, sym=False, method='gmres', pc='petsc_amg', abs_tol=1e-6, rel_tol=1e-6, maxiter=2000): """ Use Krylov solver to solve a LinearVariationProblem. Required arguments ------------------ - L = left-hand-side, type UFL form not assembled! UFL form of the left-hand-side of the system of equations - R = right-hand-side, type UFL form not assembled! UFL form of the right-hand-side of the system of equations - U = Solution space, type dolfin FunctionSpace mixed solution FunctionSpace - bc = boundary conditions, type str so far **'ZeroDirichlet'** or short **'ZD'** bc and implicit Neumann bc by using **None** are supported Keyword arguments ----------------- - sym = False, type bool set to **True** if a symmetric system of equations is solved - method = 'gmres', type str iterative solution method - pc = 'petsc_amg', type str prconditioning type - abs_tol = 1e-6, type float absolute tolereance - rel_tol = 1e-6, type float relative tolerance - maxiter = 2000, type int maximum number of iterations """ start = time.time() lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 50, 'Error! Using Krylov solver does not work proberly yet. ' 'Aborting ...') raise SystemExit if bc is None: problem = df.LinearVariationalProblem(L, R, U) elif bc == 'ZeroDirichlet' or bc == 'ZD': self.FS.add_dirichlet_bc() problem = df.LinearVariationalProblem(L, R, U, self.FS.bc) solver = df.LinearVariationalSolver(problem) # solver.parameters['symmetric'] = sym solver.parameters['linear_solver'] = method solver.parameters['preconditioner'] = pc solver.parameters['krylov_solver']['monitor_convergence'] = True solver.parameters['krylov_solver']["absolute_tolerance"] = abs_tol solver.parameters['krylov_solver']["relative_tolerance"] = rel_tol solver.parameters['krylov_solver']["maximum_iterations"] = maxiter # solver.parameters['krylov_solver']['nonzero_initial_guess'] = True lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, '... solving system ...', pre_dash=False) solver.solve() stop = time.time() - start lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - solution time for FE system including assembly (s) --> ' + str(self.FS.solution_time) + ' - ', pre_dash=False)
[docs] def solve_system_iter_PRESB(self, Asys, Hh, b, B, A, inner, method, flag_mt, fs=None, serial_ordering=False, outer_tol=1e-8, inner_tol=1e-3, maxiter=2000): """ Use generalised conjugate residual (GCR) method preconditioned by PRESB to solve the system of equation (based on Weiss et al. (2023) Iterative solution methods for 3D controlled-source electromagnetic modelling of geophysical exploration scenarios) The procedure is of "inner-outer" type, where the inner solver is a FGMRES method preconditioned with the multi-grid based auxiliary-space preconditioner AMS. The implementation is largely based on available functions of the PETSc and hypre libraries. The convergence history of the outer solver (i.e. the residual for each iteration) is written to outerrelres.txt. Implemented and commented by M. Weiss (January 2024) Required arguments (assembly of matrices in .py) ------------------ - Asys = 2 by 2 system block matrix, type PETScMatrix - H = matrix to be solved by inner solver, type PETScMatrix - b = right-hand-side vector, type PETScVector - A = diagonal block of system matrix, type PETScMatrix - B = off-diagonal block of system matrix, type PETScMatrix - inner = 'iterative' or 'directly' depending on whether the inner systems are to be solved by