Source code for custEM.core.model_base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: Rochlitz.R

import pygimli as pg

import dolfin as df
import os
import custEM as ce
from custEM.misc import logger_print as lp
from custEM.misc import export_config_file
from custEM.misc import export_resource_file
from custEM.misc import check_approach_and_file_format
from custEM.misc import get_logger
from custEM.misc import max_mem
import numpy as np
import sys
import time
import logging

[docs] class MOD: """ Main class for 3D CSEM modeling using FEniCS. After an instance of this mainclass is created, all modeling steps are conducted within this environement. Instances within the mainclass 'MOD' are: - FS: :class:`custEM.fem.fem_base.FunctionSpaces` - FS.PF: :class:`custEM.fem.primary_fields.PrimaryField` - FS.DOM: :class:`custEM.fem.fem_base.Domains` - MP: :class:`custEM.fem.fem_base.ModelParameters` - Solver: :class:`custEM.core.solvers.Solver` - FE - depending on the time- or frequency-domain modeling approach: * :class:`custEM.fem.fem_utils.ApproachBaseTD` * :class:`custEM.fem.time_domain_approaches.ImplicitEuler` * :class:`custEM.fem.time_domain_approaches.FourierTransformBased.` * :class:`custEM.fem.time_domain_approaches.RationalArnoldi` * :class:`custEM.fem.fem_utils.ApproachBaseFD` * :class:`custEM.fem.frequency_domain_approaches.E_vector` * :class:`custEM.fem.frequency_domain_approaches.H_vector` * :class:`custEM.fem.frequency_domain_approaches.A_V_nodal` * :class:`custEM.fem.frequency_domain_approaches.A_V_mixed` * :class:`custEM.fem.frequency_domain_approaches.F_U_mixed` * :class:`custEM.fem.fem_utils.DC` - IB - depending on time- or frequency-domain modeling: * :class:`` * :class:`` - PP - depending on post-processing or pre-processing: * :class:`custEM.core.post_proc.PostProcessing` * :class:`custEM.core.pre_proc.PreProcessing` Methods ------- - solve_main_problem() function to solve the weak formulation of the main system, defined in the **FE** instance; note that iterative solvers are theoretically considered but not working properly yet - init_third_party_parameters() adjust a few dolfin and numpy parameters; so far, no need for customization - init_default_MOD_parameters() initialize default parameters which can be overwritten by specifying keyword arguments when calling the **MOD** instance - init_instances() initialize all required 'sub'-classes of the **MOD** class - handle_exception() overwrite excepthook from sys module for customized logger """ def __init__(self, mod_name, mesh_name, approach, debug_level=20, fenics_debug_level=50, mute=False, **main_kwargs): """ Initializes Mesh, Functionspaces, ModelParameters, FE kernel, Solvers, Interpolation base, Post- or Pre-Processing kernel. Note that the *fenics_debug_level* influences only the debugging level of FEniCS. In custEM, most prints can be suppressed with the *mute* argument, but different log levels were not implemented yet (planned in future versions). Required arguments ------------------ - mod_name, type str name of the model - mesh_name, type str name of input mesh without suffix - approach, type str * either **E_t**, **H_t**, **Am_t**, **An_t** or **E_s**, **H_s**, **Am_s**, **Fm_s**, **An_s** for frequency-domain modeling; Note: **H_t** and **An_t** are theoretically considered but not working yet * either **E_IE**, **E_FT**, or **E_RA** for time-domain modeling * **DC** for direct current field simulations * **MT** for magentotelluric modeling (in development) Keyword arguments ----------------- - debug_level = 20 = "INFO", type int or str specify level of custEM debug logger, levels refer to the ones of the standard Python library *logging*: 10 or "DEBUG", diagnose problems, show detailed information 20 or "INFO", confirm that things are working as expected 30 or "WARNING", indicate if