Source code for custEM.core.pre_proc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Rochlitz.R

import dolfin as df
import os
from custEM.misc import logger_print as lp
import json

[docs] class PreProcessing: """ PreProcessing class called from MOD instance. Methods ------- - import_all_results() import results of an existing model - all quantities - import_selected_results() import results of an existing model - selected quantities - load() basic import function for data files - read_h5() utility import function for **h5** data files """ def __init__(self, FS, MP, import_freq=None, field_selection='all', self_mode=False, fs_type='None'): """ Initalize instance for importing existing model solutions. Required arguments ------------------ - FS, type class FunctionSpaces instance - MP, type class ModelParameters instance - load, type bool or int specify if data should be imported or not by choosing a boolean value, if an integer is specified, the result to the corresponding transmitter number is imported Keyword arguments ----------------- - field_selection = 'all', type str flag controling which quantities are tried to be imported, possible choices are a combination of **E_t**, **E_s**, **H_t**, **H_s**, **A_t** or **A_s** appended in one continuous string - self_mode = False, type bool choose between distributed or non-distributed import - fs_type = None, type str data can be stored either on Nedelec or Lagrange VectorFunctionSpaces, specify either by 'ned' or 'cg', which data (on which function space) should be imported """ self.FS = FS self.MP = MP self.self_mode = self_mode self.fs_type = fs_type self.import_freq = import_freq self.full_name = MP.out_dir + '/' + MP.mod_name config_file = (self.MP.r_dir + '/' + self.MP.approach + '/' + self.MP.mesh_name + '/' + self.MP.mod_name + '_config.json') with open(config_file, 'r') as cfile: parameters = json.load(cfile) self.MP.n_freqs = parameters['n_freqs'] self.MP.n_tx = parameters['n_tx'] # no idea where this super strange bug comes from, but it works if # we inititalize the function spaces here as dummy dummy1 = df.Function(self.FS.V) dummy2 = df.Function(self.FS.V_cg) if field_selection == 'None': return elif field_selection == 'all': self.import_all_results(MP.file_format) else: self.import_selected_results( field_selection, MP.file_format)
[docs] def import_all_results(self, file_format): """ Load all existing quantities from already calculated solutions. Required arguments ------------------ - file_format, type str either 'h5' or 'xml', set within model paramers in **MOD** instance """ lp(self.MP.logger, 20, '... importing results from "' + self.full_name + '" ...', pre_dash=False) if self.MP.n_freqs != 1: if self.import_freq is None: r_str = 'real' i_str = 'imag' else: r_str = 'f{:d}'.format(self.import_freq) + '_real' i_str = 'f{:d}'.format(self.import_freq) + '_imag' else: r_str = 'real' i_str = 'imag' if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'ned' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.E_t_r = self.load('E_t', file_format, 2, ri=r_str) self.E_t_i = self.load('E_t', file_format, 2, ri=i_str) self.E_s_r = self.load('E_s', file_format, 2, ri=r_str) self.E_s_i = self.load('E_s', file_format, 2, ri=i_str) self.H_t_r = self.load('H_t', file_format, 2, ri=r_str) self.H_t_i = self.load('H_t', file_format, 2, ri=i_str) self.H_s_r = self.load('H_s', file_format, 2, ri=r_str) self.H_s_i = self.load('H_s', file_format, 2, ri=i_str) self.A_t_r = self.load('A_t', file_format, 2, ri=r_str) self.A_t_i = self.load('A_t', file_format, 2, ri=i_str) self.A_s_r = self.load('A_s', file_format, 2, ri=r_str) self.A_s_i = self.load('A_s', file_format, 2, ri=i_str) if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'cg' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.E_t_r_cg = self.load('E_t_cg', file_format, 1, ri=r_str) self.E_t_i_cg = self.load('E_t_cg', file_format, 1, ri=i_str) self.E_s_r_cg = self.load('E_s_cg', file_format, 1, ri=r_str) self.E_s_i_cg = self.load('E_s_cg', file_format, 1, ri=i_str) self.H_t_r_cg = self.load('H_t_cg', file_format, 1, ri=r_str) self.H_t_i_cg = self.load('H_t_cg', file_format, 1, ri=i_str) self.H_s_r_cg = sel,f.load('H_s_cg', file_format, 1, ri=r_str) self.H_s_i_cg = self.load('H_s_cg', file_format, 1, ri=i_str) self.A_t_r_cg = self.load('A_t_cg', file_format, 1, ri=r_str) self.A_t_i_cg = self.load('A_t_cg', file_format, 1, ri=i_str) self.A_s_r_cg = self.load('A_s_cg', file_format, 1, ri=r_str) self.A_s_i_cg = self.load('A_s_cg', file_format, 1, ri=i_str)
[docs] def import_selected_results(self, selection, file_format): """ Load selected quantities from already calculated solutions. Required arguments: ------------------- - selection, type str string that must contain a combination of **E_t**, **E_s**, **H_t**, **H_s**, **A_t** or **A_s** added to a continuous string - file_format, type str either 'h5' or 'xml', set within model paramers in **MOD** instance """ if not self.MP.self_mode: lp(self.MP.logger, 20, '... importing ' + str(selection) + ' from model "' + self.MP.mod_name + '" ...', pre_dash=False) else: lp(self.MP.logger, 20, '... importing ' + str(selection) + ' from model "' + self.MP.mod_name + '" ...', pre_dash=False, barrier=False, root_only=False) if self.import_freq is None: r_str = 'real' i_str = 'imag' else: r_str = 'f{:d}'.format(self.import_freq) + '_real' i_str = 'f{:d}'.format(self.import_freq) + '_imag' if 'E_dc' in selection: if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'ned' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.E_dc = self.load('E_dc', file_format, 2) if 'B_static' in selection: if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'cg' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.B_static = self.load('B_static', file_format, 1) if 'E_t' in selection: if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'ned' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.E_t_r = self.load('E_t', file_format, 2, ri=r_str) self.E_t_i = self.load('E_t', file_format, 2, ri=i_str) if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'cg' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.E_t_r_cg = self.load('E_t_cg', file_format, 1, ri=r_str) self.E_t_i_cg = self.load('E_t_cg', file_format, 1, ri=i_str) if 'E_s' in selection: if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'ned' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.E_s_r = self.load('E_s', file_format, 2, ri=r_str) self.E_s_i = self.load('E_s', file_format, 2, ri=i_str) if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'cg' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.E_s_r_cg = self.load('E_s_cg', file_format, 1, ri=r_str) self.E_s_i_cg = self.load('E_s_cg', file_format, 1, ri=i_str) if 'H_t' in selection: if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'ned' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.H_t_r = self.load('H_t', file_format, 2, ri=r_str) self.H_t_i = self.load('H_t', file_format, 2, ri=i_str) if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'cg' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.H_t_r_cg = self.load('H_t_cg', file_format, 1, ri=r_str) self.H_t_i_cg = self.load('H_t_cg', file_format, 1, ri=i_str) if 'H_s' in selection: if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'ned' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.H_s_r = self.load('H_s', file_format, 2, ri=r_str) self.H_s_i = self.load('H_s', file_format, 2, ri=i_str) if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'cg' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.H_s_r_cg = self.load('H_s_cg', file_format, 1, ri=r_str) self.H_s_i_cg = self.load('H_s_cg', file_format, 1, ri=i_str) if 'A_t' in selection: if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'ned' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.A_t_r = self.load('A_t', file_format, 2, ri=r_str) self.A_t_i = self.load('A_t', file_format, 2, ri=i_str) if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'cg' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.A_t_r_cg = self.load('A_t_cg', file_format, 1, ri=r_str) self.A_t_i_cg = self.load('A_t_cg', file_format, 1, ri=i_str) if 'A_s' in selection: if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'ned' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.A_s_r = self.load('A_s', file_format, 2, ri=r_str) self.A_s_i = self.load('A_s', file_format, 2, ri=i_str) if self.fs_type == 'None' or 'cg' in self.fs_type.lower(): self.A_s_r_cg = self.load('A_s_cg', file_format, 1, ri=r_str) self.A_s_i_cg = self.load('A_s_cg', file_format, 1, ri=i_str)
[docs] def load(self, quantity, file_format, switch, ri='data'): """ Import data in either *xml* or *h5* format. Required arguments ------------------ - quantitiy, type str quantitiy, e.g., **E_t_real_cg**, which should be imported - file_format, type str either 'h5' or 'xml', set within model paramers in **MOD** instance - switch, type int internally used switch, either 1 to use Lagrange VectorFunctionSpace or 2 for Nedelec space Keyword arguments ----------------- -ri = 'data', type str specify a function to be imported from the HDF5 data container, if it contains multiple results; used internally to distinguish between *real* and *imag* fields """ if self.import_freq is None: return([]) if file_format == 'h5': if os.path.isfile(self.full_name + '_' + quantity + '.h5'): return(self.read_h5(self.full_name + '_' + quantity + '.h5', switch, ri)) else: if not self.MP.self_mode: lp(self.MP.logger, 30, 'Warning, model "' + self.full_name + '_' + quantity + '.h5" could not be found! Continuing ...', pre_dash=False) else: lp(self.MP.logger, 30, 'Warning, model "' + self.full_name + '_' + quantity + '.h5" could not be found! Continuing ...', pre_dash=False, barrier=False, root_only=False) elif file_format == 'xml': tmp_full_name = self.full_name tmp_full_name += '_f_{:d}'.format(self.import_freq) target_f = [] for ti in range(self.MP.n_tx): if self.MP.n_tx != 1: full_name = tmp_full_name + '_tx_{:d}'.format(ti) if os.path.isfile(full_name + '_' + quantity + '_' + ri[-4:] + '.xml') or \ os.path.isfile(full_name + '_' + quantity + '_' + ri[-4:] + '_cg.xml'): if switch == 1: target_f.append( df.Function(self.FS.V_cg, full_name + '_' + quantity + '_' + ri[-4:] + '_cg.xml')) if switch == 2: target_f.append( df.Function(self.FS.V, full_name + '_' + quantity + '_' + ri[-4:] + '.xml')) else: lp(self.MP.logger, 30, 'Warning, model "' + full_name + '_' + quantity + '.xml' + '_..." could not be found. Continuing ...') return(target_f)
[docs] def read_h5(self, f_name, switch, ri): """ Read data files in 'h5' format. Required arguments ------------------ - fname, type str file name to import from, containing also the export path - switch, type int internally used switch, either 1 to use Lagrange VectorFunctionSpace or 2 for Nedelec space -ri = 'data', type str specify a function to be imported from the HDF5 data container, if it contains multiple results; used internally to distinguish between *real* and *imag* fields """ # crashes since 0.99.92 if no dummy function spaces are intialized # in the init, don't know where this bug comes from, super strange if switch == 1: target_f = [df.Function(self.FS.V_cg) for t in range(self.MP.n_tx)] elif switch == 2: target_f = [df.Function(self.FS.V) for t in range(self.MP.n_tx)] if self.self_mode: f = df.HDF5File(self.MP.mpi_cs, f_name, "r") else: f = df.HDF5File(self.MP.mpi_cw, f_name, "r") for ti in range(self.MP.n_tx):[ti], ri + "/vector_%d" % ti) f.close() return(target_f)