an iterative or direct method (first argument in bundled input variable solvingapproach required to initialise a custEM model) - method = 'fgmres' by default, alternatively 'cg' or 'gcr' (set when calling solve_main_problem) - flag_mt = False (default) or True (automatically set if MT problem is solved) - fs = None, type str or dolfin FunctionSpace define FunctionSpace for solution function(s) - serial_ordering = False (default) or True to use serial ordering of *METIS* instead of parallel ordering by *SCOTCH*; leads to slight increase of solution time for *MUMPS* but significantly reduces chance of potential *MUMPS* crashes Keyword arguments ----------------- - outer_tol = 1e-8, type float tolerance of outer GCR solver - inner_tol = 1e-3, type float tolerance of inner solver - maxiter = 2000, type int maximum number of iterations """ # Matrices Asystem=as_backend_type(Asys).mat() A11=as_backend_type(A).mat() A12 = as_backend_type(B).mat() H = as_backend_type(Hh).mat() # Vectors r=PETSc.Vec() f1, f2 = PETSc.Vec(), PETSc.Vec() g, h = PETSc.Vec(), PETSc.Vec() Ag = PETSc.Vec() Aw = PETSc.Vec() w=PETSc.Vec() # Inner iterative solver and preconditioner ksp=PETSc.KSP() ksp.create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD) ksp.setOperators(H,H) if(inner=='iterative'): ksp.setType(method) ksp.setTolerances(rtol=inner_tol,max_it=200) res_inner=ksp.setConvergenceHistory(200,True) pcc=ksp.getPC() pcc.setType('hypre') pcc.setHYPREType('ams') V=df.FunctionSpace(self.FS.mesh,'N1curl',1) P1=df.FunctionSpace(self.FS.mesh,'Lagrange',1) G=df.DiscreteOperators.build_gradient(V,P1) pcc.setHYPREDiscreteGradient(as_backend_type(G).mat()) constants=[df.Function(V) for i in range(3)] for i, c in enumerate(constants): direction = [1.0 if i==j else 0.0 for j in range(3)] c.interpolate(df.Constant(direction)) cvecs = [as_backend_type(constant.vector()).vec() for constant in constants] pcc.setHYPRESetEdgeConstantVectors(cvecs[0],cvecs[1],cvecs[2]) elif(inner=='directly'): ksp.setType('preonly') pcc=ksp.getPC() pcc.setType('lu') pcc.setFactorSolverType('mumps') pcc.setFactorSetUpSolverType() pcc.getFactorMatrix() opts = PETSc.Options() if serial_ordering: opts["mat_mumps_icntl_28"] = 1 else: opts["mat_mumps_icntl_28"] = 2 opts["mat_mumps_icntl_10"] = 0 opts["mat_mumps_cntl_1"] = 1e-8 else: lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 50, 'Error! Unknown flag set for inner. ' 'Aborting ...') raise SystemExit # Additional preparation H.getColumnVector(1,f1) H.getColumnVector(1,f2) H.getColumnVector(1,g) H.getColumnVector(1,h) H.getColumnVector(1,Ag) f1.zeroEntries() f2.zeroEntries() g.zeroEntries() h.zeroEntries() Ag.zeroEntries() if fs is None: self.U = [df.Function(self.FS.M) for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx)] elif fs == 'scalar': self.U = [df.Function(self.FS.S) for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx)] else: self.U = [df.Function(fs) for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx)] for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx): try: to_solve = b[ti].vector() except AttributeError: to_solve = b[ti] #if tx_selection is None: if df.MPI.rank(df.MPI.comm_world) == 0: self.U[ti].vector()[:] t_0 = time.time() restart=100 # Initialise required arrays, vectors, matrices and other variables y=np.zeros(restart) ADd=np.zeros(restart) resvec=np.zeros(maxiter+1) AD=[] DD=[] u=as_backend_type(self.U[ti].vector()).vec() u.zeroEntries() u.assemble() # Scalars