anyhing unexpected happens 40 or "ERROR", show serious problems 50 or "CRITICAL", show serious errors which force to quit - fenics_debug_level = 50, type int specified log level in FEniCS, default is *50* to keep FEniCS as quiet as possible and return only critical errors. - mute = False, type bool set **True**, if unimportant prints should be muted - p = 1, type int polynomial order, alternatively change to order **2** (or **3**) - r_dir = 'results', type str results directory, can be changed here or as general default variable **your_out_dir** in the file *misc/paths.dat* - m_dir = 'meshes', type str mesh directory, same possibilites as for *r_dir* - para_dir = m_dir + '/para', type str directory of mesh parameter files - out_dir = r_dir + '/' + approach, type str redefine to **your_output_directory** for custom output directory - profiler = True, type bool automatically write logger information, model configuration and resource demands to file - load_exisiting = False, type bool set **True** to load results form an existing model, readable data are stored in the "PP" (preprocessing) instance - overwrite_results = False, type bool set **True** to overwrite results of a model with the same name on the same mesh - overwrite_mesh = False, type bool set **True** to allow automated conversion of a never version of a created mesh with the same name - serial_ordering = False, type bool use serial ordering of *METIS* instead parallel ordering of *SCOTCH*; leads to slight increase of solution time for *MUMPS* but significantly reduces chance of potential *MUMPS* crashes - field_selection = 'all', type str specify a number of selected quantities to speed up and avoid unnecessary imports. The string can contain "E_t", "E_s", "H_t", "H_s", (potentially "A_t" and "A_s") to specify the quantities - test_mode = False, type bool set **True** for test mode with a 6 * (20 x 20 x 20) cells UnitCubeMesh (dimensions of 20 x 20 x 20 km). If **True**, a specified **mesh** is always ignored - import_freq = None, type int integer specifiying which frequency id should be imported; if *None*, a preprocessing instance can be initialized in parallel without importing any fileds to speed up the intializtion process; if *n_freqs* for this model is 1, the value is irrelevant as there is only one frequency - file_format = 'h5', type str h5 for parallel I/O, alternatively change value to **'xml'** for dolfin-xml format - fs_type = 'None', type str set **Ned/ned** or **CG/cg** to restrict import of functions on either Nedelec or CG Funcionspaces (if they exist) - dg_interpolation = False, type bool set **True** if fields should be interpolation from Nedelec-Spaces on discontinuous Lagrange-VectorFunctionSpaces during post-processing/interpolation; use with caution!, this is usually not necessary - export domains = True, type bool set **False** to not export the mesn with domain information - mumps_debug = False, type bool set **True** to enable debugging of MUMPS solver by adjusting the MUMPS log level - reuse_fs = None, type bool reuse the function spaces of an existing model (with the same mesh), currently used for internal usage of the DC class to copy the dof information for calculating DC fields in time-domain problems; note that this flag was required since FEniCS does NOT distribute the same mesh identically in subsequent **MOD** calls - mesh_only = False, type bool set True to use the implemented routines for mesh and survey parameter import only without initializing further instances, mainly used as mesh-convert utility in the inv_utils - self_mode = False, type bool the complete simulation will be conducted in serial on the process intitializing **MOD**, used mainly for the serial interpolation for internal usage - ned_kind = '1st', type str used only for experiments, alternatives would be "2nd" or "div", do not change! - mpi_cw/mpi_cs, type MPI communicators MPI comm. attributes for internal usage, FEniCS version dependent - mpi_rank, type MPI communicators MPI rank of procs for internal usage, FEniCS version dependent """ self.mute = mute self.mod_name = mod_name self.mesh_name = mesh_name self.approach = approach self.init_default_model_parameters() # not the nicest implementation for initialization, but the logger # already requires the data directory structure to be able to write # the log file if 'r_dir' in main_kwargs: self.r_dir = main_kwargs['r_dir'] if 'm_dir' in main_kwargs: self.m_dir = main_kwargs['m_dir'] if 'profiler' in main_kwargs: self.profiler = main_kwargs['profiler'] self.out_dir = (self.r_dir + '/' + self.approach + '/' + self.mesh_name) ce.misc.make_directories(self.r_dir, self.m_dir, self.approach) if df.MPI.size(self.mpi_cw) > 1 and df.MPI.rank(self.mpi_cw) == 0: if not os.path.isdir(self.out_dir): os.makedirs(self.out_dir) else: if df.MPI.size(self.mpi_cw) == 1: if not os.path.isdir(self.out_dir): os.makedirs(self.out_dir) else: pass self.logger = get_logger(debug_level, self.profiler, self.out_dir + '/' + mod_name) sys.excepthook = self.handle_exception if self.load_existing: lp(self.logger, 20, 'Model class initialization:', pre_dash=False, barrier=False) else: lp(self.logger, 20, 'Model class initialization:', barrier=False) # support old syntax for a while if 'overwrite' in main_kwargs: lp(self.logger, 30, 'Warning! The use of overwrite is deprecated and will ' 'be disabled\nin future custEM versions.\nUse the' '*overwrite_results* and *overwrite_mesh* flags ' 'instead.\nContinuing with *overwrite* as alias for ' '*overwrite_results* ...', post_dash=True) self.__dict__['overwrite_results'] = \ main_kwargs.pop('overwrite') for key in main_kwargs: if key not in self.__dict__: lp(self.logger, 50, 'Error! Unknown keyword argument for MOD set', key) lp(self.logger, 50, "... let's stop " "before something unexpected happens ...") raise SystemExit if 'solvingapproach' in main_kwargs: self.solvingapproach = main_kwargs['solvingapproach'] if 'iterative' in main_kwargs: self.iterative = main_kwargs['iterative'] if self.iterative == False: self.solvingapproach=['direct','MUMPS','directl','H_direct'] elif self.iterative == True: self.solvingapproach=['iterative','PRESB','iterative','H_iterative'] else: lp(self.logger, 50, 'Error! Unknown keyword argument for MOD set', key) lp(self.logger, 50, "... let's stop " "before something unexpected happens ...") raise SystemExit self.__dict__.update(main_kwargs) if 'para_dir' not in main_kwargs: self.para_dir = self.m_dir + '/para' self.init_third_party_parameters(fenics_debug_level) if self.test_mode is not False: self.mod_name = 'TEST_MODE_' + self.mod_name lp(self.logger, 20, 'Notice: Prefix "TEST_MODE_" added to the ' 'given *mod_name*', self.mod_name) if not self.self_mode: logger = self.logger lp(self.logger, 20, '... initializing sub-module ' 'instances ...', pre_dash=False) else: # for nested serial interpolation logger = int(self.logger.level) if logger < 21: print('... initializing sub-module instances ...') ce.misc.check_if_model_exists(self.out_dir + '/' + self.mod_name, self.overwrite_results, self.load_existing, logger) self.init_instances()
[docs] def solve_main_problem(self, bc=None, sym=True, out_of_core=False, convert=True, method='fgmres', delete_factorization=True, auto_interpolate=False, calculation_frequencies=[], secondary_potential=False, inv_dir=None, interpolation_quantities=['E_t', 'H_t'], remote_station=None, **post_proc_kwargs): """ Assemble and solve linear systems of equations. Some arguments are piped to the **PostProcessingTD** or **PostProcessingFD** classes with the *post_proc_kwargs* dictionary during the post-processing phase, if automated postprocessing is enabled (*convert=True*). For the documentation of valid keyword arguments for the *PP.convert_results()* method, it is referred to the post-processing classes. Keyword arguments ----------------- - solver = 'MUMPS', type int use direct solver MUMPS, no alternatives so far - bc = None, type str default boundary conditions (BC) are implicit Neumann bc; alternatively, **'ZeroDirichlet'**, short **'ZD'**, can be choosen or inhomogeneous Dirichlet conditions **'ID'** in case of the frequency-domain *E-field* approach - sym = 1, 2 or True, type int or bool so far, all implemented systems of equations are symmetric, this parameter may be **False** in other FE formulations 1 stands for positive definite symmetric matrices. 2 stands for gerneral structurally symmetric matrices - out_of_core = False, type bool set **True** to enable *'out_of_core'* option of direct solver MUMPS if main memory is exceeded. WARNING! may be REALY slow - convert = True, type bool automatically converts solution function *U* to real and imarginary parts of electric and magnetic fields and saves 'xml' and 'pvd' files. If **False**, functions *convert_results()* and *export_all_results* in the postprocessing instance *PP* can be called manually with custom conversion and export parameters - delete_factorization = True, type bool if **False**, keep solver instance with factorization of main system for later usage; usually not required - calculation_frequencies = [], type list of int only compute results for frequencies specified in this list; useful to recompute reminaing results after a random MUMPS crash - auto_interpolate = False, type bool set **True** to automatically interpolate solutions in parallel after the solution and conversion phase has been finished for a frequency (useful in multi-frequency simulations) - interpolate_quantities = ['E_t', 'H_t'], type list of str list of quantities for parallel interpolation on the fly, choose from *'E_t'*, *'H_t'*, *'E_s'*, or *'H_s'* - method = tfqmr, type str if iterative solvers are considered in future, choose solver here - pc = ilu, type str if iterative solvers are considered in future, choose preconditioner here - secondary_potential = False, type bool set True to use secondary potential formulation for calculating DC fields, only relevant for **DC** approach, can also be specified before by build_var_form() call - post_proc_kwargs pipe post-processing keyword arugments to post-processing instance if automated conversion and export is enabled """ #if solver.lower() != 'mumps': # lp(self.logger, 50, # 'Error! For performance and implementation reasons, ' # 'only the direct solver MUMPS is supported so far. ' # 'Aborting ...') # raise SystemExit if self.solvingapproach[0]=='direct': solver='MUMPS' elif self.solvingapproach[0]=='iterative': if self.solvingapproach[1]=='PRESB': solver='PRESB' if self.solvingapproach[2]=='directly': inner='directly' elif self.solvingapproach[2]=='iterative': inner='iterative' else: lp(self.logger, 50, "Unknown flag. Abort simulation!") raise SystemExit elif self.solvingapproach[1]=='BD': solver='BD' if self.solvingapproach[2]=='directly': inner='directly' elif self.solvingapproach[2]=='iterative': inner='iterative' else: lp(self.logger, 50, "Unknown flag. Abort simulation!") raise SystemExit else: lp(self.logger, 50, "Unknown flag. Abort simulation!") raise SystemExit else: lp(self.logger, 50, "Unknown flag. Abort simulation!") raise SystemExit if bc is None: bc = self.FE.bc if self.MP.dc: self.FE.calc_dc_field(self.PP, self.profiler, secondary_potential=secondary_potential, delete_factorization=delete_factorization) if convert: lp(self.logger, 20, ' - automated post-processing and conversion ' 'enabled - ') self.PP.convert_results(**post_proc_kwargs) elif if self.profiler: export_config_file(self.PP) if self.approach == 'E_IE': self.FE.time_stepping() elif self.approach == 'E_RA': self.FE.rational_arnoldi() elif self.approach == 'E_FT': self.FE.calc_frequency_solutions(auto_interpolate, calculation_frequencies, **post_proc_kwargs) if convert: if self.approach in ['E_IE', 'E_RA']: t0 = time.time() self.PP.convert_results(**post_proc_kwargs) if self.approach in ['E_IE', 'E_RA']: self.FS.solution_time += (time.time() - t0) else: flag_mt=False if not delete_factorization: self.factorizations = [] for fi in range(self.MP.n_freqs): if fi == 0: if 'mt' in self.approach.lower(): Assembler = ce.fem.MTAssembler(self.FE, bc) Assembler.assemble(fi=fi) flag_mt=True elif '_t' in self.approach: Assembler = ce.fem.TotalFieldAssembler(self.FE, bc) Assembler.assemble(fi=fi) elif '_s' in self.approach: Assembler = ce.fem.SecondaryFieldAssembler(self.FE, bc) Assembler.assemble(fi=fi) # used to recompute if MUMPS crashed during H-field conversion if len(calculation_frequencies) > 0 and \ fi not in calculation_frequencies: continue if fi != 0: Assembler.assemble(fi=fi) if self.profiler: if not os.path.isfile(self.PP.export_dir + "_config.json"): export_config_file(self.PP) if fi == 0: lp(self.logger, 20, 'Solution of main FE system(s) of equations:') if len(calculation_frequencies) > 0: lp(self.logger, 30, ' - solving system(s) for ' + str(len(calculation_frequencies)) + ' frequencies - ', pre_dash=False) else: lp(self.logger, 30, ' - solving system(s) for ' + str(self.MP.n_freqs) + ' frequencies - ', pre_dash=False) else: lp(self.logger, 30, '... solving and post-processing for frequency number' ' --> ' + str(fi) + ' ...') if solver == 'MUMPS': if '_s' in self.approach and not self.FS.anom_flag: self.FS.U = [df.Function(self.FS.M) for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx)] # need to check this below, seems to make sense # print('hacked no anomaly solve') # self.Solver.solve_system_mumps( # Assembler.A, Assembler.b, # sym=sym, out_of_core=out_of_core) else: self.Solver.solve_system_mumps( Assembler.A, Assembler.b, sym=sym, out_of_core=out_of_core) if convert: if fi == 0: lp(self.logger, 20, ' - automated post-processing and conversion ' 'enabled - ', pre_dash=False) max_mem(logger=self.logger) self.PP.convert_results(fi=fi, **post_proc_kwargs) if auto_interpolate: self.IB.auto_interpolate_parallel( interpolation_quantities, fi=fi) if hasattr(self, 'INV'): if fi == 0: lp(self.PP.MP.logger, 20, 'Sensitivity Calculation (Jacobi Matrix):') self.INV.explicit_jacobian(self.Solver, fi, self.jacobian, inv_dir, remote_station) if delete_factorization: if hasattr(self.Solver, 'solver'): del self.Solver.solver else: self.factorizations.append(self.Solver.solver) elif solver == 'PRESB': if '_s' in self.approach and not self.FS.anom_flag: self.FS.U = [df.Function(self.FS.M) for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx)] # need to check this below, seems to make sense # print('hacked no anomaly solve') # self.Solver.solve_system_mumps( # Assembler.A, Assembler.b, # sym=sym, out_of_core=out_of_core) else: self.Solver.solve_system_iter_PRESB(Assembler.Asys, Assembler.Hh, Assembler.b, Assembler.Aoffdiag, Assembler.Adiag,inner, method, flag_mt) if convert: if fi == 0: lp(self.logger, 20, ' - automated post-processing and conversion ' 'enabled - ', pre_dash=False) max_mem(logger=self.logger) self.PP.convert_results(fi=fi, **post_proc_kwargs) if auto_interpolate: self.IB.auto_interpolate_parallel( interpolation_quantities, fi=fi) if hasattr(self, 'INV'): if fi == 0: lp(self.PP.MP.logger, 20, 'Sensitivity Calculation (Jacobi Matrix):') self.INV.explicit_jacobian(self.Solver, fi, self.jacobian, inv_dir, self.solvingapproach[0]) if delete_factorization: if hasattr(self.Solver, 'solver'): del self.Solver.solver else: self.factorizations.append(self.Solver.solver) elif solver == 'BD': if '_s' in