itout=0 it2=0 its=0 relres=1.0 resold=2.0 tol=outer_tol # writing out matrix or vector using PetscViewer #Mat = as_backend_type(mat).mat() #myviewer=PETSc.Viewer().createBinary('f.dat','w') #myviewer(f) # Set initial residual to RHS f = as_backend_type(to_solve).vec() r=f.copy() w=r.copy() Aw=w.copy() # Copmute initial norm nf=r.norm() resvec[0]=nf # Implementation of the PRESB-preconditioned GCR solver while (relres >= tol) and (itout < maxiter) and ((resold-relres) > tol): # START OF INNER SOLVER # Extract RHS from residual vector istart,iend=f1.getOwnershipRange() j=f1.getLocalSize() af1=0 for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=r.getValue(ig*2+1) f1.setValue(ig,af1,addv=False) istart,iend=f2.getOwnershipRange() j=f2.getLocalSize() af1=0 for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=r.getValue(ig*2) f2.setValue(ig,af1,addv=False) f1.assemble() f2.assemble() f2.aypx(1,f1) ksp.setUp() ksp.solve(f2,g) its=ksp.getIterationNumber() res_inner=ksp.getConvergenceHistory() #if df.MPI.comm_world.rank == 0 and inner=='iterative': # with open('innerrelres_s1.txt','ab') as m: # np.savetxt(m,[itout],fmt='%d') # np.savetxt(m, [res_inner[0:its]], fmt='%1.9e') A11.mult(g,Ag) f1.axpy(-1,Ag) ksp.setUp() ksp.solve(f1,h) its=ksp.getIterationNumber() res_inner=ksp.getConvergenceHistory() #if df.MPI.comm_world.rank == 0 and inner=='iterative': # with open('innerrelres_s2.txt','ab') as n: # np.savetxt(n,[itout],fmt='%d') # np.savetxt(n, [res_inner[0:its]], fmt='%1.9e') # Build solution w of inner solves g.aypx(1,h) h.scale(-1) # END OF INNER SOLVER istart,iend=g.getOwnershipRange() j=g.getLocalSize() af1=0 for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=g.getValue(ig) w.setValue(ig*2+1,af1,addv=False) istart,iend=h.getOwnershipRange() j=h.getLocalSize() af1=0 for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=h.getValue(ig) w.setValue(ig*2,af1,addv=False) w.assemble() Asystem.mult(w,Aw) itout=itout+1 it2=it2+1 if (it2>1): t=Aw.copy() t.zeroEntries() wt=w.copy() wt.zeroEntries() At=Aw.copy() At.zeroEntries() for i in range(0,it2-1): At=AD[i].copy() y[i] y[i]=y[i]/ADd[i] y[i]=y[i]*(-1) t.axpy(y[i],AD[i]) wt.axpy(y[i],DD[i]) Aw.axpy(1,t) At=Aw.copy() AD.append(At) nw2=Aw.norm() nw2=nw2*nw2 ADd[it2-1]=nw2 w.axpy(1,wt) wt=w.copy() DD.append(wt) else: At=Aw.copy() AD.append(At) nw2=Aw.norm() nw2=nw2*nw2 ADd[it2-1]=nw2 wt=w.copy() DD.append(wt) al=al/nw2 u.axpy(al,w) al=al*(-1.0) r.axpy(al,Aw) nr=r.norm() resold=relres relres=nr/nf resvec[itout]=nr #restart condition if it2 >= restart: it2=0 DD=[] AD=[] y=np.zeros(restart) ADd=np.zeros(restart) ut=u.copy(); u.zeroEntries() istart,iend=ut.getOwnershipRange() j=ut.getLocalSize() af1=0 if flag_mt==False: for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=0 af1=ut.getValue(ig) if (ig%2==0): af1=af1*(-1) u.setValue(ig+1,af1,addv=False) else: u.setValue(ig-1,af1,addv=False) u.assemble() u.scale(-1) elif flag_mt==True: for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=0 af1=ut.getValue(ig) if (ig%2==0): #af1=af1*(-1) u.setValue(ig,af1,addv=False) else: #af1=af1*(-1) u.setValue(ig,af1,addv=False) u.assemble() else: lp(self.logger, 50, "Unknown flag. Abort simulation!") raise SystemExit if df.MPI.comm_world.rank == 0: with open('outerrelres.txt','ab') as f: np.savetxt(f, [resvec[0:itout]], fmt='%1.9e') self.U[ti].vector()[:]=df.PETScVector(u) #self.FS.U = self.U if fs is None: self.FS.U = self.U else: return(self.U) stop = time.time() - t_0 lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - solution time for main system of equations --> ' + str(stop) + ' - ',pre_dash=False, post_dash=False)
[docs] def solve_system_iter_BD(self, Asys, Hh, b, B, A, inner, method, flag_mt, fs=None, serial_ordering=False,outer_tol=1e-8, inner_tol=1e-3, maxiter=2000): """ Use generalised conjugate residual (GCR) method preconditioned by block-diagonal preconditioner to solve the system of equation (based on Grayver & Buerg (2014) Robust and scalable 3-D geo-electromagnetic modelling approach using the finite element method and Grayver & Kolev (2015) Large-scale 3D geoelectromagnetic modeling using parallel adaptive high-order finite element method) The procedure is of "inner-outer" type, where the inner solver is a FGMRES method preconditioned with the multi-grid based auxiliary-space preconditioner AMS. The implementation is largely based on available functions of the PETSc and hypre libraries. The convergence history of the outer solver (i.e. the residual for each iteration) is written to outerrelres.txt. Implemented and commented by M. Weiss (January 2024) Required arguments (assembly of matrices in .py) ------------------ - Asys = 2 by 2 system block matrix, type PETScMatrix - H = matrix to be solved by inner solver, type PETScMatrix - b = right-hand-side vector, type PETScVector - A = diagonal block of system matrix, type PETScMatrix - B = off-diagonal block of system matrix, type PETScMatrix - inner = 'iterative' or 'directly' depending on whether the inner systems are to be solved by an iterative or direct method (first argument in bundled input variable solvingapproach required to initialise a custEM model) - method = 'fgmres' by default, alternatively 'cg' or 'gcr' (set when calling solve_main_problem) - flag_mt = False (default) or True (automatically set if MT problem is solved) - fs = None, type str or dolfin FunctionSpace define FunctionSpace for solution function(s) - serial_ordering = False (default) or True to use serial ordering of *METIS* instead of parallel ordering by *SCOTCH*; leads to slight increase of solution time for *MUMPS* but significantly reduces chance of potential *MUMPS* crashes Keyword arguments ----------------- - outer_tol = 1e-8, type float tolerance of outer GCR solver - inner_tol = 1e-3, type float tolerance of inner solver - maxiter = 2000, type int maximum number of iterations """ # Matrices Asystem=as_backend_type(Asys).mat() A11=as_backend_type(A).mat() A12 = as_backend_type(B).mat() H = as_backend_type(Hh).mat() # Vectors r=PETSc.Vec() f1, f2 = PETSc.Vec(), PETSc.Vec() g, h = PETSc.Vec(), PETSc.Vec() Aw = PETSc.Vec() w=PETSc.Vec() # Inner iterative solver and preconditioner ksp=PETSc.KSP() ksp.create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD) ksp.setOperators(H,H) if(inner=='iterative'): ksp.setType(method) ksp.setTolerances(rtol=inner_tol,max_it=200) res_inner=ksp.setConvergenceHistory(200,True) pcc=ksp.getPC() pcc.setType('hypre') pcc.setHYPREType('ams') V=df.FunctionSpace(self.FS.mesh,'N1curl',1) P1=df.FunctionSpace(self.FS.mesh,'Lagrange',1) G=df.DiscreteOperators.build_gradient(V,P1) pcc.setHYPREDiscreteGradient(as_backend_type(G).mat()) constants=[df.Function(V) for i in range(3)] for i, c in enumerate(constants): direction = [1.0 if i==j else 0.0 for j in range(3)] c.interpolate(df.Constant(direction)) cvecs = [as_backend_type(constant.vector()).vec() for constant in constants] pcc.setHYPRESetEdgeConstantVectors(cvecs[0],cvecs[1],cvecs[2]) elif(inner=='directly'): ksp.setType('preonly') pcc=ksp.getPC() pcc.setType('lu') pcc.setFactorSolverType('mumps') pcc.setFactorSetUpSolverType() pcc.getFactorMatrix() opts = PETSc.Options() if serial_ordering: opts["mat_mumps_icntl_28"] = 1 else: opts["mat_mumps_icntl_28"] = 2 opts["mat_mumps_icntl_10"] = 0 opts["mat_mumps_cntl_1"] = 1e-8 else: lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 50, 'Error! Unknown flag set for inner. ' 'Aborting ...') raise SystemExit # Additional preparation H.getColumnVector(1,f1) H.getColumnVector(1,f2) H.getColumnVector(1,g) H.getColumnVector(1,h) f1.zeroEntries() f2.zeroEntries() g.zeroEntries() h.zeroEntries() if fs is None: self.U = [df.Function(self.FS.M) for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx)] elif fs == 'scalar': self.U = [df.Function(self.FS.S) for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx)] else: self.U = [df.Function(fs) for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx)] for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx): try: to_solve = b[ti].vector() except AttributeError: to_solve = b[ti] #if tx_selection is None: if df.MPI.rank(df.MPI.comm_world) == 0: self.U[ti].vector()[:] # Implementation of the PRESB-preconditioned GCR solver t_0 = time.time() restart=100 # Initialise required arrays, vectors, matrices and other variables y=np.zeros(restart) ADd=np.zeros(restart) resvec=np.zeros(maxiter+1) AD=[] DD=[] u=as_backend_type(self.U[ti].vector()).vec() u.zeroEntries() # Scalars itout=0 it2=0 its=0 relres=1.0 resold=2.0 tol=outer_tol # Set initial residual to RHS f = as_backend_type(to_solve).vec() r=f.copy() w=r.copy() Aw=w.copy() # Copmute initial norm nf=r.norm() resvec[0]=nf while (relres >= tol) and (itout < maxiter) and ((resold-relres) > tol): # START OF INNER SOLVER # Extract RHS from residual vector istart,iend=f1.getOwnershipRange() j=f1.getLocalSize() af1=0 for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=r.getValue(ig*2+1) f1.setValue(ig,af1,addv=False) istart,iend=f2.getOwnershipRange() j=f2.getLocalSize() af1=0 for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=r.getValue(ig*2) f2.setValue(ig,af1,addv=False) f1.assemble() f2.assemble() ksp.setUp() ksp.solve(f2,g) its=ksp.getIterationNumber() res_inner=ksp.getConvergenceHistory() #if df.MPI.comm_world.rank == 0 and inner=='iterative': # with open('innerrelres_s1.txt','ab') as m: # np.savetxt(m,[itout],fmt='%d') # np.savetxt(m, [res_inner[0:its]], fmt='%1.9e') ksp.setUp() ksp.solve(f1,h) its=ksp.getIterationNumber() res_inner=ksp.getConvergenceHistory() #if df.MPI.comm_world.rank == 0 and inner=='iterative': # with open('innerrelres_s2.txt','ab') as n: # np.savetxt(n,[itout],fmt='%d') # np.savetxt(n, [res_inner[0:its]], fmt='%1.9e') # END OF INNER SOLVER istart,iend=g.getOwnershipRange() j=g.getLocalSize() af1=0 for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=g.getValue(ig) w.setValue(ig*2+1,af1,addv=False) istart,iend=h.getOwnershipRange() j=h.getLocalSize() af1=0 for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=h.getValue(ig) w.setValue(ig*2,af1,addv=False) w.assemble() Asystem.mult(w,Aw) itout=itout+1 it2=it2+1 if (it2>1): t=Aw.copy() t.zeroEntries() wt=w.copy() wt.zeroEntries() At=Aw.copy() At.zeroEntries() for i in range(0,it2-1): At=AD[i].copy() y[i] y[i]=y[i]/ADd[i] y[i]=y[i]*(-1) t.axpy(y[i],AD[i]) wt.axpy(y[i],DD[i]) Aw.axpy(1,t) At=Aw.copy() AD.append(At) nw2=Aw.norm() nw2=nw2*nw2 ADd[it2-1]=nw2 w.axpy(1,wt) wt=w.copy() DD.append(wt) else: At=Aw.copy() AD.append(At) nw2=Aw.norm() nw2=nw2*nw2 ADd[it2-1]=nw2 wt=w.copy() DD.append(wt) al=al/nw2 u.axpy(al,w) al=al*(-1.0) r.axpy(al,Aw) nr=r.norm() resold=relres relres=nr/nf resvec[itout]=nr #restart condition if it2 >= restart: it2=0 DD=[] AD=[] y=np.zeros(restart) ADd=np.zeros(restart) ut=u.copy(); u.zeroEntries() istart,iend=ut.getOwnershipRange() j=ut.getLocalSize() af1=0 if flag_mt==False: for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=0 af1=ut.getValue(ig) if (ig%2==0): af1=af1*(-1) u.setValue(ig+1,af1,addv=False) else: u.setValue(ig-1,af1,addv=False) u.assemble() u.scale(-1) elif flag_mt==True: for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=0 af1=ut.getValue(ig) if (ig%2==0): #af1=af1*(-1) u.setValue(ig,af1,addv=False) else: #af1=af1*(-1) u.setValue(ig,af1,addv=False) u.assemble() else: lp(self.logger, 50, "Unknown flag. Abort simulation!") raise SystemExit if df.MPI.comm_world.rank == 0: with open('outerrelres.txt','ab') as f: np.savetxt(f, [resvec[0:itout]], fmt='%1.9e') self.U[ti].vector()[:]=df.PETScVector(u) #self.FS.U = self.U if fs is None: self.FS.U = self.U else: return(self.U) stop = time.time() - t_0 lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - solution time for main system of equations --> ' + str(stop) + ' - ',pre_dash=False, post_dash=False)
[docs] def solve_system_iter_Hfield(self, H, RHS, fs=None, method='fgmres'): """ Computes the magnetic fields from the electric fields using the FGMRES method preconditioned with the auxiliary-space solver AMS. Presents an alternative to deriving the magnetic fields by the direct solver MUMPS. Can be employed by setting the 4th argument of the bundled input variable solvingapproach (when initialising a custem model) to 'H_iterative'. The convergence history of the solver (i.e. the residual for each iteration) is written to Hfielditer.txt. Implemented and commented by M. Weiss (January 2024) """ # Matrices Asystem=as_backend_type(H).mat() # Set up solver ksp=PETSc.KSP() ksp.create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD) ksp.setOperators(Asystem,Asystem) ksp.setType(method) ksp.setTolerances(rtol=1e-8,max_it=2000) res_inner=ksp.setConvergenceHistory(2000,True) pcc=ksp.getPC() pcc.setType('hypre') pcc.setHYPREType('ams') V=df.FunctionSpace(self.FS.mesh,'N1curl',1) P1=df.FunctionSpace(self.FS.mesh,'Lagrange',1) G=df.DiscreteOperators.build_gradient(V,P1) pcc.setHYPREDiscreteGradient(as_backend_type(G).mat()) constants=[df.Function(V) for i in range(3)] for i, c in enumerate(constants): direction = [1.0 if i==j else 0.0 for j in range(3)] c.interpolate(df.Constant(direction)) cvecs = [as_backend_type(constant.vector()).vec() for constant in constants] pcc.setHYPRESetEdgeConstantVectors(cvecs[0],cvecs[1],cvecs[2]) if fs is None: self.UV = [df.Function(self.FS.M1) for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx)] elif fs == 'scalar': self.UV = [df.Function(self.FS.S) for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx)] else: self.UV = [df.Function(fs) for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx)] for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx): try: to_solve = RHS[ti].vector() except AttributeError: to_solve = RHS[ti] t_0 = time.time() resvec=np.zeros(2000) # Vectors u=as_backend_type(self.UV[ti].vector()).vec() u.zeroEntries() r=as_backend_type(to_solve).vec() ksp.setUp() ksp.solve(r,u) its=ksp.getIterationNumber() res_inner=ksp.getConvergenceHistory() if df.MPI.comm_world.rank == 0: with open('Hfielditer.txt','ab') as m: np.savetxt(m, [res_inner[0:its]], fmt='%1.9e') self.UV[ti].vector()[:]=df.PETScVector(u) #self.FS.U = self.U if fs is None: self.FS.V = self.UV else: return(self.UV) stop = time.time() - t_0 lp(self.FE.MP.logger, 20, ' - solution time for obtaining H-fields --> ' + str(stop) + ' - ',pre_dash=False, post_dash=False)
[docs] def build_PRESB_Jacobian(self, Asys, Hh, B, A, inner_tol=1e-1): """ Sets up the iterative solver and system to be solved. (GCR preconditioned with PRESB adjusted for the computation of entries of the Jacobian) inner_tol = 1e-1 (default): set tolerance for inner solver (in Function returns required variables (matrices, vectors and inner solver) for GCR method Implemented and commented by M. Weiss (January 2024) """ # Matrices Asystem=as_backend_type(Asys).mat() A11=as_backend_type(A).mat() A12 = as_backend_type(B).mat() H = as_backend_type(Hh).mat() # Vectors r=PETSc.Vec() f1, f2 = PETSc.Vec(), PETSc.Vec() g, h = PETSc.Vec(), PETSc.Vec() Ag = PETSc.Vec() Aw = PETSc.Vec() w=PETSc.Vec() AD=[] DD=[] # Inner iterative solver and preconditioner ksp=PETSc.KSP() ksp.create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD) ksp.setOperators(H,H) ksp.setType('fgmres') ksp.setTolerances(rtol=inner_tol,max_it=200) res_inner=ksp.setConvergenceHistory(200,True) pcc=ksp.getPC() pcc.setType('hypre') pcc.setHYPREType('ams') V=df.FunctionSpace(self.FS.mesh,'N1curl',1) P1=df.FunctionSpace(self.FS.mesh,'Lagrange',1) G=df.DiscreteOperators.build_gradient(V,P1) pcc.setHYPREDiscreteGradient(as_backend_type(G).mat()) constants=[df.Function(V) for i in range(3)] for i, c in enumerate(constants): direction = [1.0 if i==j else 0.0 for j in range(3)] c.interpolate(df.Constant(direction)) cvecs = [as_backend_type(constant.vector()).vec() for constant in constants] pcc.setHYPRESetEdgeConstantVectors(cvecs[0],cvecs[1],cvecs[2]) # Additional preparation H.getColumnVector(1,f1) H.getColumnVector(1,f2) H.getColumnVector(1,g) H.getColumnVector(1,h) H.getColumnVector(1,Ag) f1.zeroEntries() f2.zeroEntries() g.zeroEntries() h.zeroEntries() Ag.zeroEntries() return ksp,f1,f2,g,h,Ag,H,A11,Asystem,Aw,w,r,DD,AD
[docs] def solve_PRESB_Jacobian(self,ksp,f1,f2,g,h,Ag,H,A11,Asystem,Aw,w,r,DD,AD, b,fs=None, flag_mt=False, outer_tol=1e-4, sol=None): """ Solves the system for multiple RHS using GCR preconditioned with PRESB to obtain the entries of the Jacobian (sensitivities) outer_tol = 1e-4 (default): set tolerance for outer solver (in Function returns sensitivites for one receiver (equivalent to a column of the Jacobian) Function writes out convergence history (i.e. the residual for each iteration) to outerrelresPID.txt, where PID is the process ID Implemented and commented by M. Weiss (January 2024) """ # Scalars itout=0 it2=0 its=0 relres=1.0 resold=2.0 tol=outer_tol AD=[] DD=[] restart=100 y=np.zeros(restart) ADd=np.zeros(restart) self.U = df.Function(fs) #if df.MPI.rank(df.MPI.comm_world) == 0: # self.U.vector()[:] #u=as_backend_type(self.U.vector()).vec() #u.zeroEntries() if sol==None: u=as_backend_type(self.U.vector()).vec() u.zeroEntries() elif sol==0: u=as_backend_type(self.U.vector()).vec() u.zeroEntries() else: u=as_backend_type(sol.vector()).vec() to_solve = b resvec=np.zeros(2000+1) # Set initial residual to RHS f = as_backend_type(to_solve).vec() r=f.copy() w=r.copy() Aw=w.copy() # Copmute initial norm nf=r.norm() resvec[0]=nf # Implementation of the PRESB-preconditioned GCR solver while (relres >= tol) and (itout < 2000) and ((resold-relres) > tol): # START OF INNER SOLVER # Extract RHS from residual vector istart,iend=f1.getOwnershipRange() j=f1.getLocalSize() af1=0 for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=r.getValue(ig*2+1) f1.setValue(ig,af1,addv=False) istart,iend=f2.getOwnershipRange() j=f2.getLocalSize() af1=0 for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=r.getValue(ig*2) f2.setValue(ig,af1,addv=False) f1.assemble() f2.assemble() f2.aypx(1,f1) #g.zeroEntries() #g.assemble() ksp.setUp() ksp.solve(f2,g) #its=ksp.getIterationNumber() #res_inner=ksp.getConvergenceHistory() #if df.MPI.comm_world.rank == 0 and inner=='iterative': # with open('innerrelres_s1.txt','ab') as m: # np.savetxt(m,[itout],fmt='%d') # np.savetxt(m, [res_inner[0:its]], fmt='%1.9e') #Ag.zeroEntries() #Ag.assemble() A11.mult(g,Ag) f1.axpy(-1,Ag) #h.zeroEntries() #h.assemble() ksp.setUp() ksp.solve(f1,h) #its=ksp.getIterationNumber() #res_inner=ksp.getConvergenceHistory() #if df.MPI.comm_world.rank == 0 and inner=='iterative': # with open('innerrelres_s2.txt','ab') as n: # np.savetxt(n,[itout],fmt='%d') # np.savetxt(n, [res_inner[0:its]], fmt='%1.9e') # Build solution w of inner solves g.aypx(1,h) h.scale(-1) #w=r.copy() #w.zeroEntries() #w.assemble() istart,iend=g.getOwnershipRange() j=g.getLocalSize() af1=0 for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=g.getValue(ig) w.setValue(ig*2+1,af1,addv=False) istart,iend=h.getOwnershipRange() j=h.getLocalSize() af1=0 for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=h.getValue(ig) w.setValue(ig*2,af1,addv=False) w.assemble() #Aw=w.copy() #Aw.zeroEntries() #Aw.assemble() Asystem.mult(w,Aw) itout=itout+1 it2=it2+1 if (it2>1): t=Aw.copy() t.zeroEntries() wt=w.copy() wt.zeroEntries() At=Aw.copy() At.zeroEntries() for i in range(0,it2-1): At=AD[i].copy() y[i] y[i]=y[i]/ADd[i] y[i]=y[i]*(-1) t.axpy(y[i],AD[i]) wt.axpy(y[i],DD[i]) Aw.axpy(1,t) At=Aw.copy() AD.append(At) nw2=Aw.norm() nw2=nw2*nw2 ADd[it2-1]=nw2 w.axpy(1,wt) wt=w.copy() DD.append(wt) else: At=Aw.copy() AD.append(At) nw2=Aw.norm() nw2=nw2*nw2 ADd[it2-1]=nw2 wt=w.copy() DD.append(wt) al=al/nw2 u.axpy(al,w) al=al*(-1.0) r.axpy(al,Aw) nr=r.norm() resold=relres relres=nr/nf resvec[itout]=nr #restart condition if it2 >= restart: it2=0 DD=[] AD=[] y=np.zeros(restart) ADd=np.zeros(restart) ut=u.copy(); u.zeroEntries() istart,iend=ut.getOwnershipRange() j=ut.getLocalSize() af1=0 if flag_mt==False: for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=0 af1=ut.getValue(ig) if (ig%2==0): af1=af1*(-1) u.setValue(ig+1,af1,addv=False) else: u.setValue(ig-1,af1,addv=False) u.assemble() u.scale(-1) elif flag_mt==True: for i in range(0,j): ig=i+istart af1=0 af1=ut.getValue(ig) if (ig%2==0): #af1=af1*(-1) u.setValue(ig,af1,addv=False) else: #af1=af1*(-1) u.setValue(ig,af1,addv=False) u.assemble() else: lp(self.logger, 50, "Unknown flag. Abort simulation!") raise SystemExit if df.MPI.comm_world.rank == 0: PID = os.getpid() with open('outerrelres' + str(PID) +'.txt','ab') as fil: np.savetxt(fil, [resvec[0:itout]], fmt='%1.9e') u.scale(-1) self.U.vector()[:]=df.PETScVector(u) #self.FS.U = self.U if fs is None: self.FS.U = self.U else: return(self.U)