self.approach and not self.FS.anom_flag: self.FS.U = [df.Function(self.FS.M) for ti in range(self.FE.n_tx)] # need to check this below, seems to make sense # print('hacked no anomaly solve') # self.Solver.solve_system_mumps( # Assembler.A, Assembler.b, # sym=sym, out_of_core=out_of_core) else: self.Solver.solve_system_iter_BD(Assembler.Asys, Assembler.Hh, Assembler.b, Assembler.Aoffdiag, Assembler.Adiag,inner, method, flag_mt) if convert: if fi == 0: lp(self.logger, 20, ' - automated post-processing and conversion ' 'enabled - ', pre_dash=False) max_mem(logger=self.logger) self.PP.convert_results(fi=fi, **post_proc_kwargs) if auto_interpolate: self.IB.auto_interpolate_parallel( interpolation_quantities, fi=fi) if hasattr(self, 'INV'): if fi == 0: lp(self.PP.MP.logger, 20, 'Sensitivity Calculation (Jacobi Matrix):') self.INV.explicit_jacobian(self.Solver, fi, self.jacobian, inv_dir, self.solvingapproach[0]) if delete_factorization: if hasattr(self.Solver, 'solver'): del self.Solver.solver else: self.factorizations.append(self.Solver.solver) # elif solver == 'default': # self.Solver.solve_system_default(Assembler.A, # Assembler.b) # elif solver == 'iter': # self.Solver.solve_system_iter(Assembler.A, Assembler.b, # method=method, pc=pc) # use warning log level to suppress unnecessary prints if # debugging level is not specified explicitly # make code silent for repeated frequency calculations if fi == 0 and self.MP.n_freqs != 1: if self.logger.level > 11 and self.logger.level < 30: self.logger.handlers[0].setLevel(30) # switch back to specified debug level of main model self.logger.handlers[0].setLevel(self.logger.level) if self.profiler: max_mem(logger=self.logger) export_resource_file(self.PP)
[docs] def init_third_party_parameters(self, fenics_debug_level): """ Set some dolfin and print parameters. Might contain more specifications with custom choices in future. Required arguments ------------------ - fenics_debug_level, type int specified log level in FEniCS, default is *50*, most levels refer to the ones of the standard Python library *logging*: 10 or "DEBUG", subdry 13 or "TRACE", what's happening (in detail) 16 or "PROGRESS", what's happening (broadly) 20 or "INFO", information of general interest 30 or "WARNING", things that may go boom later 40 or "ERROR", things that go boom 50 or "CRITICAL", ciritcal errors between go boom and beyond """ df.parameters['form_compiler']['optimize'] = True df.parameters['form_compiler']['cpp_optimize'] = True logging.getLogger('FFC').setLevel(fenics_debug_level) logging.getLogger('UFL').setLevel(fenics_debug_level) df.set_log_level(fenics_debug_level) df.parameters["allow_extrapolation"] = True # np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=5, # threshold=11) sys.stdout.flush()
[docs] def init_default_model_parameters(self): """ Initalizes default parameters of the **MOD** class which will be updated if keyword arguments are set when calling the MOD instance. The parameters are described in the **MOD** class documentation. """ self.r_dir, self.m_dir = ce.misc.read_paths( os.path.dirname(ce.__file__) + '/misc/paths.dat') self.mpi_cw = df.MPI.comm_world self.mpi_cs = df.MPI.comm_self self.mpi_rank = df.MPI.rank(self.mpi_cw) self.profiler = True self.test_mode = False self.file_format = None self.ned_kind = '1st' self.p = 1 self.overwrite_results = False self.overwrite_mesh = False self.load_existing = False self.field_selection = 'None' self.import_freq = None self.fs_type = 'None' self.mute = False self.self_mode = False self.para_dir = self.m_dir + '/para' self.export_domains = True self.dg_interpolation = False self.mumps_debug = False self.serial_ordering = False self.reuse_fs = None self.jacobian = None self.mesh_only = False self.iterative = False self.solvingapproach=['direct','MUMPS','directly','H_direct']
[docs] def init_instances(self): """ Initalizes instances within MOD (**FS, MP, PP, FE, Solver, IB**). For more information, we refer to the main documentation of the sub-modules. """ # don't know if this if statement is still required, but it works if 'DC' in self.approach.upper() and self.approach != 'DC': self.approch = 'DC' self.file_format, dc_flag, mt_flag, td_flag, fd_flag = \ check_approach_and_file_format( self.approach, self.file_format, os.path.dirname(ce.__file__) + '/misc/', self.logger) # initialize model parameters self.MP = ce.fem.ModelParameters(self.logger, [self.mod_name, self.mesh_name, self.approach, self.file_format, self.m_dir, self.r_dir, self.para_dir, self.out_dir, self.mute, self.mpi_cw, self.mpi_cs, self.mpi_rank, dc_flag, mt_flag, td_flag, fd_flag, self.mumps_debug, self.serial_ordering, self.self_mode], self.test_mode, self.solvingapproach[0]) # initialize function spaces self.FS = ce.fem.FunctionSpaces(self.MP, self.p, self.test_mode, self.self_mode, self.ned_kind, self.dg_interpolation, self.load_existing, self.reuse_fs, self.overwrite_mesh, self.mesh_only) if self.mesh_only: return if self.load_existing: self.PP = ce.core.PreProcessing( self.FS, self.MP, self.import_freq, field_selection=self.field_selection, self_mode=self.self_mode, fs_type=self.fs_type) else: # DC field FE modeling if dc_flag: self.FE = ce.fem.fem_utils.DC(self.FS, self.MP) self.Solver = ce.core.Solver(self.FS, self.FE, mumps_debug=self.mumps_debug) self.PP = ce.core.PostProcessingFD(self.FE, self.export_domains) # MT FE modeling with E-field approach elif mt_flag: self.FE = ce.fem.frequency_domain_approaches.E_vector( self.FS, self.MP) self.Solver = ce.core.Solver(self.FS, self.FE, mumps_debug=self.mumps_debug) self.PP = ce.core.PostProcessingFD(self.FE, self.export_domains, self.solvingapproach[3]) # Time domain FE approaches elif td_flag: td = ce.fem.time_domain_approaches if self.approach == 'E_IE': self.FE = td.ImplicitEuler(self.FS, self.MP) self.time_stepping = self.FE.time_stepping elif self.approach == 'E_RA': self.FE = td.RationalArnoldi(self.FS, self.MP) elif self.approach == 'E_FT': self.FE = td.FourierTransformBased(self.FS, self.MP) self.PP = ce.core.PostProcessingTD(self.FE, self.export_domains) # Frequency domain FE approaches elif fd_flag: fd = ce.fem.frequency_domain_approaches if 'E' in self.approach: self.FE = fd.E_vector(self.FS, self.MP) elif 'H' in self.approach: self.FE = fd.H_vector(self.FS, self.MP) elif 'Am' in self.approach: self.FE = fd.A_V_mixed(self.FS, self.MP) elif 'An' in self.approach: self.FE = fd.A_V_nodal(self.FS, self.MP) elif'Fm' in self.approach: self.FE = fd.F_U_mixed(self.FS, self.MP) elif'Fn' in self.approach: # dummy, not implemented yet self.FE = fd.F_U_nodal(self.FS, self.MP) self.Solver = ce.core.Solver( self.FS, self.FE, mumps_debug=self.mumps_debug, serial_ordering=self.serial_ordering) self.PP = ce.core.PostProcessingFD(self.FE, self.export_domains, self.solvingapproach[3]) # Initalize interpolation instances if td_flag: self.IB = self.PP, self.dg_interpolation, self.self_mode) else: self.IB = self.PP, self.dg_interpolation, self.self_mode, self.fs_type) if self.jacobian is not None: self.INV = ce.inv.InversionBase(self.PP, self.IB)
[docs] def handle_exception(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): """ Overwrite *excepthook* from *sys* module to enable raising uncaught exceptions by the customized *self.logger* from the *logging* module and write them to the "*mod_name* + _debug.log" file for debugging. Required arguments ------------------ - see description of Python exceptions and corresponding traceback """ if issubclass(exc_type, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) return self.logger.critical("Uncaught exception", exc_info=( exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback))